View Full Version : It was going to happen sooner or later...right?

04-06-2004, 07:31 PM
Well, I'm taking a friend back to my place and we want to take a different, slightly quicker route, there's some good traffic and we're only 2 miles from the house.

Well, we take our quicker route, and not 10 seconds after we're on the road (doing 25-30 mind you) ZIP this dog, just was right in front of my car, i didn't even see him run to it...he was just there. I swerve to avoid him, which I did...and there's a tree, right in f***in front of me BAM! Scrapped down the side of the car from the front bumper back to about...i don't remember, but there's about 2 feet of quarter panal left.

Damn...I'm so angry, I wasn't that scared afterwards, nor...any of that...I'll tell more later though, I've got lots to do now.


04-06-2004, 07:36 PM
yeah, it was gonna happen sooner or later, im glad i wasnt there w/ you like i always am, glad your ok, but i knew it would happen sooner or later, too bad it wasnt later. I would laugh hysterically at a ticket , but thats really serious and iz good u didnt injur brandon or yourself.

by the way, did the dog survive?

04-06-2004, 07:43 PM
Yes Taylor, but I'm not quite sure which I would have rather hit:confused:

04-06-2004, 07:57 PM
Dang James!!!

I'm glad you're OK.

You have to watch out for those "pop-up" dogs, and "pop-up" trees!!
They're everywhere!

So, can you still open the doors on the side that got damaged??

04-06-2004, 08:06 PM
My door opens fine, but go to the otherside, and the door squeeks a little.
The hood on the passenger side at the front is moved away towards the damage (to the left). The hood AT the is pushed up just a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit and there are some wrinkles at that point, but the hood is fine otherwise, and the right headlight (looking at the car) is perfectly fine...I'll have a picture up very soon.

04-06-2004, 08:27 PM
Picture is way too big, here's a website if you want to see. I'm not messin' with downsizing right now.
Scroll all the way down, it's at the bottom...

04-07-2004, 04:50 AM

That sucks, James. Sorry to see this. The dog probably watched it all happen, then kept on walking, huh? LOL

04-07-2004, 06:08 AM
James glad to hear nobody was injuried. That dog was probably in league with the Geico squirrels.

04-07-2004, 08:03 AM
Owwwwwww!!! Sorry to hear about your ride, James, but I'm glad everyone is ok, even the dog. Believe it or not, depending on the size of the dog and where you hit it, and how fast you are going, you can sometimes do more damage by hitting the dog! How did your parents take the news?

O's Fan Rich
04-07-2004, 08:22 AM
I was pulling an empty lawn equipment trailer. As I passed and open gate at a fenced yard, I saw the dog fly out of the gate, trying to get a chunk of my left front tire, he missed, but the fender of the trailer did not. No damage to the trailer.
Doggy rolled about 50 ft before coming to rest, permenantly.
Keep your gates closed, if Fido enjoys rolling rubber.

04-07-2004, 01:11 PM
My parents weren't too angry, my mom is kinda sick and ged up so she doesn't really care to follow. My dad is calm about most everything so we walked and talked through everything. No voices have been raised since it happened.

All together damage, $4115.08.

Went through insurance. I pay $250, they cover the rest.

I'll get a rental today, first thing to get back to the Enterprise lot in price range of insurance company. Awesome stuff!

Parts---------------------------------------------- 1777.46
Body Labor---------- 20.1hoursAT$40per hour---- 804.00
Paint Labor---------- 18.2hoursAT$40per hour---- 728.00
Mechanical Labor----- 0.5hoursAT$68per hour---- 34.00
Frame Labor---------- 3.5hoursAT$48per hour---- 168.00
Paint Supplies-------- 18.2hoursAT$24per hour--- 436.00
Sublet/Misc----------------------------------------- 77.95
______________________________ ____________________________
SUBTOTAL------------------------------------------ 4026.21
Sales Tax------------- $1777.46@5.0000%---------- 88.87
Grand Total---------------------------------------- $4115.08

What's this about paint supplies...the hours are the same with painting?!
Hmmmm...doesn't take hours to get parts, shouldn't take hours to get paint.

04-07-2004, 04:20 PM
James - That stinks. :( I am also glad no one was hurt.

04-07-2004, 05:23 PM
James, its good your okay and that your parents took it well. You've got a nice looking car except for the damage. Its amazing how much the interior looks like my MM.

