View Full Version : Road Rage with A little Karma Here

03-28-2014, 09:58 AM
I saw this on the news this morning. Funny as Crap!


03-28-2014, 10:08 AM
Pure aersome sauce.

03-28-2014, 10:10 AM
Serves him right! I would personally would have aggitated him more by stopping and laughing..

03-28-2014, 10:15 AM
I will be watching this several times.

03-28-2014, 10:20 AM
Funny but what caused his agitation? Methinks there is probably more to the story. Why would a truck just tail gate for no reason

03-28-2014, 11:48 AM
Funny but what caused his agitation? Methinks there is probably more to the story. Why would a truck just tail gate for no reason

Going too slow in the 'fast' lane. It happens to me, i usually just move over out of respect,.

03-28-2014, 11:53 AM
I would have be the right thing to do for the vehicle with the video to just move over!
I see nothing funny in the video.

03-28-2014, 12:00 PM
No matter how fast you go, some jack azz wants ride your rear bumper! go 80mph they want to do a 100mph! bottom line is he got what he deserved!

03-28-2014, 12:02 PM
Going too slow in the 'fast' lane. It happens to me, i usually just move over out of respect,.

You're from Maryland. I never understood why all Maryland drivers stay in the left lane

03-28-2014, 12:10 PM
is saying this is ****g awesome wrong?? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-28-2014, 12:20 PM
I would have be the right thing to do for the vehicle with the video to just move over!
I see nothing funny in the video.


Is this one better Jim?

Comin' in Hot
03-28-2014, 12:21 PM
The woman should not have been going 60 in the left lane... even if it was 45 zone or whatever, bottom line you move over..... that being said, this jackass got exactly what he deserved LOL

03-28-2014, 12:35 PM
Both drivers acted like tards...the real win would've been if the truck hit the car when he wiped out. :shake:

03-28-2014, 01:26 PM

Is this one better Jim?

Another example of stupid driving. The guy on the left got real lucky he did not loose control when going through standing water.

PS: Still like the bb trick from years ago. :lol:

03-28-2014, 01:54 PM
If you are in the left lane and you are not passing traffic you need to be OUT of that lane.

Unfortunately it was someone that enjoyed pissing someone off, and they pissed off someone who insanely over-reacted.

Two stupid people. Imagine if that 7500lb truck when it was flying across into oncoming traffic it hit your car with your family on board. I don't think a single thing is funny about that video.

03-28-2014, 02:10 PM
The woman should not have been going 60 in the left lane... even if it was 45 zone or whatever, bottom line you move over..... that being said, this jackass got exactly what he deserved LOL

Amen! Where I come from you can only be in the passing lane for 500ft. Although that law isn't strictly enforced, it should be like that in every state.

03-28-2014, 02:11 PM
Going too slow in the 'fast' lane. It happens to me, i usually just move over out of respect,.

Both are wrong. She's an @$$hole and he's a jerk. Common courtesy on the road has been taken over by rude behavior. She knew exactly what she was doing and purposely blocked the left lane. Otherwise, there would have been no point in her videoing the incident. Why purposely piss people off instead of just moving over .... she had lots of opportunity to do so. Maybe she thought that she was making the roads safer by going slower and being a self-appointed lane enforcer. Unfortunately, she too stupid to realize that she only made the situation worse and less safe for everyone. Temper build up on the guy's part resulted in him tailgating and eventually spinning out after being forced to pass the biotch on the right. This episode could have ended very badly if the truck had flipped or crossed into the on-coming lanes resulting in injuries or fatalities.

You're from Maryland. I never understood why all Maryland drivers stay in the left lane

Maryland recently redesignated left lanes on all major highways as "Idiot Lanes" and there is a real rush to use them. This was necessary because it is widely known that Maryland has an extremely high percentage of idiots. :rolleyes:

But, the same thing happens in Virginia ... left lanes are no longer the fastest lane because it appears that they are now carrying 25-30% more traffic volume (everyone wants to be in the left lane) and are subject to the accordion slow-stop-go cycle. Personally, I think some folks like that left lane for cruising at 5 under because they are afraid of cars passing them on both the left and right sides. It gives them less things to think about ..... until the last minute when they cross 3 lanes to make an exit.

