View Full Version : Thanx To All!!!!

04-17-2004, 10:36 PM
Thanx to everyone for coming out and making it what it was. Without all of you, it couldn't happen. We raised a lot of money for Fred Walker, Jake Brown, and The 111th Fighter Wing of The Air National Guard. Thanx to "SANTA FE" who I thought was a GREAT BAND that performed for free and to Gene Kane the DJ. Thanx to Ken Toscano and Tom Murphy the owners of Northeast Lincoln Mercury for allowing me to have this event!!! Thanx Everyone.

04-18-2004, 04:58 AM
Ray: I am sorry that I couldn't attend. I feel like I missed one of the best events of the year. At least I got my T-shirt!!!

04-18-2004, 08:48 AM
Ray: I am sorry that I couldn't attend. I feel like I missed one of the best events of the year. At least I got my T-shirt!!!

Martyo I wouldn't personally feel sorry about missing this event. Not everyone has my negative view about this event. But I would gamble to say that you would never see 14 marauders at this event from this club again. Sorry Ray, I wish I could have explained my many problems with this event personally. On the other hand it was very nice to meet and greet all the marauder owners and friends that make the long trip worth the travel.

04-18-2004, 10:03 AM
Well it was 13 blacks and two blue, with one silver showing up later, not a menber of this site, tryed to get him onboard but, no internet access???

It was great seeing everyone:up: We had Marauders from Ct.,NY, Va., De., Md.,NJ, & Pa.

Ray it was ashame that we all could not park together! You did have a very LARGE turnout.(thanks for keeping the rice out)

I made a connection with the Northest MuscleCar Club. A group of 53 people that are really into their cars!!!(Thanks again ray!)

With the things are going at MM.net looks like the Big Dog will head down Route 1 and join up with them. As far as I can tell I will be the only Marauder:up:

I myself have about had it with the bull**** supercharger wars!!!!!

Good bye

04-18-2004, 02:28 PM
With the things are going at MM.net looks like the Big Dog will head down Route 1. I myself have about had it with the bull**** supercharger wars!!!!!

Good bye
I hear ya Jim, God's speed too. Don't slam the door though, I may be right behind you.

I'm lifting your print here and taking that to the other thread. By the time I get to the end of my essay, some here may be pushing me down Highway #1 right behind you...Another time, my friend, we'll hook up again.

04-18-2004, 06:05 PM
Martyo I wouldn't personally feel sorry about missing this event. Not everyone has my negative view about this event. But I would gamble to say that you would never see 14 marauders at this event from this club again. Sorry Ray, I wish I could have explained my many problems with this event personally. On the other hand it was very nice to meet and greet all the marauder owners and friends that make the long trip worth the travel.

So sorry I couldn't put you all together. The people started to arrive at 3:45pm. The event didn't start until 6pm. I tried to hold them off, but it created a huge traffic jam. The cars were blocking Roosevelt Blvd and there were almost accidents. The police told me I had to let them in. We only had the Tyson Ave. side cleared of cars at that point. I had your section ropped off but ended up having to give it up. We are open until 5pm. so I couldn't move all the cars. I kicking around having it on a Sunday so we would be closed. I'm not sure about the "PA Blue Law" that forbids us from being open on Sunday!!! I hope you understand. We had 320 car come to a facility that can only handle about 275. Thanx, Ray

04-18-2004, 06:29 PM
Ray: It was great event!

Things happen and people need to chill out and take them instride!

I saw the "hord" first hand you did a great job!!

See you at the next one as part of the "Northeast Muscle Car Culb":up:

04-18-2004, 07:21 PM
At first I don’t want to reply to this thread, but we all have the freedom of speech and I want to explain to Ray about some of my issues concerning the show. Let’s not start another war on this board. I have received several P.M.’s concerning this post and I have replied to all of them. Bigdog don’t take this on the chin, because it was not your fault and it seems that Ray was overloaded also. I am currently involved in 2 local clubs and participate in several car enthusiast events monthly. I have been doing this for over 20 years. I have owned a 67 Couger, 78 TransAm, 70 Nova SS, and currently a Marauder. What concerns me is that this event was not the best venue for the Maruader.net members. This was a Pro event, and we were not a good fit for this crowd. Just look around and it was easy to see the money that people had invested in there cars. Stock or modified Marauders were no match for the supercharged big block Muscle cars on display. It was like a mini version of the World of Wheels. If Ray was having problems with the event, someone could have called and maybe the group could have changed plans to accommodate. I stand alone on this issue at this time, but look at the rest of the group. It has been 24 hours and you would think more people would chime in on how we could improve on communications and expectations. Below I have enclosed my response to TAF and Martyo. If you don’t agree that’s fine. I will not play games with anyone on this board or anywhere else.

