View Full Version : I have a problem!!! Someone help please!!!!

03-30-2004, 03:24 PM
I was in lit class messing with the key fob to my teachers 850GLT Volvo. Well, since I was the last one to touch it, it's my fault that the back that holds in the battery came off.

3 volvo dealerships and a Mercury dealership (the cap is the same size as the one to my dad's villager) and Circuit City and Radio Shack told me I'll need to buy a new key fob


I've seen this piece all over the place, and suddenly no one has it!

Where in the world (or at least around here) can I find one?

The Radio Shack geek suguested something "creative" to fix it.

This sucks so bad....I don't have $115-$130 to replace this piece of crap to a 97 volvo.:bigcry:

03-30-2004, 03:43 PM
Dare I say it? What about eBay?
It's bound to be cheaper than the dealer
Of course there's the time factor in getting hold of it.

03-30-2004, 03:47 PM
Yeah, see...I need it by tomorrow at 1230:uzi: :banana2:

03-30-2004, 04:09 PM
Take a few days off from school:)

Come back and ask "what's new?"

03-30-2004, 04:11 PM
Well after tomorrow we don't have class again till the second tuesday:baaa:

03-30-2004, 04:38 PM
So it wasn't just you playing with the teacher's fob? Seems you have some buddies need to step up and help you out huh.

Check eBay. replacements show up at a pretty good price fairly regularly.

03-30-2004, 04:46 PM
offer to pay extra for faster shipping

03-30-2004, 04:59 PM
Just Lie like a Republican! :up:

03-30-2004, 05:14 PM
Just Lie like a Republican! :up:

I did not have $exual relations with that woman...Yep that sounds republican to me :up:

James, why were you messing with the teachers keys? Enquiring minds want to know.

03-30-2004, 05:20 PM
I was in lit class messing with the key fob to my teachers 850GLT Volvo. Well, since I was the last one to touch it, it's my fault that the back that holds in the battery came off.

3 volvo dealerships and a Mercury dealership (the cap is the same size as the one to my dad's villager) and Circuit City and Radio Shack told me I'll need to buy a new key fob


I've seen this piece all over the place, and suddenly no one has it!

Where in the world (or at least around here) can I find one?

The Radio Shack geek suguested something "creative" to fix it.

This sucks so bad....I don't have $115-$130 to replace this piece of crap to a 97 volvo.:bigcry:

It was probly broke before you played with it, go buy a roll of Duct or Duc tape and tell him we are even. :rasta:

03-30-2004, 06:41 PM
Our class is small, 4 homeschooled students. We have class at this one kids house and his mom brings us coffee and cookies...mostly baked, but some are just dough for those of us who came up with the idea (me).

Well, we're sitting at the table and it was there...and I saw the cap. And I looked at my keys, and I wondered if the batteries were the same right? So I half unscrewed the cap before he took it back. I tried to tell him to not take it from me yet...and I tried to get it again and explain, but he was on one of his rants and ignored me. I just let it pass over because I didn't think I'd be shuffling out $$$ to get a damn key fob.

Duc(t/k) tape should go over really well with him...the picky :censor: he is.
He's a great teacher, just picky. Whatever get's me educated I guess...

Lie like a Republican? Well...that wasn't what I expected anyone to say to me. Besides, he called me and complained because he knows "I was the last one who had it in my hand" And all of them are Republicans so with that theory, they'd see right through it!:shot: He does recognize my :bs: quickly.

Why did I pick it up? Well it was there...and I wondered if the batteries fit...kind of like pens or rubber bands, I've GOT to have something to play with while I sit and listen in class.

Can you see what conflict this might have caused in my co-ed classes:D


03-30-2004, 06:50 PM
I retrack my advice, :stupid: you owe. :shot:

03-30-2004, 07:04 PM
It's good advice if I lie like a Republican:lol:

Ok, that's dead now...moving on!

03-30-2004, 07:11 PM
How about a new battery and krazy glue? cheap fix since it wasn't new anyway.

03-30-2004, 07:23 PM
Hmm, and I do what to get the crazy glue off? Oh, yeah, leave it on the sidewalk in the beautifully hot weather we're going to have. Hey, if worse comes to worse I'll ask.

03-30-2004, 07:31 PM
I'de beg for forgiveness, if that don't work, ask about a payment plan :D

03-30-2004, 07:45 PM
"Well, you've really did it this time Mr. Magoo..."

I have little to offer aside from sympathy.
The guy really needs to try look for the cover, after all, it fell off in his possesion. It's likely in the car or in his pocket, perhaps in the house. I'd buy sympathy time in the meanwhile and hope he finds it.

The only other option is a bone yard. An import lot may have a volvo that no longer required a FOB.

03-30-2004, 07:56 PM
Well, he made an effort to look, and I'll be covering where it may have fallen off tomorrow, the kids house/yard...small enough area.

But his idea is, that if I was the last one to mess with it, it's never fallen off, he shouldn't have to spend the money/time working this...it's my fault. WHICH IS understandable. But $100 give or take because I half unscrewed a 25 cent battery cap? PUHLEASE.

03-30-2004, 09:07 PM
James, why were you messing with the teachers keys? Enquiring minds want to know.
Closest thing to a swede he'll ever fiddle with?:lol:

03-30-2004, 09:22 PM
So..I haven't been on the board for a couple of days....lots of new threads....and THIS one, is one of the most interesting :help:

03-30-2004, 09:35 PM
Well, he made an effort to look, and I'll be covering where it may have fallen off tomorrow, the kids house/yard...small enough area.

But his idea is, that if I was the last one to mess with it, it's never fallen off, he shouldn't have to spend the money/time working this...it's my fault. WHICH IS understandable. But $100 give or take because I half unscrewed a 25 cent battery cap? PUHLEASE.
Welcome to the real world kid. Suck it up, and take responsibility for your actions. Maybe next time you'll keep your mits off other peoples stuff. Probably not what you want to hear, but put yourself in his shoes. Sure would be best to find a more affordable solution, but sometimes you don't get off easy. Hey, I speak from experience on both sides of the story. Be a man and take care of it.

03-30-2004, 10:47 PM
So..I haven't been on the board for a couple of days....lots of new threads....and THIS one, is one of the most interesting :help:
OK! See what happens when you miss class:)

We can not just sit and wait till you log on:)

Now go get a life:lol:

03-30-2004, 11:46 PM
So..I haven't been on the board for a couple of days....lots of new threads....and THIS one, is one of the most interesting :help:

what, you missed marty's new hemi?

03-31-2004, 12:21 AM
[QUOTE=teamrope]I did not have $exual relations with that woman...Yep that sounds republican to me :up: QUOTE]

Two wrongs do not make things right! :shake:

No disrespect, but are you in a COMA?

This is a matter of behavior (Clinton) versus survival (Bush II)! The two are simply not comparable.

I could care less who Clintion was sexing in the Oval Office.
I am more concerned about Bush's "Leave No Billionaire" and "Desert American Worker" policies, lack of law enforcement, and agenda.

I want a President who works for Americans, not Mexico, China, and India!

Bush is NOT a Republican in the tradition of Reagan; He is a greedy lying
SOB Neo-Con traitor masquerading behind the valor of our troops, policemen, and firefighters. He and his CEO bussies are selling us out as fast as they can
and deflecting this by focusing on behavior and lifestyle topics.

Clinton only supported NAFTA because he had to; Republican congress remember!

Free trade on finished products is one thing, but sending our jobs away is another thing entirely. Is America's great middle class, the holder of American values and dreams, going to be forced to adopt the street smart predatory ways of the urban poor and sociopaths in order to survive?

Ever seen the villiagers with their torches and pitchforks in an old Frankenstein movie? Could that be 2010? How many Unabomber-like sociopaths will spawn from the out of work former engineers and IT people?

Do you expect all the dispossessed former middle-class-people to just die?

Hopefully good honest leadership will rescue this country in time! :rock:

Soon the United States of Halliburton will hopefully become the USA once again and these thieving :censor: will all be arrested for economic treason. :rock:

Once our country is rescued from these foreign multinational traitor corporations and their bought and paid for politicians, we can then afford a return to a focus on the more traditional Republican values; those which existed before greed took over!

Nuff Said. :argue:

Best Regards,


03-31-2004, 01:27 AM
Come off it hitchhiker. Clinton only supported NAFTA because he had to? He supported it willingly and openly. He even wanted to see it expanded. He also opened up the way for the mess of trade we are now seeing with China. GW's big mistake was renewing "favoured trading nation" status for China after the aircraft incident.

03-31-2004, 06:47 AM
Hitchhiker...PMs please, this definitely didn't start as a political forum. You too RC, but thanks for not using big blue text.