Cars with Florida plates are the worst. They get in the left lane outside Miami and travel all the way to Boston in the left lane at 50- MPH regardless of the speed limit. Many of those cars have had their "right" blinker flashing since the South Carolina border.

03-28-2014, 02:46 PM

Is this one better Jim?

Both drivre's are again in the wrong...but that was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to get over from the fast lane in cars came up behind me no matter what speed I was going. Till I stated noticing they would jump over into the fast lane, ride my arse, then when I got over they went in front on me crossed back over and got off the next on ramp...

03-28-2014, 03:01 PM
I dont see how she was wrong, shes driving, at a respectable speed, as she was passing other drivers that are in the right lane...hence why she's in the passing lane. The guy in the truck starts tailgating, gets an opportunity to pass her because he felt she wasn't passing the other cars fast enough then proceeds to try and cut her off and in turn, loses control. Drive like a richard, and you get whats coming to you.

Granddaddy Marq
03-28-2014, 04:14 PM
The German's Have a saying, "Drive Right." Stay to the Right accept to pass. It's as simple as that. Don't hold anybody up. You don't want to be held up.

03-28-2014, 05:38 PM
I dont see how she was wrong, shes driving, at a respectable speed, as she was passing other drivers that are in the right lane...hence why she's in the passing lane. The guy in the truck starts tailgating, gets an opportunity to pass her because he felt she wasn't passing the other cars fast enough then proceeds to try and cut her off and in turn, loses control. Drive like a richard, and you get whats coming to you.

lolol "Drive like a richard". ingenious.

I actually live not far from where this happened. Think the speed limit through there is around 50-55 depending on the section. She was in passing lane going speed limit (just a tad over when she points cam at speedo), wasn't fast enough for him, he starts tailing and being a turd, she probably antagonizes by reducing her speed and not getting over, he gets road rage and gets what he deserved. By the looks of the scenery passing by, it doesn't look like she kept her speed consistent the whole time, so she's not completely free from the "richard" analogy either ;). I live in FL. FL drivers are the absolute worst. I see stuff like this more than you'd like to know...

Bottom line and moral of this story: don't be a richard :D

03-28-2014, 06:38 PM
I thought that drivers licenses were only supposed to be given to adults.

03-28-2014, 06:43 PM
The German's Have a saying, "Drive Right." Stay to the Right accept to pass. It's as simple as that. Don't hold anybody up. You don't want to be held up.

Lane discipline on the Autobahn works very well in Germany and most other European countries for that matter. I drove over there for 6 years. Slower traffic stays right and you never run in the left lane unless you can hang with the Big Dogs. Failure to do so could leave you with Porsche, BMW, or Mercedes parts sitting in your back seat. Many places are marked with signs showing the minimum speeds for each lane.

One time, I was headed south from Munich running at 120 MPH with my '74 Dodge Charger in the center lane and was passed by "something" about 100 feet long, might have been black or dark blue, and sounded like an Formula 1 car when it went by. I saw one high beam flash, then another .... then he was gone. Pretty sure that he was around 180-190 MPH and hauling some serious @$$. Never did figure out what kind of car it was.

03-28-2014, 07:13 PM
Something black and 100ft long? Damn charlie, i never seen one that long in america, how did it feel?...

03-28-2014, 08:08 PM
She was in the wrong, period. She had NO right to be hogging the lane even if passing others. She had every intention of pissing him off via camera, her changing speeds, and I think her outrageous laugh proves this. I would have taken down her plate and resolved this at a later date.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

03-28-2014, 09:07 PM
They both suck and should jump off a cliff.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

03-28-2014, 09:48 PM
She didn't even sound old enough to have a drivers license. Neither one of them acted old enough either.

03-28-2014, 10:00 PM
I dont see how she was wrong, shes driving, at a respectable speed, as she was passing other drivers that are in the right lane...hence why she's in the passing lane. The guy in the truck starts tailgating, gets an opportunity to pass her because he felt she wasn't passing the other cars fast enough then proceeds to try and cut her off and in turn, loses control. Drive like a richard, and you get whats coming to you.

