View Full Version : Well, if you wanted an interesting story, and I sure got in trouble!

04-01-2004, 02:45 PM
Well, I'm only here because my mom is taking a nap...and I'm suprised with how entirely pisssed off she is...

I was driving to a tap class this morning, going a little fast, I'm about 5 minutes late (or I thought I'd be if I didn't step on it). As I'm coming down a 4 lane highway I get the feeling to slow down...sure enough, my lights catch the stripe of reflective material going down the length of a County Patrol car hiding in some bushes. I slack off really quickly even though I'm only doing 5 over, and I pass him with caution, watching my mirrors. I start to go over a hill, and he dips out of sight. I start to step on the gas a little more and I look behind again, I can see his light rack coming over the hill. Suddenly I'm very nervous, and since the accelerator was half way in I figured "what the hell" and I jam it all the way in hoping I'll clear the next two hills before he sees me and by then I'll be gone.

I mis-judged how fast he was actually going before he cleared the hill, and by the time I cleared the first in front of me, he was only 30 feet back...burps and cheeries whalin' away. I'm not happy as one might gather. I put on my blinkers because I don't think it's quite safe to pull over, and I drive another quarter of a mile to a parking lot. I sit and wait.

He sits in his car for about 3 minutes...seems like an HOUR, and strolls up to my door, which is down. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" he says. "No officer I don't". I say. "License, registration, and proof of insurance please". I'm way too nervous to move, my hands are white-knuckled against the steering wheel. I tell him, "They're in the glove compartment and passenger-side door storage compartments respectively, should I get them or would you rather get them yourself?" I remember being told this in drivers ed, that some officers aren't comfortable with people reaching into something they can't see. He was one of these officers. "Son, I'm going to have you to step out of the vehicle and into mine while I retreive the papers." I'm thinking "Holy crap, I do NOT want to be there, I want to get the papers, but I might end up with a cap in my ass if I grab for them now!" I step out of the car and he walks me back to his blue and yellow cruiser, opens the front passenger door (suprise!?) and askes me to sit down. I remember a story my brother told me, and so far, everything from parking lot to where I am now, is exactly the same. I wait patiently as he goes to my passenger side door, already unlocked and get's the papers. Responds twice to his shoulder walkie talkie. He comes back to his car, and sits in. He compares the papers and my license plate number and my license which I laid down on his keyboard while he was in my car. He looks at me very sternly and askes me to go back to my car and not to start it. I go back, wait several hours again, and he strolls back up. "Are you sure you don't know why I pulled you over?" he inquires. "No sir, I'm sorry." I really want to say "Yeah, I was being a dumbasss!" But I've read a couple times that this is a bad idea. He says "Son, I clocked you at 73 mph in a 45 going over that hill, and I followed you because I had 3 reports of a light blue car similar to yours making close and unsafe maneuvers before you came by my post" Well, I'm completely screwed over is about what I'm thinking. "By the way, shouldn't you be in school?" He says. "I'm homeschooled, I was on my way to a tap dancing class" and then it hits me I DON'T HAVE MY TAP SHOES! CRAP!!! He looks around the car for a moment and says "So where are your dance shoes?" It was like he read my mind when the thought crossed it. "Um, actually, I forgot them officer, I just remembered this" Great! What a GREAT answer!!! He says "Son, I'm going to have to call your mother or father, are they at work?" Well, I immediately gave him my dads work number because I didn't want my mom to know. He strolls back to his car and makes the call. I see him in my mirror and he doesn't smile once. My dad is good with breaking ice...so I figure I'm in really big trouble with more than just the officer. Ok, I think...maybe I should make friendly with him. I wait not as long this time, and he comes back up. "Well, at least I know where you're supposed to be" he says. "Yes sir. Um...sir? Do you know an Officer Mike Rozzos?" A guy I know through my sister on the county force...just MAYBE he knows the cool man Mike. "Yes son I do, but that won't get you out of any trouble, now I've been asked to escort you back home by your father and leave this car here until he can pick it up. For your fortunate luck, I cannot do this, but I did however, call your mother, and she expects you home in the next 15 minutes. Yeah, I want to cry, I know my mom is going to slaughter me. "Yes officer I understand" He hands me a written ticket, 73 in a 45 and gives me a 5 minute lecture on what was wrong with my actions. I listen and nod and say 'yes sir' occasionally. He says be careful and tells me I can be on my way.

I'm now deaf from listening to my mother, and I'm on restrictions for 5 months, and cannot drive anywhere for enjoyment for 10 months.

That sentence might get lessed, but that might take a month or two. You know what lesson I've learned?