Martyo, as usual I was up for this event and prepared my car a week in advance for the car show. I spent 8 hours detailing the car and purchasing supplies. I also brought a digital camera, video, laptop, and 35 mm. I was expecting this day to be a memorable day in marauder history. As you know I live hundreds of miles from most of the Northern events, but that has not stopped me from attending and participating in activities. Needless to say we had a great start and the weather was very inviting.

The gang arrived in Philadelphia around 4:30 and I was very happy to see old and new faces. The Bennigan’s restaurant was a great idea, but as usual we moved slowly and were rushed to eat our meal to make the 6:00 p.m. starting time. Once we arrived at the dealership it was immediately apparent that the lot was full and finding a space would be an issue. This was not a good thing because the group was mixed with new comers and cars show veterans and organizing everyone offered a challenge. To add to the confusion some cars were in the dealership lot and on the street. The positive side, the cars on the street were able to leave quickly when necessary, but the other cars were trapped because cars were allowed to drive in and consuming all drivable space (blocking people in). I didn’t stay till the end, but I image some people were trapped beyond the ending time and had a long trip home. I left at 8:00 p.m. and arrived at home 12:39 a.m.

The rub is, I don’t think everyone was informed properly about this car show/cruise. The cars at this event were comprised of highly modified and vintage cars. I also found 2 Impala SS cars in the mix. We were attending a Lincoln Mercury sponsored event and I was disappointed about their lackluster response to our turnout. We showed up in strength and left in confusion. Just look at the lack of responses listed on this board. I could go on with this rant, but I think you got the picture. I deeply care about the members on the board and I see an alarming trend. We must come up with some constructive ideas to prevent these failures in the future

04-18-2004, 07:22 PM
Ray: It was great event!

Things happen and people need to chill out and take them instride!

I saw the "hord" first hand you did a great job!!

See you at the next one as part of the "Northeast Muscle Car Culb":up:

Thanks BigDog for leading the group from the south into Philadephia. It was great to meet up with you at last. Hope to meet up with you again at more and similar events. Not sure what is happening behind the scenes; but this site has opened a new door to a bunch of great folks.

Thanks also to Murader03 for organizing the southlanders at the Delaware rest stop for the trek into PA.

My wife and I had a great time. The weather was perfect for a little cruise and the trip up from VA and home was great. The highlight of the day was seeing Marauder's Row outside Bennigan's on Cottman. Sure would have liked to get a peek at a Silver MM; but missed that one over at the dealer's.

And, finally to the entire gang who made the trip to Philly for the Cruise Night --- you all make the trip worthwhile. I came as a "newbie" and a stranger and was comfortable with the entire group from the Get-Go. Thanks for the welcome!!!

I don't know who took home the awards for the night; but my vote goes for the Cherry Red Mustang Cobra SVT inside the shop bay. The red on red metalflake flame job was incredible and the shadowing on the graphics really gave it a 3 dimensional look. Hope that car got at least honorable mention if awards were distibuted. Didn't stay til the end -- wanted to get home before the witching hour --- made it by 12:30 AM.

Til next time ...........

04-18-2004, 07:33 PM
I think this was the car you were talking about tstrat99

04-18-2004, 07:41 PM
I think this was the car you were talking about tstrat99
Thanks Merc,

Yep, that's the one. I think I got a shot or 2 also from the front and the side. Had to wait until folks cleared out of the way to get a clean shot of that one.