Agreed! Same thing I was thinking.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-29-2014, 03:01 AM
Bob, she had every right to be in that lane, if shes passing up cars, why wouldn't she be? The problem is that the guy lost his cool. just because someone isnt driving to his standards, gives him no right to act the way he did by tailgating, flipping her off, then trying to cut her off. If you read the movies description, the guy was actually cited or arrested for leaving the scene of an accident, police have seen the video, and if she was wrong, im sure the video would have been removed by now.

03-29-2014, 05:08 AM
I actually live not far from where this happened. Think the speed limit through there is around 50-55 depending on the section.

If this ^^^^^ is true, then she was "under" the speed limit and should have moved over when she had a chance. Pause the video on the speedometer shot and she is under 50 MPH (about 48 from what I saw). Karma will eventually catch up with her.

Something black and 100ft long? Damn charlie, i never seen one that long in america, how did it feel?...

Just saying that he went by so fast I couldn't even identify what it was.

03-29-2014, 07:28 AM
Bob, she had every right to be in that lane, if shes passing up cars, why wouldn't she be? The problem is that the guy lost his cool. just because someone isnt driving to his standards, gives him no right to act the way he did by tailgating, flipping her off, then trying to cut her off. If you read the movies description, the guy was actually cited or arrested for leaving the scene of an accident, police have seen the video, and if she was wrong, im sure the video would have been removed by now.

I don't care if someone comes up on you when your trucking 120, find a pocket and move the **** over. Easy concept. These were actual words right out of IL.'s crooked (who isn't) ex governor! Makes total sense to me.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

03-29-2014, 07:35 AM
True Bob. No matter your speed, if you are approached by a vehicle behind you in the left lane. One is supposed to move and let the person or persons pass.

Even if I'm doing 80mph in the left lane and someone approaches, I move and let them pass.

Plus, it is common courtesy.

Oh, and use your fooking turn signals too. I want to break people's hands and arms for not using them. Inconsiderate lazy degenerates.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

03-29-2014, 08:42 AM
Mebot, bob, and joe: im punching all of you in Louisville.

03-29-2014, 08:45 AM
I also heard in Germany that the drivers license costs about $4000. That would keep a large amount of these morons off of the roads.

03-29-2014, 09:08 AM
Plus, it is common courtesy.

Unfortunately, courtesy isn't very common anymore.

Whether she was a jerk or not, his rage caused his own accident, and he was the one arrested.

03-29-2014, 10:08 AM
Mebot, bob, and joe: im punching all of you in Louisville.

Haha watch out while you're trying to knock us all out, :eek:

Karma xxxx

03-29-2014, 10:15 AM
I've done thousands of miles during our move in the last 18 months. The most infuriating thing is a jackass hogging the hammer lane going either at or below the speed limit. Alleged "professional" drivers are some of the worst. We are also learning to tolerate the way they drive in our adopted state. I have driven all over the eastern seaboard and by a large margin the worst drivers are here in SC. Its useless to even try and deliniate all the bad habits. Suffice it to say that in my 1st month here I saw more boneheaded stunts than I saw in my previous 41 years of driving, that included 34 yrs as a LEO. I have learned to accept it rather than do as this guy did. Both were wrong. He lost his temper and wrecked his truck. Sooo, he lost... :rolleyes:

03-29-2014, 04:24 PM

The video that posted on you tube has over 5 million hits:)

It took place in Tampa, Fl. they interviewed the lady that took the video with her cell phone while driving:( State Police charged the pick-up driver with leaving the seen of accident and also gave hit a ticket for no seat belt!! That saw that the seat belt was not in use when he pulled next to the lady to flip her the bird:eek:

Police stated she did nothing wrong.

03-29-2014, 04:37 PM
Police stated she did nothing wrong.

Isn't driving while taking a video the same as like texting while driving?

03-29-2014, 05:07 PM
Police stated she did nothing wrong.

Being a rude, discourteous, and stupid @$$hole is not a chargeable traffic offense. All she had to do was move over and let him pass. She is NOT the heroine of this story. Now 5 Million people know what a jerkweed she is.

03-29-2014, 05:29 PM
Isn't driving while taking a video the same as like texting while driving?

Different states have different laws i guess. Just so everyone understands where im coming from, she legally did nothing wrong, morally shes a jerk.

Joe Walsh
03-29-2014, 05:34 PM
I also heard in Germany that the drivers license costs about $4000. That would keep a large amount of these morons off of the roads.

