View Full Version : D-Day, 6 June 1944 (70th Anniversary)

06-05-2014, 05:44 AM
:flag: Please take some time out of your day tomorrow to remember ...... :flag:

Maybe you had a grandfather, father, uncle, or other relative who was there. Many never made it off the beach that day. This is the price of Liberty and Freedom. Never forget !!!!

June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.”

More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded -- but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.

The Allied landings at Normandy were the beginning of the end of World War II by taking the fight to European soil and eventually into Germany itself. Officially, it was known as Operation Overlord. No relation to RF. ;)

A list of the US Army Divisions that participated in the invasion is here >>>>> http://www.army.mil/d-day/divisions.html

Raleigh Marauder
06-05-2014, 07:21 AM
The Greatest Generation indeed.


06-05-2014, 08:41 AM
And what did they sacrifice for?
Our generation is a disgrace
We Blew it

06-05-2014, 09:56 AM

06-05-2014, 10:05 AM
And what did they sacrifice for?
Our generation is a disgrace
We Blew it

This is exactly what I think when I watch any type of old war movie/documentary.. what a shame.

RF Overlord
06-05-2014, 10:57 AM
My father was a Navy WWII vet and for all I know he was at D-Day, but he never talked about it and I didn't know enough to ask the right questions before he passed. When my sister and I were going through his files in his study, we came across hundred of pictures and documents we never knew existed.

God Bless everyone who was there, and if you have a loved one who was, get them to talk about it. It's too late for me...

06-05-2014, 03:28 PM
They just did what were told. They did not stop to ask why?