04-18-2004, 07:43 PM
Man just being with people from the club in the parking lot were we met would've been fine heck we could have all met at a trash dump and i would've have had a great time with everyone thats was there . this site has the greatest bunch of people i have met everyone was nice , intelligent and considerate.wish ya'll live next door.Thank logan for this site :up: :up: :up:

04-18-2004, 07:48 PM
I think this was the car you were talking about tstrat99

That car is owned by a young guy that is a painter in a body shop. He just finnished it on Sat. after the car being involved in an accident last month. He is the younger brother of my best friend that owns JD'S Auto. He worked for me when he first got out of school and then got a job in a body shop. RAY

04-18-2004, 07:56 PM
Merc, the only question I have and I'm no way trying to start any trouble, just trying to understand your opinion, what kinds of cars did you expect to be at a Cruise Night? If you looked at the flyer or my photo albums you would have seen what was here before. RAY

04-18-2004, 07:59 PM
"snip" we could have all met at a trash dump and i would've have had a great time with everyone thats was there. "snip" .Thanks logan for this site :up: :up: :up:


We call 'em Environmentally Protected Landfill zones down here. The Trash Dump Cruise ought to look good on the T-Shirt. So, when's the event. :lol:

Seriously though --- your point is well made ... It's really about the caliber of folks and the friendly nature of everyone that I've met. And, the Marauder and MMnet made that possible.

04-18-2004, 08:02 PM
My favorite car was the Marauders, but second place should be this pony car

04-18-2004, 08:45 PM
Merc, the only question I have and I'm no way trying to start any trouble, just trying to understand your opinion, what kinds of cars did you expect to be at a Cruise Night? If you looked at the flyer or my photo albums you would have seen what was here before. RAY

Ray in my area of the woods we are hard-core car enthusiast. At Burger King we meet every week. Our turnouts are very similar to the numbers that attended your events. We have a large mix of cars, motorcycles, and of course 4x4 vehicles. I thought at first this was going to be an all Ford event, but after looking at your previous pictures from you’re past events that was clearly not the case. You had a really great group of cars representing a rainbow of manufacturing wizardry. It was nice of you to invite our club, but let’s look at the facts. I don’t think we were prepared 100 percent for this show. Most Marauder members that traveled a distance still have bug splatter on their windshields and bumpers. Some members had their hoods up to display the accumulation of dirt covering their engine bay. I looked around the crowd and other vehicles on your lot. Most cars were very clean on the outside, if they had shortcomings they attempted to cover them up. The best representation for our club was in the accumulation of Marauders in attendance at one time. This is the last year of Marauder manufacturing and we all feel sad because of the lack of advertising on behalf of FMC. I was hoping to deliver a going away party for our cars by showing everyone with a show of numbers what we share as Mercury Marauder owners.

04-19-2004, 07:08 AM
Bigdog I for one will miss your presence and your friendship on this board, your humor is quite unique. Just ignore all th BS that goes on, I for one do not care and will not get involved whether a car is S/C or not or whether it is a KB, Trilogy or DR. The ones that due all the arguing and chest pounding are just showing there immaturity. We all joined here for one reason the love of our Marauders and to meet people with similar interest. So please stay on and just ignore them.

Mac, I don't want to here you want to leave either. I have learned a lot from you in the past year about my car and how I can make it better. I will also miss you and your posts. If you do leave here I will hunt you down and kick your ***. Enough said, K!!

Cruise night, what did we expect? I expected pretty much what was there, Merc and I talked and I did agree with him on a few things, but not all. I do understand Ray being overwhelmed with the turnout. There were a lot of nice cars there. It was a shame we could not all park toghether and at first I was paked in the street, but then the fat bastard told me there was some spaces open near him in the lot, so I quickly moved my car inside. I wanted to show off the Kenny Brown car to all those car enthusiast there and was not going to leave my hood open out on the street. It did get a lot of looks and people did ask me questions about it. I hope I did it justice David and hopefully I sent some business your way.

I did have a little problem getting out of the lot, we left around 10 or 10:30p.m. They had to back up a Mustang and pick-up for us to get out, actually I think the pick-up was leaving and I just got luck to be able to follow him out the fence.

Thanks to MarauderMark for waiting for Ladyhawke and I to get out and for that nice tour through the streets of Philly. How long did you live there? LOL.