Radar Detectors are priceless, and don't speed where people can see you to b itch about it!:cry:

Paul T. Casey
04-01-2004, 02:57 PM
You aren't going to like this, but I'm with your Mom on this one. From what the officer says, it seems like perhaps you've been terrorising the neighborhood with the Panther. The important lesson here, IMHO, is that you are responsible for your actions and must bear the consequences for them. !0 months too harsh? Maybe, but as long as you are a minor in her and your fathers care, it's their choice. I'd try mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, etc. and see if that hurries the parole process.

04-01-2004, 02:57 PM
Well, James, that was quite a story. As you already know, the worst mistake you can make is trying to outrun the police. Whether it's just trying to sneak away in a hurry like you did, or an outright race from them (which I know you would never do), it's just plain bad judgment. You could have been arrested for fleeing, and that could have landed you some jail time.
However, once you were caught, you were smart to handle it like you did. Not reaching for the glove compartment without telling him about it is always a good idea. Keep your hands where he can see them, don't do anything unexpected, etc. Somebody taught you well about that.
Was this a dumb stunt? Yes, but you already know that.
Have we all pulled some dumb stunts in our time? I sure have.
Big question: Have you learned anything by this? I'll bet you have.
You're a good guy and we all love you. Now get in there and do your homework and give mom the keys!

04-01-2004, 03:18 PM
TAP DANCING ??????????? :baaa: :baaa: :baaa: :lol: :bounce: :shot:

04-01-2004, 03:21 PM
TAP DANCING ??????????? :baaa: :baaa: :baaa: :lol: :bounce: :shot:

Hey, it's probably a great way to meet chicks! :up:

04-01-2004, 03:22 PM
OK! So I am waiting for the APRIL FOOLS?

IF not take your lumps.

10 months, 40 weeks, 280 days.

You'll be fine:)

04-01-2004, 03:29 PM
TAP DANCING ??????????? :baaa: :baaa: :baaa: :lol: :bounce: :shot:

Tap Dancing! How Tweet!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fourth Horseman
04-01-2004, 03:31 PM
Radar Detectors are priceless, and don't speed where people can see you to b itch about it!:cry:

Dude, you so need a Marauder. You could have left that SOHC-sport'n trooper punk back in the weeds! Or at least if he did catch you, you could be all like: "Dude, you're not really going to make me sit in that piece of ***** you're driving, are you? It doesn't even have leather seats!"

No, I'm teasing. Take it in stride, dude. Everybody involved, the officer, your parents, are trying to make an impression on you. Take the punch and roll with it. If you keep your nose clean for a few months it'll all be forgotten.

Dr Caleb
04-01-2004, 03:39 PM
You know what lesson I've learned?

Radar Detectors are priceless, and don't speed where people can see you to ***** about it!:cry:

Listen to Ross, James. You learned the wrong lesson. Speeding has repercussions, and Panther vs Powerpole never turns out well.

Radar detectors are for people who speed, but still have the means to deal with the consequences. Monetary or otherwise. Radar detectors mean only 1 thing to parents: insurance rate increases.

And lay off the guy about tap dancing! I danced with the Royal Shumka (Ukranian) until my late teens (along with boxing and Go Jo Kai Karate). It is a great way to meet girls! If nothing elses, it's exercise!

Go hug your mom.

04-01-2004, 04:18 PM
Dude, you so need a Marauder. You could have left that SOHC-sport'n trooper punk back in the weeds!


Oh my, you sure did it this time Mr. Magoo....
Didn't I just say that the other day? Damn James!
I have done some foolish things when I was your age, just like your story...only difference, I did out run a trooper once. Never, ever do that again.
I have learned over the years, when you know you're busted, pull over and wait, cause the man is coming. And another thing, never call an LEO 'sir'. They work for a living...or so they say;) ...always refer to them as 'officer', or trooper.

Good luck with mom, and stay out of trouble.

04-01-2004, 04:22 PM
Been there and done that. I learned my lesson too............and then did it again and relearned my lesson. But now I have a MM and will probably do it again.

Good luck with the parole board.

04-01-2004, 04:51 PM
I'm sorry to say that you are in the same position most of us have been in in the past.

You do need to realize that none of us (except maybe a few leo's) can drive the way we'd really like.

Beyond the real risk of injury or death you would wind up losing your license and then it's (shudder) the bus.

50 Cal started a thread about this awhile ago.

I hope you get to keep your license and just remember it's hard for all of us to stay out of the pedal ALL of the time.

I was lucky when I was a kid. A county mountie gave me the speech one rainy night when I wasn't really booking that fast.