04-07-2004, 05:43 PM
Well not to dent in your brain BUT, this kind of sh** happens,

Sucks! I know it all to well. Nothing to do but suck it up tuff out, get the Merc fixed:)

Lesson learned? THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta love your parents for being cool:)

04-07-2004, 05:50 PM
Well not to dent in your brain BUT, this kind of sh** happens,

Sucks! I know it all to well. Nothing to do but suck it up tuff out, get the Merc fixed:)

Lesson learned? THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta love your parents for being cool:)
Yup, I'm payin' for it all, lucky I can afford it, it's $250 and they said if my premiums for insurance go up, which my agent doubted, they wouldn't go up much.

The Marquis should be back in my hands in a week. I will tell you how much the rental GM sucks...cuz I'm sure that's what I'll get:)

No shortcuts! Yup, glad my parents are cool about it!

04-07-2004, 06:00 PM
Yup, I'm payin' for it all, lucky I can afford it, it's $250 and they said if my premiums for insurance go up, which my agent doubted, they wouldn't go up much.

The Marquis should be back in my hands in a week. I will tell you how much the rental GM sucks...cuz I'm sure that's what I'll get:)

No shortcuts! Yup, glad my parents are cool about it!

So how does an under-25 year old get a rental car? Just curious. Undoubtedly, your insurance premiums are where they are due to your good student discount. Normal kids, like mine, already cost an arm and a leg to insure, with no violations, but no matching good grades, either. He just went from a 2WD frontier pickup to a 2003 SVT Focus, and his rate went from $200/mo to about $340/mo. OUch, the insurance costs more than the car!

Good luck, glad you survived the ordeal.


04-07-2004, 06:06 PM
So how does an under-25 year old get a rental car? Just curious. Undoubtedly, your insurance premiums are where they are due to your good student discount. Normal kids, like mine, already cost an arm and a leg to insure, with no violations, but no matching good grades, either. He just went from a 2WD frontier pickup to a 2003 SVT Focus, and his rate went from $200/mo to about $340/mo. OUch, the insurance costs more than the car!

Good luck, glad you survived the ordeal.

How do I get a rental car? Because I need one:D It's coming from Enterprise, paid for by insurance co. I'm homeschooled and all I need is a B average...done. The cost to insure me in the Marquis AND Villager is $200 extra every six months.

Glad I survived too. When the Insurance people asked if the air-bags deployed, I was very happy to answer "No".

04-07-2004, 06:44 PM
How do I get a rental car? Because I need one:D It's coming from Enterprise, paid for by insurance co. I'm homeschooled and all I need is a B average...done. The cost to insure me in the Marquis AND Villager is $200 extra every six months.

Glad I survived too. When the Insurance people asked if the air-bags deployed, I was very happy to answer "No".

you need a rental car? its a good thing you are getting one, and its cool your parents are letting you off easier than i would expect. if that were to happen to me, iwould most defiinately not have a car until after high school. But do you really need one?

04-07-2004, 11:38 PM
It's good to know that you're okay Jim. It could've been a whole lot worse my friend. I realize that you weren't driving fast, but it's things like this that cause me to try and remind myself that even though it's fun to stand on the gas pedal once in awhile, we're like a bunch of eggs in an egg crate on wheels while we're driving. And even at speeds that are within the posted limits, we're as vulnerable to breakage as a raw egg is.......not preachin at ya man, just some food for thought.

04-08-2004, 12:20 AM
Well said man, well taken.

It's not like Playstation, there's no reset button:up:

04-08-2004, 12:47 AM
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! A good point.

04-08-2004, 05:30 AM
Wow, James glad to hear the insurance is taking care of it. If it was me my rates you definitly be going up. It doesn't matter how fast you were going, just remember a moving object hitting an unmoveable object. You know Physics and all that other crap. Glad you wasn't hurt the car can be fixed, but to bad it eats into your MM fund.

04-08-2004, 08:44 AM
Wow, James glad to hear the insurance is taking care of it. If it was me my rates you definitly be going up. It doesn't matter how fast you were going, just remember a moving object hitting an unmoveable object. You know Physics and all that other crap. Glad you wasn't hurt the car can be fixed, but to bad it eats into your MM fund.
Yup...too bad, but $250 over $4115 is a lot better. I'll be driving our Mercury Villager for the next week or two while my dad drives the insurance paid for Hundai Snot-a.

A moving object that crumples over a very very solid object that is planted in the ground really tight:up:

04-08-2004, 09:02 AM
Remember that which does not kill you only makes you stronger!!

...and if that was true I would be Superman.

04-08-2004, 07:07 PM
Remember that which does not kill you only makes you stronger!!

...and if that was true I would be Superman.
Haha! Well, there's supermen, and then there are scots:up:

Hey, no rental car for us...My dad doesn't want to drive a Hundai for two weeks and doesn't want the van to get messed up...so I'll be bummin' rides!

Oh well, I didn't want the Hundai either...my sister had one while her car was in the shop once and it died on her several times...brand new.:lol:

04-08-2004, 07:17 PM
Yup...too bad, but $250 over $4115 is a lot better. I'll be driving our Mercury Villager for the next week or two while my dad drives the insurance paid for Hundai Snot-a.

A moving object that crumples over a very very solid object that is planted in the ground really tight:up:
Just don't tap dance your way into those aluminum trees...they smart!

Scots are cool, if I do say so myself.


Best Regards,


04-08-2004, 10:02 PM

Smells imposter Scots......


04-09-2004, 12:12 AM

Smells imposter Scots......


Not from a family of Burns and Thorburns!

And what is your name?

Good Day

04-09-2004, 11:31 AM

Not from a family of Burns and Thorburns!

And what is your name?

Good Day

Stuart is our one true born in Scotland, Scot. So don't be giving him a hard time. It is not smart picking on a man who wears a kilt, drinks Scotch like it's water and squeezes a sick cat for music. :lol:

04-09-2004, 12:20 PM
My mother's last name is Elliott:up: .

My father's is Grueser (German...just a few of them in the U.S., Jewish we suspect)

My step-dad however, is puritan English. Dorman:shake:

04-10-2004, 09:50 PM
My mother's last name is Elliott:up: .

My father's is Grueser (German...just a few of them in the U.S., Jewish we suspect)

My step-dad however, is puritan English. Dorman:shake:

Elliott is one of the Border clan familes, so you have Reiver blood in you. Go out a get the book "The Steel Bonnets" by George MacDonald Fraser it will tell the history of the border clans and a little about the Elliot family. I was told by one person that my Grandmothers family was a part of the Border clans (they are not mentioned in the book) and by another that they were Highlanders, so in the long run who knows?

Ladyhawke says HI and wants to know if you are coming to Indy are you going to be wearing a kilt?

04-10-2004, 09:56 PM
Elliott is one of the Border clan familes, so you have Reiver in you. Go out a get the book "The Steel Bonnets" by George MacDonald Fraser it will tell the history of the border clans and a little about the Elliot family. I was told by one person that my Grandmothers family was a part of the Border clans (they are not mentioned in the book) and by another that they were Highlanders, so in the long run who knows?

Ladyhawke says HI and wants to know if you are coming to Indy are you going to be wearing a kilt?Hey, my mom will take a great liking to that. Her family was all raised in or near the eastern mountian ranges as far as I know...so go figure. Little tiny bit of choctaw (there's usually indian somewhere for all the scots right:lol: ) Elliott is fairly common, double L double T...but Grueser...rhymes with loser...where've ya heard that before!

But then again, German and Scots, same thing almost...Germanic language or such? I know a little here and there but that's about it.

I WISH I were going to Indy...and if I were I'd wear a kilt...for about 10 minutes, but yeah I'd wear one:up:

Mom said she has the book and that she's traced back a little, besides Reiver...there's Patton, Robinson and Turner...and a few others she can't recall.

And of course I know nothing at all!:rolleyes: The Scots got really pizzed for good reason in 12 something and Mel Gibson made a great movie out of it...the start of democracy in the form of power to the people...yeah.
I am however interested!!!

04-10-2004, 10:15 PM
IF the insurance company OKs the deal...I'll buy a cold air intake from Chris at ADTR.net. It will cost me $178 total and the Nationwide will take $125 (the price of a replacement airbox, which has a missing clamp and can only be fixed by a brand new airbox) from my deductable.