It was nice to meet old friends and new and if we want a Marauder only meet we will just have to arrange it ourselves, like we have done in the past and will in the future. But sometimes it is good to get out among the masses and show them that we are just as enthusiastic about our cars as they are about their's.

04-19-2004, 07:18 AM
Bigdog I for one will miss your presence and your friendship on this board, your humor is quite unique. Just ignore all th BS that goes on, I for one do not care and will not get involved whether a car is S/C or not or whether it is a KB, Trilogy or DR. The ones that due all the arguing and chest pounding are just showing there immaturity. We all joined here for one reason the love of our Marauders and to meet people with similar interest. So please stay on and just ignore them.

Mac, I don't want to here you want to leavr either. I have learned a lot from you in the past year about my car and how I can make it better. I will also miss you and your posts. If you do leave here I will hunt you down and kick your ***. Enough said, K!!

I dont know what happened to see haggis write this but i sure as heck agree w/ haggis as well. Whats the matter with everyone wanting to leave here i thought things here were getting better you all are my 2nd family whether or not we have met .i dont play with the comp much but since i bought this car im on here ever night because of ya'll dont ruin a good thing bros ....cause if ya do then let get em gordon :lol:

04-19-2004, 10:16 PM
Mark: One way or another I'll always be around:)

I spend a great deal of time on this site:)

I just need to "step back and look at the big picture"

I can state that as long as I am alive I will drive/own this Marauder:)

Merc: I am not sorry my car did not meet your expections for a "show" car.

I arrive at this event to help in any way I could to raise MONEY!

I came to hang out with friends, not spend my days before hand polishing the Mauader. My call not your or any one else!

My Marauder had been in a very very long warranty paint WAR for almost 1 year.

I drove all way to Texas with the worst paint ever put on a car!

Maybe just maybe after the car is completely repaint on May 24 I will work on the details.

Truth is the Marauder has been at the Ford dealership so long my dear wife thought I sold it!

One weekend in the blue Lighting and come real close.
(sorry god-of-speed)

It may not be big deal to some of you but the paint WAR has taken a lot out of me:mad:

30 large is lot to pay and be faced with shelling out another 7 grand to fix a factory mistake:mad:

Thanks to Greg and the people at Haldeman Ford in Hamilton, New Jersey I will finally get the paint I paid for:):):)

Never more than a phone call away! :banana2:

04-19-2004, 11:03 PM
Well, regardless of how everyone felt about the meet, I got just about what I expected. This was a meet for car enthusiast, but the primary reason for the gathering was to "Support the Troops!" "PERIOD" I don't take care of my car as some of you do, my car works for it's living, and it shows it's wear and tear just fine. Was I out classed by other MM's, well, yes, BigDog and I both were for different reasons. We went because we are car people, who wanted to meet other car people, and espically our other MM owner friends. I had a great time, it was unfortunate that my wife didn't feel well, but the time spent with other MM owners and the friendship involved made up for any other short comings. Were we rushed, yes! Did we enjoy the meet, yes and no. Would I go again, to "Support the Troops", you bet!

My wife thinks I'm nuts, and to quote her "It's just a CAR!" She's right of course, but the people you meet by being part of the "CAR" are more important than the "CAR" itself. My working class MM will never be of show quality, nor do I expected it to be. It's part of a culture, and as long as I can drive and navigate to places where this culture meets, I'll attempt to be part of it. "Dirt and ALL!"

04-20-2004, 12:47 AM
Bigdog I for one will miss your presence and your friendship on this board, your humor is quite unique. Just ignore all th BS that goes on, I for one do not care and will not get involved whether a car is S/C or not or whether it is a KB, Trilogy or DR. The ones that due all the arguing and chest pounding are just showing there immaturity. We all joined here for one reason the love of our Marauders and to meet people with similar interest. So please stay on and just ignore them.

Mac, I don't want to here you want to leave either. I have learned a lot from you in the past year about my car and how I can make it better. I will also miss you and your posts. If you do leave here I will hunt you down and kick your ***. Enough said, K!!

Gordon, I don't care what either of them say. They aren't going anywhere, like it or not.

