View Full Version : Advice needed!?

05-30-2014, 02:11 PM

Well I woke up Thursday morning for work, and to find my Marauder missing. (I live in a condo complex, with reserved and visitors parking) First thought is someone stole my car, but I did not see any broken glass. Second thought was the HOA had my car towed. The HOA is notorious for leaving towing notices on resident’s vehicles for everything. Farting in the wind… tow, don’t check your mail on time…tow, don’t wear matching socks…tow, get the point? Well maybe not that bad, but they have left towing notices on my car(s) windows a dozen times in the past, even for not paying my electric bill on time, which was a mistake on their end and they put the notice on the wrong car.. Anyways to get to the point, I called the police soon after the discovery, and reported it stolen. Police put my car on the stolen car list and gave me a case number. I then called my HOA to see if they had my car towed. They said they had several cars towed during the night and my car was on the list. I asked why, and they responded by telling me that they did not receive my home owners insurance that they requested a few months ago in order to issue new parking permits. I told them I had sent all documents to them back in April and even had HOA reply and confirmed they received all documents.
They then asked me to resend the documents. I resent the documents, along with the original emails sent back in April with all documents attached and the original email from the HOA’s conformation. They confirmed that they had received the emails back in in April and that it was also on record. Somehow my car being on the tow list was a mistake, and they sincerely apologized and said they would get to the bottom of it, to see why my car had been towed, if it was their fault or the towing companies fault. They also offered to reimburse me for the towing fees. (All conversation was emailed)
I am still waiting to hear from them, and I am also still Marauderless.
My question/advice seeking is… should I file small claims, lawyer up and sue?? Or is that pushing it? They said they would reimburse me for towing fees. Ok.. What about work missed for not having a vehicle? I work for myself, and everything I need for work, was in my car. Missing work the first day cost me $600.00. I had five jobs at $120.00 apiece. That’s a kick in the gut to my wallet, and an even bigger kick to the nuts for my reputation. I missed work again today, and I do not know when I will be going to get my car. Also what if my car is damaged? I know it’s almost impossible to fight with the towing company about damage they may have caused. But I know what scratches and dents are in my car like the back of my hand. From the skid marks on the pavement where they towed my car, looks like they pulled my car sideways, by not being able to put the tow truck directly in front of my car. I had a brand new front bumper and new paint a couple months ago, and all I can think of is that the towing company rough housing my baby. Last time my car was towed years ago, I had to vacuum out my tail pipes. When unloading my car the dug the rear end into the gravel parking lot, using my pipes like a shovel.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks In advance.

05-30-2014, 02:17 PM

05-30-2014, 02:18 PM
OMFG that got to be one of the worst things I've ever heard.

Some of the people in the HOA must be immoral people for this to even be possible.

Threaten to go public big. Nothing ****s with people like property values.

05-30-2014, 02:20 PM
I would wait till you get it back before anything. They should be liable for missed work at minimum. Any damages is an obvious.. Let your insurance carrier handle that end.

Make sure to save your emails!

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

05-30-2014, 02:32 PM
I would wait till you get it back before anything. They should be liable for missed work at minimum. Any damages is an obvious.. Let your insurance carrier handle that end.

Make sure to save your emails!

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"


Granddaddy Marq
05-30-2014, 02:45 PM
Make a call to Martyo! And then explain to the HOA the next time my car gets towed from my parking spot, they will find out why we call you Black Ops.

05-30-2014, 03:55 PM
Wait you make 600 a day? What sir do you do?

05-30-2014, 04:01 PM


HOA = Nazis

05-30-2014, 04:25 PM
Wait you make 600 a day? What sir do you do?

Must be a Plumber!

Wait. I don't make that much. :(

Except on Saturdays! :P

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

Granddaddy Marq
05-30-2014, 05:00 PM


HOA = Nazis

Can't move, "Has No Car!"

05-30-2014, 05:20 PM
What does your HOA docs say about all this towing. Is it allowed?

Once you get turned Marauder back I'd go to the local TV station's troubleshooter.

05-30-2014, 07:23 PM
Holy crap your car was stolen by the HOA

Mr. Man
05-30-2014, 07:45 PM
Wait for the car to be returned, check it over, make note of any damage with the towing guy. If HOA will not reimburse you for said work loss you should consult with a lawyer as to what your options are. Save all e-mails and make a hard copy(paper) while your at it.

05-30-2014, 08:30 PM
What Mr. Man said although going through small claims might not be worth 600 especially if your looking at lawyer fees. It sounds like it has to be in the Lease or owners agreement whatever it's called for a condo. Because that is too outrageous for them to just start doing!

05-30-2014, 09:48 PM
Add up all the damages and send them a letter invoicing them for them. If they refuse to pay tell them you'll stop paying HOA fees until the damage is cover. Charge them for interest.

Don't make yourself more upset. Deal with it like you would with a business transaction and recover every single penny.

Lost wages unfortunately are probably something you won't recover though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mr. Man
05-30-2014, 10:19 PM
Add up all the damages and send them a letter invoicing them for them. If they refuse to pay tell them you'll stop paying HOA fees until the damage is cover. Charge them for interest.

Don't make yourself more upset. Deal with it like you would with a business transaction and recover every single penny.

Lost wages unfortunately are probably something you won't recover though.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkNot a lawyer here but I'd be careful about not paying fees. HOA doesn't always play by what's fair. If you stop paying fees you may be out on the street. Talk to a lawyer if it comes to it as a lawyer will go through proper channels to resolve the issue.

05-31-2014, 07:13 AM

I just might..

Make a call to Martyo! And then explain to the HOA the next time my car gets towed from my parking spot, they will find out why we call you Black Ops.

HAH! Would love to put hands on, as would any of us!

Wait you make 600 a day? What sir do you do?

$600.00 a day, some days yes. Most days not quite as much, but still better than any of my previous "jobs". Keep in mind I do work for myself, so I do buy my own supplies, and about 120+ mile round trip per day. Sometimes I spend the night to save gas and my mind! 120 miles per day in Atlanta traffic.......definitely gets the blood boiling!!



HOA = Nazis

They are quite the PITA

05-31-2014, 07:22 AM
^^ Good points. Also not an attorney. Getting legal advice is always a good idea. I believe an HOA can put a lien on the house and even foreclose, but this is a long process. You would have had many opportunities to pay before this happens.

In the meantime, I would think not paying HOA fees would get their attention and would give you leverage.

Hang in there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-31-2014, 07:52 AM
Must be a Plumber!

Wait. I don't make that much. :(

Except on Saturdays! :P

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

Not a plumber, although I have laid plenty of pipe in my days! After being laid off- not fired, laid off 4 times in 2013, it was definitely time to move on, and go into business for myself.

What does your HOA docs say about all this towing. Is it allowed?

Once you get turned Marauder back I'd go to the local TV station's troubleshooter.

HOA documents do state they can and will tow for any of their parking violations posted. Most are stupid, but understandable, although I’ll never understand why they put a tow warning sticker on my car that one time for not paying my electric bill…(wrong person/car).
BUTTTTT….. I didn’t break any rules!!! They towed me by mistake.

Sure they can issue warnings and tow all they want, I would think it would be much more beneficial for their pockets to just “fine” and then tow when fines are not taken care of. The system is a lazy one, and would benefit the HOA to do the “fine” thing or maybe take time to go door to door with reminder notices about parking violations, unless it’s a visitors that’s clearly blocking the fire hydrant. As residents of the complex, we all have identifying front and rear window stickers with the complexes name.

What Mr. Man said although going through small claims might not be worth 600 especially if your looking at lawyer fees. It sounds like it has to be in the Lease or owners agreement whatever it's called for a condo. Because that is too outrageous for them to just start doing!

They can tow for any reason, which is stated in the agreement. But I did not violate any rules. I simply parked my car in its reserved spot, all identifying stickers in windows. Somehow my car ended up on the tow man’s list by mistake….. or my car was never on the list, and the tow guy took my marauder for himself?? The management has yet to “get to the bottom of this” So my car being stolen by the tow man is possible?

Can't move, "Has No Car!"

I’d love to move elsewhere, but I’m still trying to build up what was lost back in 2013. And believe me I hate this complex, HOA for the most part, but my Marauder has taken a beating from the idiot drivers in the complex. It has been hit multiple times, and every time it was a hit and run…. They hit.. I ran… never been able to catch one yet!!

05-31-2014, 09:52 AM
"THEY" can tow legally as per the agreement signed But, they are LIABLE for towing your car if there is no just cause

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06-02-2014, 07:59 AM


06-02-2014, 08:06 AM
Not a plumber, although I have laid plenty of pipe in my days! After being laid off- not fired, laid off 4 times in 2013, it was definitely time to move on, and go into business for myself.

HOA documents do state they can and will tow for any of their parking violations posted. Most are stupid, but understandable, although I’ll never understand why they put a tow warning sticker on my car that one time for not paying my electric bill…(wrong person/car).
BUTTTTT….. I didn’t break any rules!!! They towed me by mistake.

Sure they can issue warnings and tow all they want, I would think it would be much more beneficial for their pockets to just “fine” and then tow when fines are not taken care of. The system is a lazy one, and would benefit the HOA to do the “fine” thing or maybe take time to go door to door with reminder notices about parking violations, unless it’s a visitors that’s clearly blocking the fire hydrant. As residents of the complex, we all have identifying front and rear window stickers with the complexes name.

They can tow for any reason, which is stated in the agreement. But I did not violate any rules. I simply parked my car in its reserved spot, all identifying stickers in windows. Somehow my car ended up on the tow man’s list by mistake….. or my car was never on the list, and the tow guy took my marauder for himself?? The management has yet to “get to the bottom of this” So my car being stolen by the tow man is possible?

They can tow your car for any violations?

One word of advise.... DO NOT REFUSE TO PAY YOUR HOA DUES! You can put the HOA dues in an escrow account to be paid after all this is done with.

06-02-2014, 08:43 AM
First get your car back as soon as possible. whether you have to pay or they pay. you can always get them to reimburse you.

06-02-2014, 04:48 PM
Wow this is ridiculous. Sounds like a lawsuit is in order for them to watch their stupid policies.

Check around the neighborhood if anyone else has been unjustly towed by them. Maybe you can get something going, maybe even kick the board members out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-02-2014, 10:07 PM
in this day and age, nothing surprises me anymore.....here in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune has a problem solver column.....I'd go public with this if the Atlanta paper has a similar column, BUT, first get the car back....why do they still have it after all this time elapsed.....they all but admitted that it was a "clerical error", so what the f*** is the hold up????....especially since the tools of your trade are in the car.....they are some unscrupulous and uncaring SOB's.....if you were closer, I'd let you use my van.....good luck.....GO PUBLIC!!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

06-30-2014, 01:27 PM
Sorry for the wait.
Well here’s the damage…literally. I picked up my car from the tow yard a few days after it had been towed “by mistake”. As I expected, they drove my rear end into the ground. I didn’t realize my tail pipes made such good shovels. My car has been towed before years ago, and they had also driven my rear end into the ground.
Also looks like my front bumper had been pushed up against another car in their lot. I just had a brand new bumper and paint job for the bumper less than six months ago.
I have been in contact several times with the HOA which apologized and promised to take care of the tow fees and bumper. Well they’ve promised this for a month-(today). I’ve been very patient with them, but no action from them. On a side note… I asked them to fix a broken hand rail on their property… took them nearly six months to glue it back together. How long is too long to be reimbursed? I mentioned suing here in previous post. It would definitely get the ball rolling, but would it be worth my time/money? What would you do? Anyone know a lawyer in GA? I’m sure most of yall would have wrung necks by now… or raised hell. Believe me I want to do both, but I barely have time to scratch my ass during the day because of too much work, nor do I want to grow more grey hairs from stressing! Anyways Gents, advice is needed again, and thanks in advance as always.

06-30-2014, 01:36 PM
Sorry for the wait.
Well here’s the damage…literally. I picked up my car from the tow yard a few days after it had been towed “by mistake”. As I expected, they drove my rear end into the ground. I didn’t realize my tail pipes made such good shovels. My car has been towed before years ago, and they had also driven my rear end into the ground.
Also looks like my front bumper had been pushed up against another car in their lot. I just had a brand new bumper and paint job for the bumper less than six months ago.
I have been in contact several times with the HOA which apologized and promised to take care of the tow fees and bumper. Well they’ve promised this for a month-(today). I’ve been very patient with them, but no action from them. On a side note… I asked them to fix a broken hand rail on their property… took them nearly six months to glue it back together. How long is too long to be reimbursed? I mentioned suing here in previous post. It would definitely get the ball rolling, but would it be worth my time/money? What would you do? Anyone know a lawyer in GA? I’m sure most of yall would have wrung necks by now… or raised hell. Believe me I want to do both, but I barely have time to scratch my ass during the day because of too much work, nor do I want to grow more grey hairs from stressing! Anyways Gents, advice is needed again, and thanks in advance as always.
I'd send a registered letter stating a time frame for repair or reimbursement. Let them know you will be contacting a lawyer after the time is up if the repair / reimbursement isn't made.

06-30-2014, 02:27 PM
While not legal help, I can help you collect your money owed from the tow yard and HOA, my fee is more than $600 a day, but I have a great success rate.

cat in the hat
06-30-2014, 02:45 PM

This. I don't know what I'd do if some 80-year-old guy hollered at me for having the wrong color garden hose or something.

06-30-2014, 03:25 PM
Not sure if this will help but worth reading over if you can get past the legaleeze


06-30-2014, 05:01 PM
What does your HOA docs say about all this towing. Is it allowed?

Once you get turned Marauder back I'd go to the local TV station's troubleshooter.

Agreed! :mad2:

06-30-2014, 09:02 PM
I'd send a registered letter stating a time frame for repair or reimbursement. Let them know you will be contacting a lawyer after the time is up if the repair / reimbursement isn't made.

I’ve been patient, and I think I’ve given more than enough time needed to make things right. I’ve only received emails after sending emails to them stating that they would take care of it. After receiving those emails I have heard nothing more. Unless the pressure is on them 24/7 I highly doubt fixing my car is on the top of their stack of “to do list” With that being said, I think I should pursue legal advice. I’ve been screwed over by a couple lawyers who did absolutely nothing for me except take my money. If and when I do see a lawyer and possibly sue… what amounts do I sue for? Just towing fees/ bumper repair…or MORE? I don’t want to be like the guy who didn’t know his coffee was hot after spilling it. Also what % does the average lawyer profit off of a lawsuit?

06-30-2014, 09:04 PM
While not legal help, I can help you collect your money owed from the tow yard and HOA, my fee is more than $600 a day, but I have a great success rate.

$600.00 a day!!!! Last time I checked brass wasnt that expensive! ;)

06-30-2014, 09:10 PM
This. I don't know what I'd do if some 80-year-old guy hollered at me for having the wrong color garden hose or something.

Back in my younger days, my first place was a condo, with HOA. My lease was cut short and I was pretty much kicked out of the place for having an ice cooler on my front porch. The cooler was airing out from the day before and was brought back in with 24 hours. Pretty ridiculous! Even worst was they sent me a letter in the mail with pictures of the cooler on the porch. Surveillance style… pictures where taken out of the window from a vehicle. Guess my cooler was a high priority target!

cat in the hat
06-30-2014, 09:27 PM
Back in my younger days, my first place was a condo, with HOA. My lease was cut short and I was pretty much kicked out of the place for having an ice cooler on my front porch. The cooler was airing out from the day before and was brought back in with 24 hours. Pretty ridiculous! Even worst was they sent me a letter in the mail with pictures of the cooler on the porch. Surveillance style… pictures where taken out of the window from a vehicle. Guess my cooler was a high priority target!

No joke. Everybody I know who lives in one of these places has a story about the Retired-Guy Mafia giving them a ration of s*** over some minor horsecrap.

07-01-2014, 04:39 AM
$600.00 a day!!!! Last time I checked brass wasnt that expensive! ;)

Ammunition prices are through the roof, I generally get that stuff supplied to me though. Lye is cheap though................. :rolleyes:

07-01-2014, 05:06 AM

Where the heck is Marty??:eek:

07-01-2014, 05:13 AM
OMFG that got to be one of the worst things I've ever heard.

Some of the people in the HOA must be immoral people for this to even be possible.

Threaten to go public big. Nothing ****s with people like property values.

Well Well / I feel like you feel !! -I have had in the past 2 Condo's to Many and the HOA and common /element policy tipped me over the limit. I cannot speak for you ,but you get a better tax break if you buy a condo and rent it out [sounds crazy]. In the mean time go for a hi-end rental apt or buy a single family home or town house [row house] .. also be ware of rental buildings going condo, they usually have some age to them and the owners already bled the building dry [needs repairs] .also a condo is only as good as its reserves and home owners association board. : this is inside Info from an X part time realtor from /Washington D.C. [me] :depress:

07-01-2014, 06:08 AM
If it were me, I would just have to weigh my options. First of all, get the car back and access any damages, then if you have damage take pictures at the tow lot and report them to the company before you leave. Then you have to add up how much you lost from not working plus the possible damages compared to the amount you will pay in attorney fees and court filing fees plus how much more work you'll miss being in court. If you feel you will make it out ahead then sue. I would personally be ready to move though if I decided to sue because you will have a target on your back by the HOA for sure after the fact. Good luck