View Full Version : This guy is funny!

O's Fan Rich
04-06-2004, 07:48 AM

I am not registered to post there, but I "eaves drop".
The point of this is that the fellow he was "racing" probably realized that as a "business" type, he had alot more to lose than this guy. Therefore it was not worth pursuing the high speed situation.
So, I chalk this up to typical ricer mentality. :nono:

04-06-2004, 08:22 AM
He also took a Shelby Cobra off a dead start and only started to lose around 110.....those Ricer's know what they are talking about! :nono:

It is funny though....I have been taken by a Mits Galant, Maxima, 1992 Accord. These little Napoleans...run up next to your car and gun it at a light when I am not even paying attention. Next thing I just happen to notice some guy doing 60 in a 35 about a 1/4 mile ahead of me...... DUMB A$$!!

04-06-2004, 08:59 AM
I loved this...

"Even if the Honduh did have more rear legroom, it wouldn't matter because I don't have any rear legs!"

ROTFLMAO, delicious!

04-06-2004, 10:47 AM
I am a member of Crownvic.us, and I saw that post last night. Please do not think that all of us vicsters have that mentality. Crownvic.net and Crownvic.us are a much younger crowd that over here at MM.net, with a lot of our members still being in high school. Yeah there are some people who like to street race, but a majority of us save racing for the track, where it belongs.Not everybody street races their Vics/GM's/TC's.

I do my racing at the drag strip, and at the drag strip only. A few years ago when I first got my vic (my first V8) I did do some stoplight to stoplight street racing. But I've matured since than and I now save my racing for the track only......for the most part :D

I still like to do a burnout every now and then at the light just to let the ricers know who's boss. But i'll let off it after a second or so. But we're all guilty of that sometimes....right? :cool:

04-06-2004, 10:54 AM
Crownvic.net and Crownvic.us are a much younger crowd that over here at MM.net

hey, what are you trying to say - I resemble that remark! I can act like a 16 year too - just ask my wife.

04-06-2004, 11:33 AM
I still like to do a burnout every now and then at the light just to let the ricers know who's boss. But i'll let off it after a second or so. But we're all guilty of that sometimes....right? :cool:

YEP! That sounds like me! :burnout: :burnout:

04-06-2004, 11:38 AM
I still like to do a burnout every now and then at the light just to let the ricers know who's boss. But i'll let off it after a second or so. But we're all guilty of that sometimes....right? :cool:

Ah Ricer's...

Can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts!


O's Fan Rich
04-06-2004, 11:58 AM
to the entire CV.us crowd.
I just find the one sided nature of his "kill" report amusing.
"Foolishness is tied up in the heart of a boy. The rod of discipline is what will remove it far from him."
And yes even us old farts are capable of some indiscretions now and then.

04-06-2004, 01:44 PM
Too bad we couldn't get a pink slip match set up between ricer boy and Lidio :D

04-06-2004, 02:08 PM
hey, what are you trying to say - I resemble that remark! I can act like a 16 year too - just ask my wife.

sorry, no offense intended. :)

Bobby Clobber
04-06-2004, 03:18 PM
After all is said and done, no matter how fast he is , a ricer is a ricer and a MM wannabe.

04-06-2004, 03:25 PM
At first glance and I havent checked out the entire Crown Vic site but I will. But if first impressions mean somthing, I am not planning on doing so. Her in our famaliy I have only known of a problem with one person and that was resolved VERY QUICLKY!!!!! We have fun the same topics and cut up, BUT with one rule, its not personall and openly using profanity!!!!! Yes I guess a good portion of us are in the geritol group, some are PASS that stage!!!! and good mix of the younger group.

But our Moderaters keep everthing in check. I rember when I first joined. Their was a thread about something. Anyway I was being a little bit of a but, not to bad. But directed twords Logan. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! THREAD IS DEAD!!!!! Point made. No prob since.

I will go back and check the other forum, I hope that is not reflective of the hole site! Just my 2 cents!


