View Full Version : I sold two Marauders

04-15-2004, 06:24 AM
I went to the New York auto show at the Javits Center in NYC last night with my two brothers and my dad. The show was awsome! I loved the Ford displays. Ford consistently had the biggest crowds, becuase of the GT, Cobra concept, and the new '05 Mustang GT R.
When we got over to the Mercury section, I spent some time at the MM. They had just one black MM. Two guys came over to look at the MM. They both remarked how cool the car looked. One of them said he heard the car was just a little quick but heard it had potential. But wondered about what kind of power could be had from it. So...I started to tell them about the types of performance upgrades available for the car. They were very impressed! By now a small crowd of people gathered around the car, listening in. So I included others in the convo. It felt like I was giving a seminar. Of course I told them if they wanted to learn more to come to this website, that this is were I learned most everything I know about the car. They seemed impressed that there was such a following for the car and a forum online too. I thought for sure a rep for Mercury would have come around by then to see if they could talk to all the people, but nope. None were to be found. Though they weren't too far away, behind a desk. I know for sure I sold two MM there. The first to one of the two original guys I talked with, and then another in the crowd, and maybe more. Afterward, my youngest brother said I should go over to the desk were the Mercury reps were hanging out and ask for my commision for selling to cars for them!
This just proves further what everyone here has been saying. That if they just tried to sell these cars a little bit, they would be a big seller.

04-15-2004, 06:30 AM
I went to the New York auto show at the Javits Center in NYC last night with my two brothers and my dad. The show was awsome! I loved the Ford displays. Ford consistently had the biggest crowds, becuase of the GT, Cobra concept, and the new '05 Mustang GT R.
When we got over to the Mercury section, I spent some time at the MM. They had just one black MM. Two guys came over to look at the MM. They both remarked how cool the car looked. One of them said he heard the car was just a little quick but heard it had potential. But wondered about what kind of power could be had from it. So...I started to tell them about the types of performance upgrades available for the car. They were very impressed! By now a small crowd of people gathered around the car, listening in. So I included others in the convo. It felt like I was giving a seminar. Of course I told them if they wanted to learn more to come to this website, that this is were I learned most everything I know about the car. They seemed impressed that there was such a following for the car and a forum online too. I thought for sure a rep for Mercury would have come around by then to see if they could talk to all the people, but nope. None were to be found. Though they weren't too far away, behind a desk. I know for sure I sold two MM there. The first to one of the two original guys I talked with, and then another in the crowd, and maybe more. Afterward, my youngest brother said I should go over to the desk were the Mercury reps were hanging out and ask for my commision for selling to cars for them!
This just proves further what everyone here has been saying. That if they just tried to sell these cars a little bit, they would be a big seller.

That's awesome!!! You should get commission. :rock:

04-15-2004, 06:31 AM
"snip" Of course I told them if they wanted to learn more to come to this website, that this is were I learned most everything I know about the car. They seemed impressed that there was such a following for the car and a forum online too. ........ I know for sure I sold two MM there. ..............That if they just tried to sell these cars a little bit, they would be a big seller.

Looks like we have a challenger for the BigDogJim and Haggis MM.net recruiting trophy for April. :burnout:

04-16-2004, 12:23 AM
Hopefully Mercury reads this thread

04-16-2004, 07:02 AM
Maybe as the new car shows travel around the country, if a few people from this forum went and talked it up over a few nights , and these people started buying MMs then maybe Mercury will realize the need to continue making the MM. It was very easy to do. And I'm no salesman

04-18-2004, 09:34 AM
See, this is the main reason I bought this car. You guys love it so much and are so confident of its value that you are willing to go work for free just to keep it alive.

I use a Macintosh and I feel the same way about that computer as I do this car. When I owned a BMW I did the same thing.

After I owned a BMW I decided that I would never again own a car that did not have a cult like following.

If I get a chance to go to an auto show and market the MM I will.



PS: Message to Jerry Barnes, please talk to your breakfast buddy from the Mercury Marauder Group and suggest to him that he staff his shows with guys from here. :)