That's a great idea!
But if they tried that in Maryland...our Governor would use taxpayers money to subsidize all those 'disadvantaged' potential drivers who couldn't afford a drivers license....:shake:

Then we would still end up with the same number of idiots dawdling along in the left hand lane.

03-29-2014, 05:45 PM
I also heard in Germany that the drivers license costs about $4000. That would keep a large amount of these morons off of the roads.

Not $4000. More like $2000 ...... Up until 2006, Germany was the third largest producer of automobiles in the world (exceeded only by Japan and the United States).* Germany is a country that takes its driving very seriously. This is understandable when you realize that a German driver’s license costs over $2000, after a minimum of 25-45 hours of professional instruction plus 12 hours of theory, and such a license used to be good for life. Beginning in 2013, the German license had to conform to the EU term of 10 or 15 years. German licenses issued before 2013 will become invalid by 2033 and must be replaced by the new European (EU) driver’s license

That's a great idea!
But if they tried that in Maryland...our Governor would use taxpayers money to subsidize all those 'disadvantaged' potential drivers who couldn't afford a drivers license....:shake:

I thought illegal immigrants already got FREE drivers licenses in Maryland .... paid for by the generous "working" taxpayers of Maryland.

Joe Walsh
03-29-2014, 06:05 PM
I thought illegal immigrants already got FREE drivers licenses in Maryland .... paid for by the generous "working" taxpayers of Maryland.

They do!!

Plus the illegal aliens can use them to vote!.....

for more Democrats of course....;)

What a great State we have here!!!

03-29-2014, 06:13 PM
Out of the 1,000s of miles and road trips... this has never been an issue.

Do 100mph+ with your headlights on and everyone get's out of your way.

Problem solved.

03-29-2014, 06:30 PM
The car filming should have moved over and let the guy by. It's as simple as that.
All of this would have been avoided.

Slower traffic needs to keep to the right, that is the rule. Left lane bandits are ruining driving. That guy wouldn't have spun out if he didn't have to throttle around. everyone would have just kept driving straight.
I mean it takes 5 seconds to just move over and let that guy just go on by. Then he is out of your life forever. What are you gaining by holding him back other than driving like a dick on purpose?
Some people drive like they have no intention of actually arriving at any particular destination at any particular time.

The left lane is the passing lane if someone wants to pass you then move over and stop being a dick.

03-29-2014, 07:12 PM
Unfortunately, courtesy isn't very common anymore.

Whether she was a jerk or not, his rage caused his own accident, and he was the one arrested.

Oh no doubt that guy is a POS. I'm curious what the lady may have or may have not done before the phone recording.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

03-29-2014, 07:16 PM
Mebot, bob, and joe: im punching all of you in Louisville.

We will have to discuss this over a quite walk, some wine and moonlit sky with twinkling stars.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

03-29-2014, 08:31 PM
We will have to discuss this over a quite walk, some wine and moonlit sky with twinkling stars.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

And three shovels... :eek:

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

03-29-2014, 08:43 PM
Sorry, I don't go in for these "backdoor" shenanigans. Sure, I'm flattered. Maybe even a little curious... but the answer is no

03-29-2014, 08:53 PM
Being a rude, discourteous, and stupid @$$hole is not a chargeable traffic offense. All she had to do was move over and let him pass. She is NOT the heroine of this story. Now 5 Million people know what a jerkweed she is.

Police (Fl. State) rule she did nothing wrong. I can not say 100% I agree she had room to get over after passing the small truck. She choose to stay in the left lane to piss off the pick-up driver who was already closing down on her.

From the interview she had a t-shirt with a picture of a school bus and the lime vest that was over the passenger seat are worn by a large Nationwide Company. I have worked with "that type" of driver over the years:confused:

03-29-2014, 08:56 PM
Out of the 1,000s of miles and road trips... this has never been an issue.

Do 100mph+ with your headlights on and everyone get's out of your way.

Problem solved.

That is because our cars still have the "crown vic" effect.

03-29-2014, 11:14 PM
This lady is my new hero.

I've been tailgated a bunch of times and it always sucks. It happened to me coming back from a Marauder meet in Louisville once. That time I was at least 10-15 over the limit and the jerk still needed to be 18" behind me.

I pulled along side a truck, matched it's speed and started videoing the guy. He did NOT like that. I called the Highway patrol on him but they couldn't do anything. BTW, vidoeing someone like that isn't hard. I never even looked at the camera and had him in-frame for 90% of it. The Highway patrol said no one was in the area so I dropped the hammer and left him behind.

A couple summers ago a guy in a Lightening pulled up behind me while I was on my Suzuki DR650. I was doing 65 in a 55 and he was no more than 2 feet away from me. That is REAL creepy on a little, 365lb motorcycle.

I rode faster, he drove faster. I slowed down, he slowed down.

I waved him by and there he sat. This went on for miles. The road was clear with no traffic. Eventually he went to pass and when he got along side me I flipped him off. He looked me strait in the face and cranked the wheel hard in my direction.

I left the road and went through the ditch at 60mph. I should have been killed. Eventually I caught back up to him and followed him into town.

At the first red light I punch off his drivers side mirror. He lost the other mirror at the next light. The next 3-4 lights I punched and kicked every panel on the truck except for the roof and hood. The box, doors, fenders all of 'em caved in or damaged.

This chase last from Iowa to Minnesota and ended in Wisconsin. He got off lucky. If I'd been carrying that day he'd have been a goner. In fact, I haven't carried a piece since then. These days every ride is taped in Hi-def front and rear. In the winter the cameras go in the Jeep.

BTW, WTF is up with this "stay right" BS? I was never taught that in drivers Ed. I don't follow un-written rules because, well because they're UNWRITTEN.

With highway road space at a premium, why should we leave an entire lane open for people that don't own watches? F-em! If it's a 65 zone and I'm going 75, that ought to be enough. Leave earlier pal. This ain't Germany.

Granddaddy Marq
03-30-2014, 05:32 AM
This lady is my new hero.

I've been tailgated a bunch of times and it always sucks. It happened to me coming back from a Marauder meet in Louisville once. That time I was at least 10-15 over the limit and the jerk still needed to be 18" behind me.

I pulled along side a truck, matched it's speed and started videoing the guy. He did NOT like that. I called the Highway patrol on him but they couldn't do anything. BTW, vidoeing someone like that isn't hard. I never even looked at the camera and had him in-frame for 90% of it. The Highway patrol said no one was in the area so I dropped the hammer and left him behind.

A couple summers ago a guy in a Lightening pulled up behind me while I was on my Suzuki DR650. I was doing 65 in a 55 and he was no more than 2 feet away from me. That is REAL creepy on a little, 365lb motorcycle.

I rode faster, he drove faster. I slowed down, he slowed down.

I waved him by and there he sat. This went on for miles. The road was clear with no traffic. Eventually he went to pass and when he got along side me I flipped him off. He looked me strait in the face and cranked the wheel hard in my direction.

I left the road and went through the ditch at 60mph. I should have been killed. Eventually I caught back up to him and followed him into town.

At the first red light I punch off his drivers side mirror. He lost the other mirror at the next light. The next 3-4 lights I punched and kicked every panel on the truck except for the roof and hood. The box, doors, fenders all of 'em caved in or damaged.

This chase last from Iowa to Minnesota and ended in Wisconsin. He got off lucky. If I'd been carrying that day he'd have been a goner. In fact, I haven't carried a piece since then. These days every ride is taped in Hi-def front and rear. In the winter the cameras go in the Jeep.

BTW, WTF is up with this "stay right" BS? I was never taught that in drivers Ed. I don't follow un-written rules because, well because they're UNWRITTEN.

With highway road space at a premium, why should we leave an entire lane open for people that don't own watches? F-em! If it's a 65 zone and I'm going 75, that ought to be enough. Leave earlier pal. This ain't Germany.

Sounds like your a Hot Head and don't need to be carrying. Good thing he wasn't carrying. Repeated attacks and breaking windows. Sounds like grounds for self defence. Word to the wise. Don't try that in Alabama. How 'bout just be nice. Move over, let them pass, and let them set the pace. Just let your prolems go on by.

03-30-2014, 06:23 AM
BTW, WTF is up with this "stay right" BS? I was never taught that in drivers Ed. I don't follow un-written rules because, well because they're UNWRITTEN.

I guess you never saw a sign on the side of the highway in black and white reading "keep right"?