04-06-2004, 06:17 PM
We have the full "age" spectrum represented here, from barely legal to infinity. We have owners in their teens, twentys, thirtys, fortys, fiftys, sixtys, and seventies. Did I miss anyone in their eightys?

We buy, we mod, we sell, we drive, we crash, we visit, we hang, we wax, we drag, we dyno, we mod, we crash, we buy, we oil, we drag, we fix, we dyno, we drive, we visit, we hotel, we eat, we drive, we dyno, we drag, we eat, we visit, we love, we hate, we bad...

Because we rock Rocks of all ages.

That's a lot of music too. Perhaps everything ever recorded, in any recording medium. Wax, 78's, wax and vinly 45's, vinyl 33's, 4 track, 8 track, 1/4 tape, 1/8 tape, tape, tape cassette, cassette tapes, compact disc, MP3, DVD...ack!

Nonetheless, we still came up with one audio CD that pleased everyone here, and we're about due for the second edition.

This happens because we are all here for one reason, to profess, express, admire, and roll around in the mud with one automobile. This automobile is the...Last...Great...American Muscle Car now on the street.

We own it, y'all come get it.

Y'all can chase your dreams any way you want on the street, or, on the web. But, when you wish your web fantasies to get real in your real time world, come to us. MercuryMarauder.net.

Valet parking not available...

04-06-2004, 08:05 PM
Nicely put Sarg :up:

04-07-2004, 07:37 PM
Y'all can chase your dreams any way you want on the street, or, on the web. But, when you wish your web fantasies to get real in your real time world, come to us. MercuryMarauder.net.

Valet parking not available...

You do have a way wth words:) :burnout:

I for one am glad your on our side :lol: :bows:

It's just too bad your can't get C&D or MT to pick up on it :banana2:

04-07-2004, 10:08 PM
We have the full "age" spectrum represented here, from barely legal to infinity. We have owners in their teens, twentys, thirtys, fortys, fiftys, sixtys, and seventies. Did I miss anyone in their eightys?

Valet parking not available...

Besides Sarge, is there anyone in the "infinity" age bracket?

But seriously, the level of maturity on this site is what makes things so great. People have respect for each other, and respect other people's views and opinions. Unfortunately for us, our Marauders really start to wake up right about where speeds start getting fairly illegal. Oh well, time for 4.10 gears! :)

04-14-2004, 10:30 AM
This is my first post here; and I will be more than willing to respect the rules of this board.
First... I post on CrownVic.us because I love Ford's panther platform cars. I have owned a Crown Victoria in the past and, like most of you, was very excited from the moment of the Marauder's announcement until well after it's unveiling. Before purchasing my current vehicle, I also test drove, and seriously considered, a 2003 Marauder.
I have come here, in part, to respond to allegations made towards me by certain "eavesdroppers." I have also come here because, as I said, I love the Marauder... and would be more than happy to discuss this wonderful vehicle within this community.
Now, in response to these allegations:
1) That I am a ricer
This is not true. In fact, in the past, I have always owned American cars and had never before imagined that I would own a Japanese car. My current vehicle has no stickers, wings, "fart pipes" or other unnecessary decorations that would classify me as a "ricer."
2) That I am not the business type or that I am likely a 16 year old
In fact, I am a white collar worker... I am now a project leader and senior programmer for one of the world's leading tech companies at thier local facility. I am, in fact, in my mid-20s. I am well educated and responsible.
3) That I likely have little to lose
This is actually quite untrue. I say this, not wanting to boast or be rude, only to enforce my argument: I probably make almost twice as much as much per year as the average Marauder owner (if Ford's sales figures are to be believed) and my wife, and engineer, if also very gainfully employed.
4) That I raced a Shelby Cobra
This is completely not true... undoubtedly; this member is confusing a comment made by someone else as one being made by me. I have never raced a Shelby Cobra. I have never pursued a race above 80mph (and then only in high speed {55+} zones.) And I have certainly never made a statement of the sort. I, in fact, have only been involved in a few "street races." These are usually spawned by a spur of the moment impulse, rather than by good judgment. I DO NOT endorse street racing, as I believe that it is foolish... and that I am foolish whenever I do engage in it.
5) That foul language was used inappropriately
The CrownVic.us board has different standards for what is acceptable. The administrator there chooses to, for the most part, stay out of the day to day operation of the board. I have been on many other boards that micro-manage. Both styles of management have their advantages, and neither is better than the other... though we may all have our preferences. There are certain members of CVu that are very closed-minded and ill-informed. I sometimes find it hard to resist resorting to attacks on them when I find that they refuse to listen to evidence or reason. This does not bode well for my maturity; but I can guarantee that this internet persona has no relation to my conduct in day-to-day life. I apologize to any visitors that were offended; and ask you to not judge CVu by an argument that broke out in the lounge section of the site.

