View Full Version : Bumper cars at the Sonic Drive-Inn

04-14-2004, 04:29 PM
My turn to suffer...

Let the wife have the Marauder today because I needed to take her Escape to a messy construction site this morning.

So... she takes the kids out to Sonic for lunch and leaves with more than just indigestion. Seems as she was just fully backed out of her spot, a woman in a half-pint pickup parked two spots over decides she wants a piece of the Marauder's rear bumper.

View the horror below (nevermind the goober in the reflection):

The white vertical line is where the plastic is cut clear through. I'm thinking no chance of fixing the old bumper.

$1165 estimated damage to replace the rear bumper facia, paint & install. I'm dealing with the pickup owner's insurance adjuster tommorrow.

No one was harmed, probably because I was 40 miles away. But I did feel a sharp poke to the side right around that time...

Dang, now I'll have to reorder some SS Inserts and re-read that 38 post thread to figure out how to put them on when the time comes.

- JD

04-14-2004, 05:01 PM
. But I did feel a sharp poke to the side right around that time...
- JD

Ouch !!! ... :depress: Hope the repair goes well and quickly.

Guess this will teach you about using the Escape. :eek:

04-14-2004, 06:31 PM
Hey at least it was not a honda:)

Good luck with the pick-up's insurance!

Fourth Horseman
04-15-2004, 12:31 AM
Damn, that sucks. :depress:

04-15-2004, 04:48 AM
Instant DEATH!!!!!Find the driver and kill , Kill ,KILL!!!! :mad2: :mad2: :bigcry:

Just kidding thank god no one was hurt.$500.00 to pay the deductable , Errrrrrrr.Good luck :up:

04-15-2004, 04:50 AM
Man sorry to hear the bad news!! Let this be a lesson watch out for Hondas and stay away from Sonic. I almost got nailed near a Sonic while I was taking the car to Dennis.

04-15-2004, 04:58 AM
I can feel you pain. I'm already a member of that club. My wound looked the same and the reparied mine instead of replacing it.

Paul T. Casey
04-15-2004, 05:31 AM
On the inserts, my insurance company paid for the V8 badge I had put on the fender. I would think the inserts would fall into the same sort of deal. Let the bodyshop do the job.

04-15-2004, 05:16 PM
The offending pickup's insurance is coming through 100% after the adjuster interviewed my wife. My wife may be small, but she can make you feeling like crawling under the nearest rock when she's pissed (half Spanish / half German).

She's taking it a lot harder than I am. And it happened on the day before our 15th anniversary too. I just wish I was the type of guy that would try to get some milage out of this sort of thing... I bet I could swing a S/C on guilt right about now.

I did manage to buff 70-80% of the wax/clear scuff down to a barely noticable haze, but there's no fixing the gash. They are paying for a re-man'ed bumper, so I guess I'm getting a previous victim. I'm going to inspect it before paint / install though. My dealer's doing the work, so he's pretty simpathetic.

Yes, the offender will also be buying me new inserts. I'll have to wait a month for paint cure before I can slap them on though.

Thanks all for the words...

- JD

04-16-2004, 05:57 PM
Hwy - That bumper should be new. Don't accept anything less.