View Full Version : Finally a good snow storm here

02-12-2014, 03:11 PM
Since I moved here (Asheville, NC) 2 years ago, we've had a couple storms that have dropped 2 or 3 inches, but the majority of the snowfalls we've had left just a dusting or were just flurries.

Its been snowing since ~9am, but only had gotten an inch or so until about an hour ago when it finally started dumping buckets! Looks like it is going to continue into the overnight hours. Forecast is for 5-8 inches total, but I wouldn't be surprised if its closer to 10 or maybe even a foot by tomorrow morning.

Went outside a little while ago and snapped a few pics....my first REAL winter storm....yaaay! :banana:

RF Overlord
02-12-2014, 03:14 PM
There is no such thing as a GOOD snow storm, unless you own a ski resort. I am mighty tired of the old, dirty, crappy snow that has been hanging around here for the last month...

02-12-2014, 03:16 PM
There is no such thing as a GOOD snow storm, unless you own a ski resort. I am mighty tired of the old, dirty, crappy snow that has been hanging around here for the last month...

I spent 4 years in MA during my AF career, so I totally get how you feel....

02-12-2014, 03:32 PM
We call that a "skiff" of snow here. Good for tracking deer.

02-12-2014, 03:56 PM
We call that a "skiff" of snow here. Good for tracking deer.

So that's what them prints are in my back yard.

02-12-2014, 04:21 PM
There is no such thing as a GOOD snow storm, unless you own a ski resort. I am mighty tired of the old, dirty, crappy snow that has been hanging around here for the last month...

Hey---When folks see where you live --they will realize that is just what you folks expect--cause you live there--and they don't--could be for that reason--maybe not--LOL-- But either way--you live in that environment
and get winter exposure--so locals really shouldn't really be complaining about what is normally an annual expectant--whether more or less--it is what it is-- each year----it's MA.--so to complain --I would expect you saying more of maybe ''its time for a move--a relocation, or that.."--probably

Since I moved here (Asheville, NC) 2 years ago, we've had a couple storms that have dropped 2 or 3 inches, but the majority of the snowfalls we've had left just a dusting or were just flurries.

Its been snowing since ~9am, but only had gotten an inch or so until about an hour ago when it finally started dumping buckets! Looks like it is going to continue into the overnight hours. Forecast is for 5-8 inches total, but I wouldn't be surprised if its closer to 10 or maybe even a foot by tomorrow morning.

Went outside a little while ago and snapped a few pics....my first REAL winter storm....yaaay! :banana:

I spent 4 years in MA during my AF career, so I totally get how you feel....

So....do you live on a dead end or other??? or just no one out on that road cause of the snow??? Great Pics!!

We call that a "skiff" of snow here. Good for tracking deer.

Exactly--great for doing that!!...and your a local for snow stuff--.....you like it.........

02-12-2014, 04:26 PM
There is no such thing as a GOOD snow storm, unless you own a ski resort. I am mighty tired of the old, dirty, crappy snow that has been hanging around here for the last month...

I though we had it bad here in RI. until I saw where you are! LOL

Talking mostly rain predicted here on the coast. Hopefully it'll melt off some of this ice. Snow or rain forecast at the Cape?

02-12-2014, 04:29 PM
8 to 12 inches expected here in this part of Virginia. Its supposed to be very wet, heavy snow. This will be the most from a single event in the past several years. I already plan on sitting it out tomorrow and let VDOT take care of the roads while I relax at home.

Not quite the 28 incher we got in New Jersey in 1980-81; but good enough for the DC area. Biggest one that I remember in Baltimore was about 20 inches in 1966.

Joe Walsh
02-12-2014, 04:36 PM
8 to 12 inches expected here in this part of Virginia. Its supposed to be very wet, heavy snow. This will be the most from a single event in the past several years. I already plan on sitting it out tomorrow and let VDOT take care of the roads while I relax at home.

Not quite the 28 incher we got in New Jersey in 1980-81;
but good enough for the DC area to shut down, clear all grocery store shelves and clog the roads with crashed idiots who were driving 65 MPH in SUVs.
Biggest one that I remember in Baltimore was about 20 inches in 1966.

There.....fixed it for ya Charlie!

02-12-2014, 04:37 PM
The only time Louisville got a 'real' snow storm was in 94 when it dumped 14in on us overnight...it was truely like the walking dead...

02-12-2014, 04:57 PM
So....do you live on a dead end or other??? or just no one out on that road cause of the snow??? Great Pics!!