I hope Nationwide is really giving:up:

04-10-2004, 10:41 PM
Hey, my mom will take a great liking to that. Her family was all raised in or near the eastern mountian ranges as far as I know...so go figure. Little tiny bit of choctaw (there's usually indian somewhere for all the scots right:lol: ) Elliott is fairly common, double L double T...but Grueser...rhymes with loser...where've ya heard that before!

Nope none here!

But then again, German and Scots, same thing almost...Germanic language or such? I know a little here and there but that's about it.

Yes and no, they are part of the Indo-European Language family, but besides thet Celtic and German is a close as Russian and French.

I WISH I were going to Indy...and if I were I'd wear a kilt...for about 10 minutes, but yeah I'd wear one:up:

I thought you wre working a deal with your parents since the trip to N.C. was cancelled.

Mom said she has the book and that she's traced back a little, besides Reiver...there's Patton, Robinson and Turner...and a few others she can't recall.

I have the book too and loved reading it. Remember a lot of the Border families had family on both sides of the border. Sometimes Scots would side with English to fight other Scots and English would side with Scots to fight other English. There are too many names for me to list read the book good history lesson.

And of course I know nothing at all!:rolleyes: The Scots got really pizzed for good reason in 12 something and Mel Gibson made a great movie out of it...the start of democracy in the form of power to the people...yeah.
I am however interested!!!

Another history lesson many of the Border Clans sided with King Edward I, due to the fact that he promised them land and titles in Englang and Scotland and also many had exsiting fueds with the Highlang Clans. But, by the time of Bannockburn and Robert the Bruce most of Scotland was united and the Lowlanders and Highlanders were fighting as one people.

04-12-2004, 02:29 PM
Yup, I'm payin' for it all, lucky I can afford it, it's $250 and they said if my premiums for insurance go up, which my agent doubted, they wouldn't go up much.

The Marquis should be back in my hands in a week. I will tell you how much the rental GM sucks...cuz I'm sure that's what I'll get:)

No shortcuts! Yup, glad my parents are cool about it!

stop-em and start your Marauder clone :baaa:

04-12-2004, 02:42 PM
Nope none here!

Yes and no, they are part of the Indo-European Language family, but besides thet Celtic and German is a close as Russian and French.
Told ya I didn't know much:)

I thought you wre working a deal with your parents since the trip to N.C. was cancelled.
Yeah, I tried all that...
"Well, at least no one ever accused you for a lack of enthusiasm...nice try but I highly doubt it" Which means no.

I have the book too and loved reading it. Remember a lot of the Border families had family on both sides of the border. Sometimes Scots would side with English to fight other Scots and English would side with Scots to fight other English. There are too many names for me to list read the book good history lesson.
I knew it was something close like that. Thanks.

Another history lesson many of the Border Clans sided with King Edward I, due to the fact that he promised them land and titles in Englang and Scotland and also many had exsiting fueds with the Highlang Clans. But, by the time of Bannockburn and Robert the Bruce most of Scotland was united and the Lowlanders and Highlanders were fighting as one people.
I've seen a movie about all of this, but I fell in and out of sleep...two hours of all of that was too much for me on that particular day, and I haven't seen braveheart in a while.

But thanks for the refreshment of memory:up: :bows:

04-13-2004, 05:08 AM
But thanks for the refreshment of memory:up: :bows:

No problem, anytime. History without it there is no future!!

04-13-2004, 08:02 PM
**EDIT** I don't want my friends to see this until it's installed, I'll repost this later...

04-14-2004, 04:04 PM
Word is, the finish date is April 19th. That's this coming Monday. This is also the day my conical airfilter from AngryDuckTofuRacing (www.adtr.net) should get to the guy who's in charge of my vehicle.

So I guess come Monday or Tuesday, I'll have uploaded photos of teeth marks all up and down my frame from it being straightened:depress:

But they cover a wide number of dealerships and the dealership that owns them is a Ford place, so I guess I was put in good hands!

Can't wait can't wait!!!

04-16-2004, 04:37 PM
Well I went to the body shop today to check my baby and make sure she's alright.

Actually, on the side of the car damaged, it looks better than it did before I wrecked it! Everything fits together a little more nicely than before, and the new rim and side marker look cleaner.

HOWEVER I have two concerns.
1. The gap on the hood on the bottom right corner where the two panals meet...it seems to be a tad bid wide.
2. When I used to open the hood it would go "Pop!" and open up. Now it just goes up. I fear the latch was damaged and they never replaced it. It opens and closes and opens just fine, but I want to make sure this shouldn't cause any concern.