And. There will be kilts at Indy! So there

04-20-2004, 05:48 AM
Bob, thanks couldn't have said it better and sorry that we did not get to say good-bye Saturday night. Hope Dottie is feeling better real soon, Chris and I will keep her in our prayers. One more thing we are nuts Bob weren't you told, but I agree it is more about the people we have met then the car.

Duncan, Kilts, Scotch and Haggis (I mean the real thing) at Indy.

04-20-2004, 08:38 AM
Before people get misconceptions about my written intentions concerning this subject. I want be explain few points.

1.) We had 14 to 15 cars at 6:00 p.m. on our way to the dealership.
Anyone have an idea what the count was after one hour ?
If we had a sign in list there would be no questions.

2.) Secondly I support the troops and the National Security everyday and I am also a Veteran.

3.) As a active organizer of Rollin Thunder, I pick up veterans from Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital for the past 7 years to attend this event. I am also an active member of the Big Red 1 society. A five-dollar donation is one thing, taking your time out is another thing.

4.) At every dinner event that I have attended people seemed rushed to eat and there is always a money issues. This is the type of problems that most people don’t want to talk about and they are recurring. I bet this happens at other Marauder events.

5.) What we should focus on is how we can improve our gatherings and organization skills.

6.) If the car count was 14 people and approximately 28 people in attendance, did we find the time to introduce ourselves to all the members and welcome the new attendees.

Ladies and Gentlemen we have the opportunity to look and our failures from this event and others and stop making the same mistakes. This is why we need regional representatives.

04-20-2004, 09:31 AM
4.) At every dinner event that I have attended people seemed rushed to eat and there is always a money issues. This is the type of problems that most people don’t want to talk about and they are recurring. I bet this happens at other Marauder events.
Doesn't happen to us...2 Suggestions...

Separate Checks


Cracker Barrel (the OFFICIAL restaurant of the Mercury Marauder :up: for the Southern Marauders, at least)

04-20-2004, 09:34 AM
Mark: One way or another I'll always be around:)

I spend a great deal of time on this site:)

I just need to "step back and look at the big picture"

I can state that as long as I am alive I will drive/own this Marauder:)

Merc: I am not sorry my car did not meet your expections for a "show" car.

I arrive at this event to help in any way I could to raise MONEY!

I came to hang out with friends, not spend my days before hand polishing the Mauader. My call not your or any one else!

My Marauder had been in a very very long warranty paint WAR for almost 1 year.

I drove all way to Texas with the worst paint ever put on a car!

Maybe just maybe after the car is completely repaint on May 24 I will work on the details.

Truth is the Marauder has been at the Ford dealership so long my dear wife thought I sold it!

One weekend in the blue Lighting and come real close.
(sorry god-of-speed)

It may not be big deal to some of you but the paint WAR has taken a lot out of me:mad:

30 large is lot to pay and be faced with shelling out another 7 grand to fix a factory mistake:mad:

Thanks to Greg and the people at Haldeman Ford in Hamilton, New Jersey I will finally get the paint I paid for:):):)

Never more than a phone call away! :banana2:

Personally Bigdog it doesn’t matter if you come to the marauder events naked and the only stitch of clothes you had on was soiled underwear you still would be my friend. I understand your problems and we both share similar paint woes. The advertised event was a Car Show, and yes I paid the five dollars at the gate plus an additional 20 dollars as a donation. As a group I think we would have been better off staying together a little longer and not separated as we piled in. Not everyone visits this site daily to express their views. I wanted everyone to have a great time and if it were only about a fund raising event I would have sent you a check, because it cost me 10x more money to drive to P.A. What I was asking for is some common courtesy, if the Dealer was having difficulties then rely the message to someone in the group. If I am not mistaken, this was the largest gathering of Mercury Marauders at any Dealership.

Paul T. Casey
04-20-2004, 09:36 AM
Just my $.02, check out one of the Southern Breakfast deals, These guys do the meal/meeting/introduction thing right. :up:

04-20-2004, 09:43 AM
Just my $.02, check out one of the Southern Breakfast deals, These guys do the meal/meeting/introduction thing right. :up:
Thanks Paul...but, we've never had the BigDog
"show up in only his soiled underwear"....:lol: :lol:

Paul T. Casey
04-20-2004, 09:47 AM
Well youse guys made this yankee feel welcome, I'm sure a large on in soiled undies would be wlecome too, if for no other reason than the entertainment value!