Now I would like to take a moment to respond to speculations about the race, as well as speculations about the plausibility of a win from my car.
First, a few basic specifications:
2003 Honda Accord EX V-6
3.0l i-VTEC V-6
212lb-ft torque
5-speed automatic w/overdrive
curb weight: 3,360lbs

2003 Mercury Marauder
4.6l DOHC V-8
318lb-ft torque
4-speed automatic w/overdrive
curb weight: 4,195lbs

And now a few basic performance figures and benchmarks:
2003 Honda Accord EX V-6
7.0sec (C&D; Oct 2002)
6.84sec (Manufacturer)
6.6sec (MotorTrend; Fall 2002)
5.9sec (C&D; Sept 2003)
(I distinctly remember reading a time of 6.3 seconds from R&T; but cannot find the information now... so I will discard that statistic for the time being.)
Quarter Mile:
15.5sec @92mph (C&D; Oct 2002)
14.5sec @98mph (C&D; Sept 2003)
14.468 @96.85 (stock run from chap at the Accord Tuner boards)

2003 Mercury Marauder
7.7sec (MotorTrend, Sept 2003)
7.5sec (C&D, July 2002)
Quarter Mile:
15.61 @93.52mph (MotorTrend, Sept 2003)
15.5 @91mph (C&D, July 2002)

And a quote from C&D "because a Honda Accord V-6 outruns it [Marauder] to 60 mph—getting there in 7.0 seconds to the Marauder's 7.5." (C&D, April 2003)

As Marauder owners have said before, "the Marauder gets faster with mileage" and "real world results may vary." Both of these are probably true... but there's no reason to think that both of these aren't true of the Accord also.
Looking at these figures, it seems quite possible, if not probable, that the Accord could outrun the Marauder in a street race to no more than 80mph. I fail to see why I am so "funny."

And I would like to address a few claims about the race as well:
1) The Marauder owner was not trying or caught unaware
This is, again, untrue. We exchanged glances and knew what was coming. Before I ever hit the gas pedal, the Marauder left two strips of rubber on the pavement. As a matter of fact, it could be said that he was more "into it" than I... as I applied the gas pedal in a manner that would avoid leaving rubber on the road.
2) That this race was of particularly high speed or dangerous
Although I can't make excuses for street racing, I can point out that this race was not in a low-speed business or residential zone. In fact, this race took place on a stretch of road where the speed limit changed from 45 to 55 less than 100 feet from the stop light. Therefore, I exceeded the speed limit by no more than 25mph. Not wise, but not something that isn't seen being done by simple commuters on a daily basis.
3) That engaging in a street race means that I regularly participate in deviant behavior (restating for emphasis)
As I have said, I have only engaged in actions such as these on a precious few occasions. I believe that when I do, it is a momentary lapse in judgement brought on by a surge of adrenaline. I doubt that there is no one among your family that has never been guilty of actions such as these.

Now, all this being said, I want you to know that I am not looking for sympathy, an apology, or anything of the sort. Just an acknowledgement that I have my facts straight, that my car (whether you like it or hate it) has the potential to outrun a Marauder in a fair race, and that I am not the person that you so quickly assumed that I was from my posts.

Again, I love Marauders. I would like to be welcome here in the future to chat about the Marauder and the future of FordMoCo.

(to anyone who read down this far, thanks for taking the time to read my response)

2003 MIB
04-14-2004, 10:41 AM
I'll paraphrase Sarge based a voice conversation I had with him a few months ago. The internet is a one-dimensional forum. People can be anything they want to be and say anything they want to say. All it takes is a keyboard...

I took that statement to heart.

04-14-2004, 10:42 AM
Thanks for playing...be sure to pick up your "parting gifts" on the way out...O.K.?

04-14-2004, 10:44 AM
Thanks for playing...be sure to pick up your "parting gifts" on the way out...O.K.?Would you like to clarify your response, or just leave it ambiguous?

Paul T. Casey
04-14-2004, 10:44 AM
Read your post, all of it. I sure am glad that you're twice as smart and twice as wealthy as me. That being said, a wise man once said, 9I believe his name was Carnige, but I could be wrong, being the poor dope I am) "In life one must be careful, as you only get one chance to make a first impression." IMHO, you made a first impression.

04-14-2004, 10:48 AM
Read your post, all of it. I sure am glad that you're twice as smart and twice as wealthy as me. That being said, a wise man once said, 9I believe his name was Carnige, but I could be wrong, being the poor dope I am) "In life one must be careful, as you only get one chance to make a first impression." IMHO, you made a first impression.I never stated that I was twice as smart as you... I only stated that I was well-educated. I never stated that I was twice as wealthy as you... I only stated that I make a reasonable amount of money to disprove the assumption that I have nothing to lose.
I am sorry that people are so easily offended by a simple true story... and I am sorry to see that my attempts to be civil and understand your hostility towards me are already meeting a dead end as you take something that I say... and twist it into something that it is not.

04-14-2004, 10:52 AM
Thanks again...it was a pleasure having you here...

Tell him what we got for him, Johnny Olsen!!!

04-14-2004, 10:53 AM
Read your post, all of it. I sure am glad that you're twice as smart and twice as wealthy as me. That being said, a wise man once said, 9I believe his name was Carnige, but I could be wrong, being the poor dope I am) "In life one must be careful, as you only get one chance to make a first impression." IMHO, you made a first impression.I am also not worried about your impression of me.
My main reason for being here is to clear up the issue regarding the Accord vs Marauder. I just thought that, while I was here, I could attempt to set the record straight regarding myself. As someone above has said, you can be anyone you want on the internet... so convincing you who I am and what I stand for is irrelevant. On the other hand, one does have the right to at least attempt to present themselves as who they really are... rather than a misunderstood internet persona that has cause someone grief.
I came here asking for a fair chance to state my arguments and then get on with it and discuss the Marauder. I am not sure why you seem to think that I should be robbed of that for my behavoir on a message board other than this one. I invite you to give me a chance here, and monitor my behavoir closely. If I truly do something wrong, give me the boot... otherwise, let me participate just the same as the many other members here who do not own Marauders, but still have a healthy interest in them.

04-14-2004, 10:54 AM
Thanks again...it was a pleasure having you here...

Tell him what we got for him, Johnny Olsen!!!
http://www.quakeroats.com/qfb_OurBrands/Quaker/Rice-Pasta-CousCous/images/img-Roni.jpgThanks for the parting gift... it's a sweet gesture.:)
But if it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to stick around for awhile.

2003 MIB
04-14-2004, 10:55 AM
I am sorry that people are so easily offended by a simple true story... and I am sorry to see that my attempts to be civil and understand your hostility towards me are already meeting a dead end as you take something that I say... and twist it into something that it is not.

That's the point I was trying to make earlier, Mr. Fiend. The forum itself is flawed. You not only accept the responsibility for what you meant but have to take the responsibility for how it may be read. I know these guys, they aren't hostile or nutty...maybe you aren't either. All the :argue: is really pretty silly. They want you to be the bad guy who peed in the sandbox. If you read your post with that slant- you are. Better to leave it alone or assume another identity...What do I think? No blood- no foul...Think what you want but expect there are consequences to your statements. You won't change anyone's mind....

04-14-2004, 11:01 AM
That's the point I was trying to make earlier, Mr. Fiend. The forum itself is flawed. You not only accept the responsibility for what you meant but have to take the responsibility for how it may be read. I know these guys, they aren't hostile or nutty...maybe you aren't either. All the :argue: is really pretty silly. They want you to be the bad guy who peed in the sandbox. If you read your post with that slant- you are. Better to leave it alone or assume another identity...What do I think? No blood- no foul...Think what you want but expect there are consequences to your statements. You won't change anyone's mind....Thanks for the fair shake MIB.
I don't expect to change anyone's mind. I just ask for a chance to voice my opinion... and then have them respectfully disagree with it!;-) I found it nessecary to come here and be honest. I apologize to anyone who believes that was a mistake.
For the record, my posting here was not meant to be derogatory to any member of this forum. Parts of it were even meant as an apology. The statements I made about myself that could be considered boasting (or "thumbing my nose") were only made to counter arguments made by other members of this board.
If I post anywhere else within this community; I plan to leave all this behind. I would like it to not leave this thread.

04-14-2004, 11:11 AM
We have the full "age" spectrum represented here, from barely legal to infinity. We have owners in their teens, twentys, thirtys, fortys, fiftys, sixtys, and seventies. Did I miss anyone in their eightys?

We buy, we mod, we sell, we drive, we crash, we visit, we hang, we wax, we drag, we dyno, we mod, we crash, we buy, we oil, we drag, we fix, we dyno, we drive, we visit, we hotel, we eat, we drive, we dyno, we drag, we eat, we visit, we love, we hate, we bad...

Because we rock Rocks of all ages.

That's a lot of music too. Perhaps everything ever recorded, in any recording medium. Wax, 78's, wax and vinly 45's, vinyl 33's, 4 track, 8 track, 1/4 tape, 1/8 tape, tape, tape cassette, cassette tapes, compact disc, MP3, DVD...ack!

Nonetheless, we still came up with one audio CD that pleased everyone here, and we're about due for the second edition.

This happens because we are all here for one reason, to profess, express, admire, and roll around in the mud with one automobile. This automobile is the...Last...Great...American Muscle Car now on the street.

We own it, y'all come get it.

Y'all can chase your dreams any way you want on the street, or, on the web. But, when you wish your web fantasies to get real in your real time world, come to us. MercuryMarauder.net.

Valet parking not available...

Thanks Mac,

Short, sweet and to the point as always

Paul T. Casey
04-14-2004, 11:24 AM
IMHO, you came off as somewhat of a braggart. No big deal any more to me, as far as I'm concerned if you stay within the bounds of this board, your input will be welcomed. One thing that may have slipped your mind though, this board is about the opposite of BON, that is, not really been set up as a place for bashing the Marauder. The caar may not be perfect, but as far as I'm concerned, it's pretty close.

04-14-2004, 11:33 AM
IMHO, you came off as somewhat of a braggart. No big deal any more to me, as far as I'm concerned if you stay within the bounds of this board, your input will be welcomed. One thing that may have slipped your mind though, this board is about the opposite of BON, that is, not really been set up as a place for bashing the Marauder. The caar may not be perfect, but as far as I'm concerned, it's pretty close.No problem... I love the Marauder. It was a close second choice in my hunt for my last car. If you've noticed; I've been "careful" not to bash the Marauder... as I don't really feel that any bashing is required. The Crown Vic platform has always been sturdy and reliable, and the Marauder is a great asset to it.
Someone else said this before... but I agree, so I'll paraphrase it. The only affliction that the Marauder suffers from is bad marketing. Instead of marketing it as a slick sports sedan, it was marketed as a snarling muscle car.