The guy who's in charge of my car won't be back till monday, so the guy letting me around to it didn't know jack about it.

Then they went ahead and ordered/installed the new airbox that they weren't supposed to order/install. :shake: I told them that the car was going to sit there for two days until the box I ordered got there, that I'm sorry it's going to be late but that they'd be installing it when it did get there.

He didn't care much, just nodded his head:rolleyes:

O, and the headlights can apperantly be aimed "correctly" I thought this could ONLY be done with Xenon lights. Hey, I learn something new everyday. When I put them in, they weren't installed quite right and I wasn't getting the distance I should have been. To add to that, you know when you turn the lights off and you can see the blue-ish reflection on the panals of the headlamp assembly itself? Well that's actually there! Again, something I thought that was only with Xenon's.

Well, other-wise I'm impressed and they did all of this quickly and have never been rude...none of them have any personality including the secretary...they all kind of act and/or really bored. But otherwise I'm happy!

It'll be cleaned off and all of the compound from the hood and quarter panal re-paint will be sanded off by the time Monday afternoon comes around.

04-16-2004, 07:43 PM
HOWEVER I have two concerns.
1. The gap on the hood on the bottom right corner where the two panals meet...it seems to be a tad bid wide, an extra 8th of an inch maybe?

2. When I used to open the hood it would go "Pop!" and open up. Now it just goes up. I fear the latch was damaged and they never replaced it. It opens and closes and opens just fine, but I want to make sure this shouldn't cause any concern.

I'm hoping there's enough traffic right now that I can get a little bit of commentage (haha) by Monday so I can point this out with athority and not get the "oh it's fine" crap. Because if I don't know what to say past that, they'll brush me off quick.

04-20-2004, 03:36 PM
Just ordered the conical filter from Angry Duck Tofu Racing. Here's a pic of one installed on a Crown Vic.


You guys should check them out! It seems to me there are some very good products for Marauders also, and they appear to be very competitive prices.

I worked with Chris there and he was very quick and curteous in his replies. They don't take credit cards but they do take Pay Pal and money orders and checks and all that.

Yes, I recommend them. Anyone that can keep a straight face after one of my sorry ass business dealings is to be commended. It should be here Saturday or Monday depending on how good UPS is feeling.

Car should be finished just around then give or take a couple of days too!

04-21-2004, 06:20 AM
Well, I was at a friends house and we were running around the block for all that exercise and fresh air you guys would love me to get more of. We come back and his dad has pulled their SUV into the garage INTO my car up along the side wrecking the entire side of the car and the other side which was pushed up into the side wall.

It completely ruined the Marquis, and I woke up in panic! That is never to happen again!!!:bigcry:

04-27-2004, 02:20 PM
Friggin' Update!

I'll be back in the body shop after my tints are installed tomorrow. They said they were going to test drive the thing to make sure it was ok, but I guess a "test drive" means the drove it around their parking lot (which has 7 maybe 8 spaces?). When the drivers side wheel is turned more than 40% or so to the left (backing up or going forward) the wheel is ALL up against the fender well.

So the alignment is off and there's there's an AWFUL and constant squeek in the hood.

Grrr. They had it for two weeks I don't expect to get it back with one tire half way shoved in the quarter panal. Body work and paint is fine though.

I just can't wait for these tints:cool: I have a "before tints" picture in my garage, I'll have an "after tints" picture tomorrow:rock: :rasta: :rock:

06-18-2004, 12:22 PM
Taxi should be here soon to take me to the service shop. Work on the car is FINALLY complete. I had a front end alignment and a lower control arm/knuckle replaced on the front left half of the suspension. I can't wait to have a car that drives straight! (It's been a touch off, and causing it to be a bit more loose as well)
Everything is going my way the last few days:up:

06-18-2004, 12:59 PM
I'm sure we'll hear back soon enough on how the car rides be becarefull with it, just do 80 in it at first then you could move up the speedo.

06-29-2004, 06:43 AM
I'm sure we'll hear back soon enough on how the car rides be becarefull with it, just do 80 in it at first then you could move up the speedo.
I drove normally at first, mostly making turns around in parking lots to check it out. I've only moved past 80 three times in the last week. Twice on the interstate and uh...once not!:nono: