View Full Version : Tower Shops Meet # 3

04-16-2004, 07:45 PM
Just got back home from the Meet tonite. It went real well as always. 9 members showed up tonite. We talked about a number of things ,one thing was T-Shirts & hat's. Another was the picknick On May 16 at Markham Park, and we also talked a little on maybe meeting up with The Southern Marauders some time in the near future.( Maybe near Disney or Mr. Reinharts ) Every thing went great. If anybody has something to add or if I left something out please just post it.

04-17-2004, 04:14 AM
Amsoil and jinfla showed up for the first time to one of our meets, and Carfixer showed off his dual under-hood lights. Once again had a great time.

04-17-2004, 04:21 AM
For the 3 times that I have been to the MM meets, I have fun every time and look forward to many more.

04-17-2004, 10:01 AM
Carfixers lights looked great, (even though I kinda know where one of them came from) the only problem was air traffic was being misdirected going into Miami airport...And Carfixers better half said it took her 3 hours to detail his engine compartment...Nice going Claude !! Had a grat time....... :D

04-19-2004, 10:38 AM
That was quite an event. Not only was it good turn out of Marauders (certainly the most I have ever seen in one place), there were some awesome classics there. It was the best informal car gathering I have ever seen.

It was a pleasure to meet everybody and I'm sure I'll make it to another one some day. Sadly, I will not make it to the picnic May 16. I have other family things planned that weekend.


04-19-2004, 06:26 PM
WE were glade you could make it. It was nice to meet you their. We hope you can make it again to another one of our meets or special event's we will hold in the future . Sorry too hear you and you family can't make the Picnic.

04-20-2004, 09:36 AM
Well, sounds like I miss another good one. Nice to hear the turnout was good! See you at the Picnic!

04-20-2004, 01:29 PM
Well, sounds like I miss another good one. Nice to hear the turnout was good! See you at the Picnic! Welcome back! We did have a nice meet. Sorry you missed it . I'm sure we will have a really good turn out for the Picnic.