View Full Version : What's your cold weather story? (Jan 2014)

01-07-2014, 07:01 AM
I know it's colder in a lot of places than where I'm at, but right now it's 1 below zero F (-1F), the coldest temp I've seen since I moved here. In fact, the power just went out for a minute or two and came back on about 20 minutes ago.

My heat pump could not keep up; thermostat read 62 when I went to bed last night (despite having it set at 66), and is reading 55 right now. The boards on my front deck were popping during the evening last night, sometimes sounding like shots fired from a gun.

Other than the short outage a little while ago, I didn't lose power and my pipes are not frozen. I had two blankets and a thick comforter on my bed last night and slept in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with my hood up.

Got a pot of coffee brewing and am thinking about making some muffins just so I can use the oven to produce a little warmth.

I lived in Mass for 4 years (2003-2007), so I have seen/lived in cold temps like this, but didn't have issues keeping the house warm like I am now. It will definitely be a long time before I forget about the cold snap of Jan 2014....

What's your story?

01-07-2014, 07:59 AM
Ahh the deck wood popping! I kept hearing popping noises from outside on/near our deck and I could not figure it out. This makes sense, but can't see anything with the accumulation of snow.

This morning was -11 F when I left home. It took a whole 12 minutes to get my car up to temp. It was awful! *sarcasm*. But really, this is the coldest I ever remember it being in Cleveland and the roads are deserted, although icy.

01-07-2014, 08:01 AM
9 degrees outside in north Jersey this morning, but, the house is very comfortable, thanks to a new central HVAC system we installed a few years ago.

We have forced air heat, and while it does warm up the house quickly, it will recycle on/off during the day. (We installed a second heating zone in the den, electric, just to use when needed.)

The house is not that large, (bi-level/raised ranch) so we heat up pretty quick.

The central humidifier we installed helps also. (I just have to remember to turn it off in the summer season.)

01-07-2014, 08:20 AM
Is so cold here I have to wear long pants today.

01-07-2014, 09:17 AM
Its 6 degrees with s fell like negative 17 wind chill. My story....
Yesterday I went pay my electric bill and a lady in a late 90s MGM needed a jump becuese she left her lights on. I had my 02 CVLXS with no cables. I ask the personal in side if they had any. We acquired a set and plunged them up yo our batteries. (I did, she sat in the car). Both our cars were covered with snow and I didn't plan on being outside for more the five minutes st a time so I didn't bring my gloves. I cleared the snow with my hands and after fifteen minutes of the set up, charge, and jump my hands were ice. No really. ICE. They eventually thawed out after a hslh hour. Guess that's the price you pay for believing that this country should be Americans helping Americans. And not the government.:D

On another note. If you travel to the north, you can can get your very own ICErauder spoiler.

So, head north and get yours today while supplies last.

Free easy payments of freezing you #$$ off.

01-07-2014, 10:30 AM
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/image30.jpg (javascript:;)
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/image32.jpg (javascript:;)
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/image31.jpg (javascript:;)

It was a tad bit cold here this morning in North Georgia. 6* When I woke up. The first pict is from Shorter College here and the pond is my backyard. I checked the pond once an hour from about 6-12 last night and it was cool to see it freezing over.

Below was taken at 12:30 today and 16*..
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/image34.jpg (javascript:;)
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/image33.jpg (javascript:;)

Mr. Man
01-07-2014, 11:35 AM
6* outside right now. Doggies just came in from a wee wee and they weren't interested in milling about outside at all like they usually do. It was -2* when I went to bed last night but I think it got much colder and I don't even want to guess at the wind chill as it was quite blustery.

Ms. D's door lock was and I think is still frozen this morning on the DD. She said it didn't unthaw on the way to work so I hope it's just something still frozen in the mechanism.

River across the street is still flowing merrily along so we have had colder temps before because it does freeze over if it stays cold long enough. Two days ago it was in the 40's.

My mom said Canada is having something called freeze quakes where the underground water freezes and the expanding earth pops and sounds like sonic booms.

01-07-2014, 11:53 AM
It is at 6* now in Lawrence Twp. as many of you know I am sidelined with a lung issue, anyway in this cold it not easy to breath with normal lungs, so I can only be outside with dogs for a very few minutes, the beagles buddies don't last much longer:)

I know some of our Midwest friends are well below zero so stay warm and be safe outside.

01-07-2014, 12:02 PM
In northern Illinois it was -18 yesterday and -40 with the wind chills. Yea I worked outside. Today it's warmer only -6 as I type and -25 with wind chills. Heat wave up in here!! I think my heater in the house I getting used up pretty good. It's on and off every 20-25 min. Poor thing I hope she keeps working though this.

01-07-2014, 12:03 PM
-25ºC (-13ºF) with a windchill of -34ºC (-29ºF) as of 12:55pm here.

01-07-2014, 12:45 PM
woke up to +3 at 8:00a--now it's a whopping 13; (sorry, all of you in Illinois, Ohio, etc.)
Fordfrk went out earlier to start cars--they all started; however, I stayed inside all day--looking at a nice sunny blue sky from inside:D

Blk Mamba
01-07-2014, 01:13 PM
Many years ago, on my birthday I was to make a few deliveries, and then be off the rest of the day, (my birthday 1/18 is normally the coldest day of the year) it was -25 with a wind chill of -40 the fuel line in the truck froze with a full load of groceries, and no lock for the door. I called in, and they said they would be right out, this is at 9:30, I sat in that truck till 6:00 waiting. I took the next day off with pay. That is not the worse I've seen it either, Des Monies Ia. wind chill of -55.

