View Full Version : Pretty cool! QF-16 retrofitted for un-manned flight!

04-27-2014, 10:39 PM
http://video.boeing.com/services/player/bcpid1173939806001?bckey=AQ~~% 2cAAAAukPAlqE~%2coAVq1qtdRjwBr IkHYj2MSytJiEK9s5fy&bclid=0&bctid=2684464741001

04-28-2014, 12:14 AM
Christ , it seems like yesterday that the F-16A was entering USAF Service and the venerable F-4 Phantom C's D's and E's were making their departure. Time seems to fly faster than Mach2 at times.

I really hate seeing the F-16's being turned into QF's Drones...it was really sad seeing the F-4's being used as targets too.

I guess nothing lasts forever , except maybe the process to get the F-22 Raptor and the F-35's to live up to their lofty price tags.