Here is New Jersey you can be issued a ticket..39:4–82 Failure to keep right, 2 points

03-30-2014, 06:47 AM
I guess you never saw a sign on the side of the highway in black and white reading "keep right"?

Here is New Jersey you can be issued a ticket..39:4–82 Failure to keep right, 2 points

Never seen that sign in Maryland. Different states have different laws.

03-30-2014, 09:15 AM
I guess you never saw a sign on the side of the highway in black and white reading "keep right"?

Here is New Jersey you can be issued a ticket..39:4–82 Failure to keep right, 2 points

Never seen that before. I've seen signs like that going up hills though.

03-30-2014, 09:20 AM
Never seen that before. I've seen signs like that going up hills though.

That would be "slower traffic keep right" :)

03-30-2014, 09:33 AM
Sounds like your a Hot Head and don't need to be carrying. Good thing he wasn't carrying. Repeated attacks and breaking windows. Sounds like grounds for self defence. Word to the wise. Don't try that in Alabama. How 'bout just be nice. Move over, let them pass, and let them set the pace. Just let your prolems go on by.

Moving over did not work.

Letting him pass did not work.

Going 40 mph in a 55 did not work.

Going 70 in a 55 did not work.

Setting the pace? Being nice? You can't be serious?

I tried all of these techniques many times over the course of 30 miles. It did not work. He stayed 2 feet off my rear tire the whole time. This was on clear, rural traffic-less roads, in the middle of the afternoon.

I'm about as far from being a "hot head" as you can imagine. That lunatic made an attempt on my life and it immediately threw me into fight or flight mode. When tried to kill me it was 'game on'. He played a dumb game and won a dumb prize.

Point a gun at me and I will respond. Point a knife at me and I will respond. Attempt to kill me by pushing me into the ditch at 60 mph and yes, I will respond.

Do they try and kill motorcyclists in Alabama too?

Why do you try and push a Hells Angel off the road. Go ahead. Let us know how that goes.

Joe Walsh
03-30-2014, 10:43 AM
Moving over did not work.

Letting him pass did not work.

Going 40 mph in a 55 did not work.

Going 70 in a 55 did not work.

Setting the pace? Being nice? You can't be serious?

I tried all of these techniques many times over the course of 30 miles. It did not work. He stayed 2 feet off my rear tire the whole time. This was on clear, rural traffic-less roads, in the middle of the afternoon.

I'm about as far from being a "hot head" as you can imagine. That lunatic made an attempt on my life and it immediately threw me into fight or flight mode. When tried to kill me it was 'game on'. He played a dumb game and won a dumb prize.

Point a gun at me and I will respond. Point a knife at me and I will respond. Attempt to kill me by pushing me into the ditch at 60 mph and yes, I will respond.

Do they try and kill motorcyclists in Alabama too?

Why do you try and push a Hells Angel off the road. Go ahead. Let us know how that goes.

I can't argue with your life threatening incident...though it is a very, very rare occurence.

I've had this same thing happen to me once and it was a scary encounter....and I was in a car!

I finally lost the crazy idiot by running 90MPH+ for about 5 miles....pretty stupid looking back now.

I agree with most posters on this thread....if someone is tailgating you....even if you are going well above the speed limit....move over and let the idiot go by.

Also, I stay out of the left hand lane, even if I am hauling azz, because that is the lane that gets almost all of the LEO's attention.

03-30-2014, 12:22 PM
Also, I stay out of the left hand lane, even if I am hauling azz,

Because my prius won't go any faster:P


Joe Walsh
03-30-2014, 12:31 PM
Because my prius won't go any faster:P


Darn Jim!!!

That's a slap in my face!....
insinuating that I'd drive a Toyota....
much less a PRIUS!!!!......:eek:....:puke:

03-30-2014, 03:17 PM
Also, I stay out of the left hand lane, even if I am hauling azz, because that is the lane that gets almost all of the LEO's attention.

I was actually told this by a SCPD Officer in traffic court about 15 years ago - good advice! I got a lot less violations since.

03-30-2014, 05:36 PM
I was actually told this by a SCPD Officer in traffic court about 15 years ago - good advice! I got a lot less violations since.

Same here. Just common sense.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

03-30-2014, 05:55 PM
If there's no one in front of you there's no reason the be in the left lane anyways.