01-07-2014, 01:41 PM
Last night was coldest day here in over twenty years and I got to patrol in it! Lucky me. Cruiser said it was -11 degrees outside.

01-07-2014, 02:35 PM
Its 6 degrees with s fell like negative 17 wind chill. My story....
Yesterday I went pay my electric bill and a lady in a late 90s MGM needed a jump becuese she left her lights on. I had my 02 CVLXS with no cables. I ask the personal in side if they had any. We acquired a set and plunged them up yo our batteries. (I did, she sat in the car). Both our cars were covered with snow and I didn't plan on being outside for more the five minutes st a time so I didn't bring my gloves. I cleared the snow with my hands and after fifteen minutes of the set up, charge, and jump my hands were ice. No really. ICE. They eventually thawed out after a hslh hour. Guess that's the price you pay for believing that this country should be Americans helping Americans. And not the government.:D

On another note. If you travel to the north, you can can get your very own ICErauder spoiler.

So, head north and get yours today while supplies last.

Free easy payments of freezing you #$$ off.

I"ve got nothing to complaon about after readding these posts, but are you going to do the S55 treatment on the spoiler or is that the infamous white elephant...:P

Mr. Man
01-07-2014, 03:02 PM
Last night was coldest day here in over twenty years and I got to patrol in it! Lucky me. Cruiser said it was -11 degrees outside.
Bet no one got a ticket ;)

01-07-2014, 03:03 PM
It is at 6* now in Lawrence Twp. as many of you know I am sidelined with a lung issue, anyway in this cold it not easy to breath with normal lungs, so I can only pee outside with dogs for a very few minutes, the beagles buddies don't last much longer:).

Jeesus Jim .... I think I would just go inside at least until it warms up a bit. ;)

It was 6*F here this morning. No real problems. I've seen colder and I've been colder. Just don't like it much anymore. The cold seems to penetrate deeper and deeper each year regardless of what I am wearing. Now I am beginning to understand the flight of the "Snowbirds" to warmer climates. :)

01-07-2014, 03:48 PM
Well....we had a little problem with the Bird Bath.....next the Gulls were pickin' up "Shrimp-sickles" and couldn't eat 'em and finally there was a "Beaufort Snowdrift" behind one of my dock pilings!!:eek:

Why is this happening here....please explain!!??:(

01-07-2014, 04:49 PM
Cut the vacation short on South Padre TX on friday to beat the snow back to NE Indiana-ground clearance is too low on the SVT Focus to handle more than a few inches of snow. -14 during the day yesterday with 35 mph gusts, and hit -3 today during the day. Currently warmed up to +3! 14" of new snow Sunday with drifts up to the roof of the car.
My cousins were a day later getting back to Chicago-they spent 18+ hours in one spot on the highway in mid Illinois, 4 day trip back for them just getting in today.
The oldest boy and I took the polar bear plunge in the gulf this year at the mid fifties-no big deal after years of swimming in the Great Lakes. Think I'd rather be back down there now!

Bradley G
01-07-2014, 05:55 PM
My display said -17* when I left for work yesterday , 50 miles later -21* and holding steady most of the day.Today -12* and the heater in my vehicle blows cold when I come to a stop. I have been running all stops when no one is looking! Kidding!!!

01-07-2014, 06:25 PM
Superbowl will be held about six miles from where I live.

All kinds of plans are being made in case of a severe snow event. Even, according to the local newspaper, a possible one day rescheduling.

Could be real interesting.

Ms. Denmark
01-08-2014, 08:09 PM

01-09-2014, 07:15 AM
In between this past Monday night & Tuesday night when I was working making deliveries in Greenville,SC , Emporia,VA & Greensboro,NC , the temps were down to 6* with a wind chill of -13 when I was outside for 15-20 minute intervals. I was definitely prepared for it.

01-09-2014, 08:11 AM
-3 the other day and my belt snapped on my 96 F-150 in northern NJ (I live in Delaware) because the bearing on the water pump disintegrated and wobbled till it sliced the belt, couldn't mount a new one because I was on 95 and it was 11pm. I had just bought a dirt bike sitting in the back so I wasn't gonna leave it anywhere.

Basically it was cold enough and my battery was charged enough that I drove home with no belt 183 miles........ temp was sitting about 1 nanometer inside the gauge at the high side. I basically idled and tapped the gas all the way home, actually dropped temp closer to the L of normal than the red bar of death. No Accessories at all...including heat inside which I wasn't ready for....lesson learned!

Made it home, put water pump and belt on, charged the battery and everything fine :D God I love Fords lol

01-09-2014, 04:31 PM
its so cold here in the CHI I saw this guy outside.

01-09-2014, 05:53 PM
Its been snowing here but normal temps. Best part about being a stay at home dad. Staying home!! :)

01-09-2014, 06:22 PM
Eating dinner tonight, and the doorbell rings. It's the local town police.

They got a report from a neighbor that their basement was flooded from a water leak coming from under my deck.

I knew that was impossible, but we walked around the house just to be certain.

I figure one of my neighbors didn't shut off their outside water, the pipe froze, broke, and started leaking with today's thaw.

I don't know the end result, but when a cop knocks on your door, too many really bad possibilities run through your mind very quickly.

01-10-2014, 03:20 PM
Monday's HIGH was 28 degrees here and today it was 76 and partly cloudy so I had to take a little ride!!!:eek::beer::D