The first two pics are the main road the I have to drive uphill to (and have to make a 180* turn whether I'm coming or going) in order to head into town...the one pic you can see a set of headlights. The last pic is the road that goes towards my place. Don't know if you can make it out, but there are a couple of traffic cones on the left; the asphalt has gotten rutted/ripped up pretty bad due to the colder and wetter than usual weather we've been having this winter. At the cones the road makes a 90 degree turn to the left and continues downhill some more. I won't be getting out of here anytime soon...maybe Friday.

Just took a peek out the front door...I'd say there's 4" on the ground now, and 3" of that has happened in just the past 2 hours. Radar shows snowfall rates of 1 to 1.5 inch/hr for at least the next 4 hours. I did notice the NWS upped their storm totals earlier this afternoon, before I created this thread (overlooked it somehow). This morning they were calling for 5-8", at 1pm they upped it to 8-10".

I've been out of the game for a while, but its starting to look like we'll end up with at least a foot. It's supposed to snow until noon tomorrow. When I was stationed here from 1998-2001, we had a big storm that dumped 15" in Feb 2001 and I experienced 'thundersnow' for the first time. I got two more 'thundersnow' experiences when I was in MA, the first time in Dec 2003 during a nor'easter that dumped 26" of snow on the base and 36" up at the solar observatory where I worked. I predicted we would get 20" on the base and 26" at the observatory and everyone thought I was crazy...

Edit: I attached a pic that I took at the same time as the others, but forgot to post it...
Edit #2: just took a pic looking out my front door...

02-12-2014, 05:05 PM
I hope it snows butt hole deep to a donkey here! :beer:

02-12-2014, 05:28 PM
I 've got 6-8 inches here and suppose to be some more on top of that after sleet before morning--we will see..,,,MM is under cover before all this at the moment ---and--Great Pics--Brrrrr

02-12-2014, 08:04 PM
Just went outside; opened my door and the bottom of it sc***** into the snow that has accumulated on the porch! Walked around a bit, brushed the snow off the sides of the HVAC unit, and shoveled some away from my front door. Easily have 9 or 10 inches now and it's still coming down pretty good. Can't wait to get out tomorrow and take some pics; hopefully I'll remember to grab my tape measure (meant to do that just now, but forgot...:shake:)

My son emailed me a pic of the snow where he and my daughter live...wish they were here with me so we could have some fun. They're probably going to be out of school until St. Patrick's day...lol.

Edit: sc***** = scra ped (good grief)

02-13-2014, 06:16 AM
We got about 10 inches overnight. Has changed over to sleet temporarily. Will continue throughout the day until midnight with another 3-5 inches expected.

Here's some pics of the damage so far.




02-13-2014, 07:42 AM
Well Charlie at least you got the cover on your marauder, or is that in the garage?

Here in NJ we are getting our 11 storm so far this year:) All I can so is watch other shovel, plow, & use the snow blower.

When you inside it sure is pretty looking out there. :lol:

02-13-2014, 08:12 AM
Well Charlie at least you got the cover on your marauder, or is that in the garage? :lol:

The MM is under the cover in the 1st and 3rd pics. The garage is half full of stuff from my parents house. Gotta go through those things one of these days. ;)

Average here is 9.6 inches so far using 6 measurements. Most was 11". Least was 8".

02-13-2014, 10:00 AM
Took some pics earlier this morning. Also took some measurements around my place....8.25, 8.5, 8.5, 9, 9.25, 9, 9.5, 10; these average out to 9" on the dot. Granted these are not completely accurate; couldn't get my tape measure all the way to the ground on some measurements, so probably need to add at least a half inch to all those numbers. Need to do what I used to do while I was an observer; we would have a 'snow board' that we would measure and clean off every 6 hours...definitely more accurate than sticking a ruler in the snow. Most reports in my area this morning have anywhere from 7 to 11 inches. Looks like we will get another inch or so before it ends this afternoon...

02-13-2014, 10:07 AM
Chicago has had 62"+ of snow this season. Lived here my whole life..and yes it still sucks every year.

02-13-2014, 12:39 PM
22 States hit by this currant storm :mad: Almost 10" here in my little part of the Great Garden State:)

Almost 500,000 with out power and I feel for them.

Al Gore where is this Warming of the Earth you speak of?

Please get Congress in session we need the hot air :lol:

02-21-2014, 01:20 PM
I'm starting a new group in support of Global Colding.....

02-22-2014, 09:14 AM
I'm from Lake Placid, NY originally and the Winter before I moved to CT, we were over 100" of snow behind schedule when I packed my bags in March. That's right. The amount of snow we were lacking, is more than many places get in a year. And to think I want to move back?

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

02-22-2014, 11:14 AM
Please make it stop.

Pic taken Tuesday, 2-18-14

02-22-2014, 12:47 PM
Please make it stop.

Pic taken Tuesday, 2-18-14

:eek: :wave: