View Full Version : The Original "Hot Rod Lincoln".....TOO COOL!!

12-12-2013, 03:17 PM
Check out the Video here:


The original Song Here:


12-12-2013, 05:16 PM
Wow. The writer of the song actually built the car.

Still, I do not think the car is a 12 clyinder as mentioned in the song... nor did I see safety tubes, the tires looked better than fair...

Still.. cool!

12-13-2013, 01:48 PM
The Story from WiKi:
Ryan owned a real hot rod that was built from a 1948 12-cylinder Lincoln chassis shortened two feet and with a 1930 Ford Model A body fitted to it. Thus the song explains how in "Hot Rod Race" a kid in a Model A could have outrun late-model Ford and Mercury sedans. Ryan actually raced his hot rod against a Cadillac sedan driven by a friend in Lewiston, Idaho, driving up the Spiral Highway (former U.S. 95) to the top of Lewiston Hill. His song, however, keeps the same location as "Hot Rod Race", namely Grapevine Hill, which is an old-time local southern California nickname for the long, nearly straight grade up Grapevine Canyon to Tejon Pass, near the town of Gorman, California, between Los Angeles and Bakersfield.
The first release of "Hot Rod Lincoln", in 1955, was recorded by co-writer Ryan, recording as Charlie Ryan and The Livingston Brothers.[1] Ryan's 1959 version, on 4 Star, as Charlie Ryan and The Timberline Riders, is probably better known.
The 1960 version by Johnny Bond was a hit for Republic Records. Bond's Lincoln has eight cylinders ("and uses them all"), rather than the 12 cylinders pulling Ryan's Model A.
The 1972 release by Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen went to #9 on the Billboard charts and #7 in Canada. Cody's version opens with the spoken lines, "My Pappy said: Son, you're going to drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop drivin' that hot rod Lincoln." Cody's version also uses a slightly different guitar riff at the beginning, and adopts parts of Johnny Bond's version, including the reference to eight cylinders. Cody's version is largely true to the original with changes that most people don't notice. However, the first line "You've heard the story of the hot rod race when the Fords and the Lincolns were setting the pace ..." completely misses telling the listener that this song is the story of the kid and his Model A that outran the fellows in the late-model Ford and Mercury in the earlier song, Hot Rod Race.

The actual "hot rod Lincoln" was auctioned off at the 2013 Barrett Jackson Auto Auction.

12-15-2013, 08:55 AM
Thanks for that info!

I caught the 12 to 8 cylinder difference.

12-19-2013, 11:00 AM
I heard this last night. A follow up to Hot Rod Lincoln...