Barry! I don't get it:depress:
TAF, I will not let this thread go down as the affair thread...:beer: That's a different story for another time:baaa:

Sactown! That's a great idea HOWEVER it's unacceptable. I know it's my fault, I told him I know it's my fault, I told him I'll be sure he doesn't have to deal with it. BUT I feel that there's got to be some way I can find that piece...I think all it'll take is some patience, it'll pop up soon, he hasn't gone many places since it disappeared. Can you see the irony of paying as much as $100 to get this thing even though the piece in question isn't the $100 piece? I know this cap can be found somewhere, it's produced to a million other different things. He said as long as I deal with it, he doesn't care...this thread is part of dealing with it.

No flames though man, I love all your other posts:up:

03-31-2004, 07:14 AM
Sactown! That's a great idea HOWEVER it's unacceptable. I know it's my fault, I told him I know it's my fault, I told him I'll be sure he doesn't have to deal with it. BUT I feel that there's got to be some way I can find that piece...I think all it'll take is some patience, it'll pop up soon, he hasn't gone many places since it disappeared. Can you see the irony of paying as much as $100 to get this thing even though the piece in question isn't the $100 piece? I know this cap can be found somewhere, it's produced to a million other different things. He said as long as I deal with it, he doesn't care...this thread is part of dealing with it.

No flames though man, I love all your other posts:up:
I hope you didn't think I was flaming you, just providing another perspective. I see the irony and it really sucks. I wish I could help you find this part for the $.50 it probably cost to make. Ultimately though, the owner of the fob is the one who needs to be satisfied with the fix, not the one doing the fixing. Beg for patience and look hard and long for the part at the price it should be. When the patience runs out, pony up the big bucks to make it right. Maybe some auto dismantler has a bucket of them laying under his counter. Worth a look.

03-31-2004, 07:20 AM
Maybe some auto dismantler has a bucket of them laying under his counter. Worth a look.That's what I'm looking for...thanks man...just hard to find one thus far. I figure someone has a drawer with just loads of crap in it.:depress:

03-31-2004, 07:42 AM
Well, being a teacher if I were in his position I would have done the exact same thing.

'Cept since I'm a band director if you had done it in my room it would probably have been far more expensive.

One of my standing rules is, "if you touch it and it breaks, you pay to fix/buy it." I don't have time to prove who did what, and the school does not have the budget to cover misuse. If no one owns up to it and several students could be at fault, they split the bill (though this has only happened once - usually the innocent will hunt down the guilty in this case)

It is generally ignored until the first bill goes out each year. That ends the problem.

Sure, they're tough rules, but without them I wouldn't have people taking care of stuff, and there's a lot of stuff to take care of.

There's a sign in my room (by the equipment storage) that reads "if it ain't yours, DON'T"

And before I get blasted - I only charge students when I'm pretty sure it was misuse and not simply wear on the equipment. Stuff does sometimes wear out.

I would say fixing it things is a first option in your case, but if it cannot be fixed then you are responsible for replacement. 12:30 the following day is a bit much - probably just because he was mad.

Put it in perspective. You see someone messing with your new stereo. Later you notice that the remote no longer works, and you know it worked before you were with this person. How would you feel?


03-31-2004, 01:10 PM
IT WAS IN HIS CAR!!!! Found it when we got to class...


I dearly appreciate everyone's help:banana2:

03-31-2004, 01:14 PM
What about the screw?

03-31-2004, 01:51 PM
Now that it's been found, what were you doing with the teachers remote anyway?

03-31-2004, 01:59 PM
I answered that RC:up: It was there, I wanted to see if the batteries were the same in his as in mine.

There was no screw it was an O shape piece that went over the battery, and then you twisted into place to lock...like the cap to a beer bottle:)

03-31-2004, 02:10 PM
so, your teacher hangs out with you?

03-31-2004, 02:41 PM
This was in class. Small class, 4 guys, he was sitting across from me at the time.

The other guy's mom brings out cookies and coffee for us...and we learn about literature...nothing could be finer!

03-31-2004, 03:57 PM
James, I think Greenville's where my brother just moved, I'll have ta check.

03-31-2004, 05:56 PM
No Marauder? Don't bother!:up:

Just kidding man...:shot:

03-31-2004, 06:10 PM
OK, what have we learned?

Don't touch a swedish part unless you have been invited to...and the swedish part has signed a disclamer form.:eek:

Glad that ordeal is over, now go get in some more trouble, we need the excitement.:up:

03-31-2004, 06:13 PM
OK, what have we learned?

Don't touch a swedish part unless you have been invited to...and the swedish part has signed a disclamer form.:eek:

Glad that ordeal is over, now go get in some more trouble, we need the excitement.:up:

Ya James...What he said :D

03-31-2004, 06:13 PM
I'll see what the guys and I can cook up:D