He was so mad I didn't know what he was talking about at first. It turns out he had seen me repeatedly blowing by him so fast that he had let me go, rather then risk a wreck. He was waiting to see me go by slow enough to grab me and talk some sense to me. Bloody bodies and life in a weelchair etc.

I think it helped some.

Take care time will pass.

04-01-2004, 05:29 PM
You should never speed or drive recklessly. You should also never ever try to elude a leo doing his job trying to keep the public thoroughfares safe.

Sorry to hear about your punishment and your ticket. The part of the story I find almost unbelievable is that the leo actually asked about your tap shoes. I don't think that there is an leo in Indiana that would think to check that but I could be wrong.

You should never speed or drive recklessly. You should also never ever try to elude a leo doing his job trying to keep the public thoroughfares safe.

That being said, buy a good radar detector, I think the Valentine is the best. My other advice is that if you're pretty sure you're only going 5 mph over don't slow down or act paranoid when you think you've been nailed. Most leos in my experience will let you pass and look for bigger fish to fry. Your youth works against you here because essentially you are easy money.

Again for the pc crowd:

You should never speed or drive recklessly. You should also never ever try to elude a leo doing his job trying to keep the public thoroughfares safe.

I cringe at what this experience is going to do to you or your folks insurance rates. Good luck and voluntary chores and stuff like making sure you help unload the groceries and keep your room clean will help.

1 last thought is this has an April Fools tale? Didn't you say you had a teacher whose key fob you broke in an earlier thread? How could you be homeschooled if you have a teacher?

04-01-2004, 06:07 PM
Hey, I appreciate your advice guy. The best advice I think is, that it's the best April Fools joke ever played on you all:uzi: :lol::up: :shot: :flamer: :D :baaa: :burnout: :P

HOWEVER! I AM homeschooled and I take some classes outside of the house, literature, writing, and government.

Besides, my tap classes are on Wednesday mornings. And yeah, great way to meet chicks.:up:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ya'll loose! But I've been being good all day so it wouldn't come true.
I would NEVER think to out run an LEO, but everything else about being curteous I would have done had I been pulled over.

04-01-2004, 06:15 PM
Stunned are we!?:baaa: :lol: :P

Maybe I shouldn't have let loose so early...Logan didn't get a chance to say something:depress:

04-01-2004, 06:30 PM
1 last thought is this has an April Fools tale? Didn't you say you had a teacher whose key fob you broke in an earlier thread? How could you be homeschooled if you have a teacher?
Rookie1 beat me to it - you're so smart!

04-01-2004, 06:31 PM
Wow, don't we feel stoopid!
By the way, how was your tap lesson? That we believe.

04-01-2004, 06:32 PM

04-01-2004, 06:33 PM
Rookie1 beat me to it - you're so smart!
No, he's not, I mentioned before that it's a homeschooled class outside of what I already take, even before this thread....

you both loose:up:

Tap lesson went well, BTW

04-01-2004, 06:37 PM
OK! James

I bagged you first!

Not nice to mess with the MARSHALL BIG DOG:)

04-01-2004, 06:38 PM
Nah...I half had ya BDJ:up:

04-01-2004, 07:50 PM
Hey, I appreciate your advice guy. The best advice I think is, that it's the best April Fools joke ever played on you all:uzi: :lol::up: :shot: :flamer: :D :baaa: :burnout: :P

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ya'll loose! But I've been being good all day so it wouldn't come true.
I would NEVER think to out run an LEO, but everything else about being curteous I would have done had I been pulled over.
Good work by Big Dog and Rookie1 on fleshing out this April Fool's scam.

The details in James story lead me to believe that he is not a novice at this "driver's license and registration" exercise. It had the tinge of accuracy that can only be provided by cold hard experience. The 10 month loss of driving privileges would seem a little harsh for a first episode -- so maybe James has really been there and done that -- or at least came pretty close. Of course, if that were the case, his folks should have restricted computer time as well ............

All said, it looks like Woaface/James pulled one over on alot of us with this April Fool's joke. And, I am really glad it was a fabrication ... James got some very good advice --without the reality of the grief.

Dr Caleb
04-01-2004, 08:05 PM

Good one James!

04-01-2004, 08:39 PM
Good work by Big Dog and Rookie1 on fleshing out this April Fool's scam.

The details in James story lead me to believe that he is not a novice at this "driver's license and registration" exercise. It had the tinge of accuracy that can only be provided by cold hard experience. The 10 month loss of driving privileges would seem a little harsh for a first episode -- so maybe James has really been there and done that -- or at least came pretty close. Of course, if that were the case, his folks should have restricted computer time as well ............

All said, it looks like Woaface/James pulled one over on alot of us with this April Fool's joke. And, I am really glad it was a fabrication ... James got some very good advice --without the reality of the grief.
Hey, no cold hard experience here...I'm just a genius at dealing the cards!
And Rookie 1 still didn't get it...I'm one of those schooled homeschoolers:baaa:
In reality, 10 months originally would not have been harsh, my parents would flip if they knew I did 10 or 15 over...but that would come down eventually.

04-01-2004, 08:58 PM
:lol: That was a good one James! I'm glad I waited till I read the whole thread to post :D

04-02-2004, 06:19 AM
:lol: That was a good one James! I'm glad I waited till I read the whole thread to post :D

you and me both. I was about to do a lot of typing when I told myself....maybe I should read the entire thread (2nd page) first. LOL :lol:

I was going to go on and on about how I got tickets when I was 16 and how I'v ebeen pulled over before by the DEA...etc....etc...

LOL ;)

04-02-2004, 08:13 AM
Hey man! You can still tell that story!

Fourth Horseman
04-02-2004, 02:32 PM
That's it, I'm calling the SC state police and having them be on the lookout for this kid.

04-02-2004, 02:59 PM
Yeah, sure, because they're on their toes :up:

6 of them (half of the night shift downtown) were fired recently for playing poker on the job instead of working!

04-02-2004, 03:25 PM
Good one James, but you missed me. Did not get to read it until this evening. LOL!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ladyhawke and I really enjoyed reading your TALL tail. :bows:

04-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Woaface, I think you learned a second lesson if you think about it.....

Lesson #2.... never mention Tap Dancing here again!!! :banana:

Fourth Horseman
04-02-2004, 07:51 PM
Woaface, I think you learned a second lesson if you think about it.....
Lesson #2.... never mention Tap Dancing here again!!! :banana:

Hehe, love the pic in the sig. "Blue Streak" busted me up. :lol:

04-02-2004, 08:23 PM
Woaface, I think you learned a second lesson if you think about it.....

Lesson #2.... never mention Tap Dancing here again!!! :banana:

What's wrong with Tap Dancing!! My niece takes Tap. James, do you need a dance partner?! :banana:

UAW 588
04-02-2004, 10:02 PM
Maybe you could tap dance while washing and detailing cars this summer. That might be a good way to draw business and maybe meet some chicks too. :lol: :puke: :shot: :help: :uzi:

04-03-2004, 11:27 AM
Hey, no cold hard experience here...I'm just a genius at dealing the cards!
And Rookie 1 still didn't get it...I'm one of those schooled homeschoolers:baaa:
In reality, 10 months originally would not have been harsh, my parents would flip if they knew I did 10 or 15 over...but that would come down eventually.
we need to show mom and pop some of the posts you have put on MM.NET i think they would fall out AND POSSABLE GET YOU A SCOOTER! how about the photo of the 100 plus mph shot of the speedo was that on jack stands or on the roadway LOL! glad for you it was not true wondered why the cop did not get you for eluding him and just a speeding ticket seemed strang? now i know why!

04-03-2004, 12:24 PM
Oh Wait,

Here let me apply a little more egg to my face..

Ok that's good.....

No maybe a little more...

Just a little more.

OK that's good.

04-03-2004, 05:20 PM
What's wrong with Tap Dancing!! My niece takes Tap. James, do you need a dance partner?! :banana:

Sure! :up:

04-03-2004, 05:22 PM
we need to show mom and pop some of the posts you have put on MM.NET i think they would fall out AND POSSABLE GET YOU A SCOOTER! how about the photo of the 100 plus mph shot of the speedo was that on jack stands or on the roadway LOL! glad for you it was not true wondered why the cop did not get you for eluding him and just a speeding ticket seemed strang? now i know why!
BillyG might have something in his arsenal to help you out there...and I'm not talking about his 4.56s :uzi:

Yeah, sure it was on Jack Stands!!! :D

04-04-2004, 10:56 AM
Hehe, love the pic in the sig. "Blue Streak" busted me up. :lol:

That was the part where the old yellow junk Torino got in their way. He was telling them "Move outta the way, we got guns and sheet!" :banana:

Fourth Horseman
04-04-2004, 09:15 PM
That was the part where the old yellow junk Torino got in their way. He was telling them "Move outta the way, we got guns and sheet!" :banana:

"Sometimes you gots to feed some speed to your ride."


04-05-2004, 01:48 AM
BillyG might have something in his arsenal to help you out there...and I'm not talking about his 4.56s :uzi: :D

........trouble maker :rolleyes:

04-05-2004, 01:51 PM
........trouble maker :rolleyes: OH BOY :nono: please don't get him started 50cc scooters only have one seat!

04-05-2004, 02:08 PM
:lol: I would never cause trouble!