2003 MIB
04-14-2004, 11:33 AM
IMHO, you came off as somewhat of a braggart. No big deal any more to me, as far as I'm concerned if you stay within the bounds of this board, your input will be welcomed. One thing that may have slipped your mind though, this board is about the opposite of BON, that is, not really been set up as a place for bashing the Marauder. The caar may not be perfect, but as far as I'm concerned, it's pretty close.

Well said Paul. The rules are pretty simple-Wipe your feet before you come in the house.

O's Fan Rich
04-14-2004, 11:54 AM
I don't equate " something to lose" simply with money. That would be short sighted and materialistic. That's not me, and not what I meant in it's entirety. When you grow up you might understand.

After reading your CVN posts and the ones here I've come to the same conclusion that I began this thread with... You are funny!!!

Macon Marauder
04-14-2004, 11:58 AM
3) That I likely have little to lose
This is actually quite untrue. I say this, not wanting to boast or be rude, only to enforce my argument: I probably make almost twice as much as much per year as the average Marauder owner (if Ford's sales figures are to be believed) and my wife, and engineer, if also very gainfully employed.

Wow. You make $120,000 - $180,000 and you bought an Accord?! Impressive.

IMO you're welcome - the more the merrier. But forget all that magazine stuff you quoted. Nobody has their heads up their arses more than writers for car magazines!:) One of them even quoted 6.9 seconds 0-60 for the Marauder!

Personally, I'm glad you're not a ricer and glad you like the Marauder. I just wish you would have looked a little harder! For me, and maybe for most on this board, it's hard to imagine Accord and Marauder being on the same car shopping list.

04-14-2004, 11:58 AM
After reading your CVN posts and the ones here I've come to the same conclusion that I began this thread with... You are funny!!!

is that HAHA funny?

04-14-2004, 12:02 PM
is that HAHA funny?

Man, I thought THIS was "Ha Ha funny"...
Thanks again...it was a pleasure having you here...

Tell him what we got for him, Johnny Olsen!!!

O's Fan Rich
04-14-2004, 12:03 PM
is that HAHA funny?
Little of both prchrman, little of both.

04-14-2004, 12:09 PM
...this board is about the opposite of BON, that is, not really been set up as a place for bashing the Marauder.

I have been on BON every day for three years. I have never once seen the Marauder trashed on BON.

O's Fan Rich
04-14-2004, 12:22 PM
I have been on BON every day for three years. I have never once seen the Marauder trashed on BON.
BON tends to be more of a pissing contest, who can get what on the others leg. It really has nothing to do with Panther cars.

Now, if you go there and visit the Mustang/Cobra areas, you can glean some useful info now and then. But, the CV/GM/MM area is a cluster.
Oh, in MY opinion, your results may vary. As I'm just a poor, minimum wage earning, uneducated pion who is forced to scurry about in a 2003 Marauder. :lol:

04-14-2004, 12:23 PM
never once seen the Marauder trashed on BON.

'scuse the ignorance, but what is BON? :confused:

04-14-2004, 12:25 PM
Blue oval News

04-14-2004, 12:30 PM
Wow. You make $120,000 - $180,000 and you bought an Accord?! Impressive.
Not quite, but fairly close. Currently, a house was my priority. I've owned a BMW 530i in the past and will most likely own something similar in the future.

04-14-2004, 12:31 PM
Little of both prchrman, little of both.I'm glad that I amuse you...

04-14-2004, 12:39 PM
I think this thread has run it course.

Let it die the death it so richly deserves

04-14-2004, 01:09 PM
I know one thing for sure the MM will always now and forever be worth more $ than any stock v6 Accord! :bows:

04-14-2004, 05:28 PM
I know one thing for sure the MM will always now and forever be worth more $ than any stock v6 Accord! :bows:Very true, as long as the resale value holds up! *I think the Marauder resale value will hold up much better than most Fords*

04-14-2004, 09:30 PM
Well, just like how every story has two sides, i'm glad we have now heard the other side.............. :beer: