View Full Version : Calling all guitar players

06-09-2014, 05:09 AM
On very short notice my band is recording in a studio on TAPE tomorrow. Reel to reel. Free of protools, autotune, computers and "we can fix that." So excited. The studio has gear for us to use. Below I have a link to what they have. Let me know of the best combo you can think of.

My thoughts are Fender Dual Showman, Marshall Cabnet and Silvertone guitar. I have a Fender Marauder, LTD and Strat that I am bringing too.

Let me know any suggestions for the perfect 3 chord rock n roll combo. Yes we are recording a Little Richard song too!


06-09-2014, 06:36 AM
To be honest for amps I would go with the JCM 800 head and matching 4 X 12 cab, or an orange head/Marshall cab.
I'm not sure what kind of tone you are looking for though Dom, but that's what I would go with.
Fender makes great tube amps too, I have one and I love it so you could go that route too. Will you have time to experiment with the different equipment? That's the only way to really tell, tube amps sound different from amp to amp, guitars too.
You will have a blast though, good luck and have fun.

What are you planning to use for michrophones? That will make a huge difference in your sound also.

06-09-2014, 08:46 AM
you are gonna have to get L-O-U-D to get any grind out of that showman.
the gibsonette would be killer with the silvertone.
a fender tweed + telecaster is always a home run.

i hope you have a good tape source lined up. ive been down that road and finding tape was a nightmare.

good luck with your project

RF Overlord
06-09-2014, 09:35 AM
Find an original Hiwatt or a Vox AC-30.

If you want it really grungy, get a battery-powered Pignose and crank it...

06-09-2014, 07:21 PM
Honestly, I do not know what sound I want. I have never been happy with anything other than one time when I played a 1965 ES though a Gibson Skylark amp. It was great.

Thanks for the suggestions guys!

06-10-2014, 05:29 AM
low powered tweed twin and a telecaster. yep, tweed twin and telecaster.

06-10-2014, 12:59 PM
I went away for an hour and this is what they put together. This ALL works at the same time.

Killer sound!