04-20-2004, 09:58 AM
Not wanting to step on anyone's toes. But, this was not a CAM Meet nor was it a MM.net meet. We were invited to a Cruise Night to show support for the Troops by another member. Yea, maybe we should have stuck more together at TheDealers' and I will admit am partly to blame on that, but one I did not want to park in the street and was upset that we had to. I also wanted to check out the other cars that were there. Outside of Bennigans we shot the breeze for a while and while we were waiting for our food.

We did not leave Bennigans as a group, it was more or less 3 to 4 cars at a time. We are all to blame on that, the lead car and cars should have waited until everyone was lined up and then raided TheDealers' in force.

Many of you know that I have tried to get the Capitial Area Marauders together and I even tried to start a Local list of our members, not to much sucess. We have had one official Meet so far for our area and with the snow gone and the temperture rising I hope we can have more this Summer. We now have more members in the area, so we can now expect larger turnouts. Right?? So lets start hearing some ideas, instead of always meeting at a restraunt does somebody know of a nice area where we could have a picnic and some outdoor games.

Have to run can not finish at this time.

04-20-2004, 10:52 AM
Maybe I should keep my mouth shut but I can't. I can't believe some people are still crying about this event after three days. If you get that upset about it, don't go!!!! You act like a 2 year old. You were to come and have a good time. It seems most did. I'm sick of hearing about it. If you don't like what I have to say, ban me or I will voluntary leave. GOD, get a life!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

04-20-2004, 11:05 AM
FlyinGN Posted: Apr 17 2004, 10:56 PM


Group: Members
Posts: 185
Member No.: 107
Joined: 29-September 03

Another great one Ray! Good job. Wall to wall people!! Cars where almost al the way down to WAWA!!!! We had a GREAT time! Met a lot of nice people too!


1988 Olds Posted: Apr 18 2004, 12:04 AM

LTR Addict !!!

Group: Members
Posts: 1077
Member No.: 74
Joined: 18-September 03

Great Cruise Night. Great to see you again Frank. Have fun in AC tomorrow.


1988 Oldmobile Cutlass Supreme Classic, 15X7 Centerline Telstars , Cooper GT's, EdelBrock Chrome Air Filter, Walker Cat-Back Dual Exhaust, More pics at http://community.webshots.com/album/89197560JyXKxl

FakeTypeR Posted: Apr 18 2004, 12:32 AM


Group: Members
Posts: 177
Member No.: 85
Joined: 20-September 03

yea it was awsome..i liked all the cars but i thought there was no rice aloud


My mom always said i couldent handle the power of a V8


Thanks for the photos and thanks for having one hell of a cruise. We all had a great time.

Bill Rementer

Web Master

Philadelphia Modifiers Street Rod Club

Ps. It was nice finally meeting you…

Just wanted to say that Saturdays event was a really good time. I can only imagine how much time you and your associates spent putting it together. Hats off to you for a job well done. Regards Paul.


This is just a sample of a few. I sick of me working for 6 months to put on the best show I possibly can. I do ALL of it myself. I would just like to thank the cry babbies. I'm out of here. Goodbye!!! RAY

04-20-2004, 11:55 AM
Hey Ray,

Too far for me to travel, but it sounds like the majority had a good time, and got to see some awsome cars. I wish I could have been there.

04-20-2004, 12:07 PM
Maybe I should keep my mouth shut but I can't. I can't believe some people are still crying about this event after three days. If you get that upset about it, don't go!!!! You act like a 2 year old. You were to come and have a good time. It seems most did. I'm sick of hearing about it. If you don't like what I have to say, ban me or I will voluntary leave. GOD, get a life!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Here is an e-mail that I sent to Ray:


If you misinterpeted my last post I apologize. Chris and I for one had a good time in Philly as I stated in earlier posts. It was real cool seeing all the cars there and all the people in support of the troops. I would like to thank you again for inviting us to Philly and I for one would like to come back again, if I am invited. It was good meeting old friends again and making new ones as well and thank you for your hospitality. Ray you have been very helpful to me and others here in the past, please do not some people upset you enough to make you leave

Sorry I was not able to talk with you more you were busy, understandable. When we have the next CAM meet I will personally invite you to come down, maybe we can have it at a gym were we can all put on some gloves and knock the living crap out of each other.

Thanks again for a great time,

Maybe we should all cool down and take a step back after this past weekend and ask ourselves why do we post here. If you do not like the answer you give yourself, then... Remember this site is free, we are not charge to come here nor are we forced to post. This was suppose to be the best site on the web, what happened?

We are all adults, but have not been acting as such lately and I am deeply disturbed by it. I have made many friends here and will keep in contact with them. I am not leaving,but will be lying low until all this BS goes by.

Sorry again Ray and to everyone else that is tired of this BS.

04-20-2004, 12:45 PM
No it's not you it's Merc. First off if you can read there was never a mention of a "CAR SHOW" It says "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" "PHILLYS BEST CRUISE NIGHTS". I think you have a reading comprehension problem. Just like you didn't know what kind of cars were going to be here!!! It was shown on both the flyers that were in my signature along with the photo albums. You state if I was having a problem I should have relayed that to your group!!! How was I supposed to do that with 300 car trying to get on the lot at 5:30pm. I don't understand you. But PLEASE do me a favor. DON"T COME BACK!!!

Out of here, RAY

here's what was in my signature for SIX months!!!

http://www.mustangmods.com/data/85/cruise_flyer_with_eagle.700.jp g

04-20-2004, 04:19 PM
Why does this kind of things happen on here???Can't we PLEASE get along.I was one of the cars left on the street .Know what i did ?? I locked up the car and stayed with my brotheren all night .Me and peg had a great time and like i said the meet could've been anywhere . as long as i was with ya'll it is fun!!!!To tell you the truth i didnt really see any of the cars except when i went to my car and bathroom i was to busy with mi familia.it felt preety cool having my car in a show (was my 1st time) :banana: can't we all kiss and make up(again we need a smilely that puckers up)C'mon lets get a group hug here.. :rock:

04-20-2004, 04:26 PM
Sure Mark, I am big man and I was not mad at anyone. Personally I have no hard feelings concerning this topic. The next time I see you all please have a beer on me, if not have a DVD. :beer:

Kiss Kiss Kiss Hug hug hug

04-20-2004, 04:32 PM
Why does this kind of things happen on here???Can't we PLEASE get along.I was one of the cars left on the street .Know what i did ?? I locked up the car and stayed with my brotheren all night .Me and peg had a great time and like i said the meet could've been anywhere . as long as i was with ya'll it is fun!!!!To tell you the truth i didnt really see any of the cars except when i went to my car and bathroom i was to busy with mi familia.it felt preety cool having my car in a show (was my 1st time) :banana: can't we all kiss and make up(again we need a smilely that puckers up)C'mon lets get a group hug here.. :rock:


Check your PMs. :sleepy: Thanks.

04-20-2004, 04:32 PM
Kiss Kiss Kiss Hug hug hug

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-20-2004, 04:57 PM
:alone: :alone:

MAD-3R's Wife
04-20-2004, 06:18 PM

I wanted to thank you for the cruise. I finally saw the car that I want in real life (well close in year). Later in the evening (I don't know the time) I saw a car that looked familiar. When I got closer I saw that it was a 1973 Buick Riviera Boattail. I WAS SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! :banana: I have been dreaming about a 1971 Buick Riviera for a year now but I wasn't sure how the car would look in real life. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!

Thank you again for hosting this cruise and inviting us to attend. I had fun meeting new people and seeing all the old cars. :P


04-21-2004, 08:39 PM
Hi Ray,

I also want to Thank You for the cruise. We had a great time. Like Natasha, I saw a beautiful Mustang that I would love to have. And the red Mustang with the awesome paint ... COOL!!! Please tell the painter that we were very impressed by his work. I have been toying with a custom paint job on my Firehawk but haven't decided what to have done. Thanks for the service that you have provided to us and other members on this site. It would be a shame to lose you as a friend and member.

Hope to be invited back in the future.