View Full Version : What's so special about that car?

09-05-2014, 09:21 PM
On a recent saturday morning I was working on the engine of the MM when I hear - "Hi I am Bob and live on Bayou Rd. Every time I drive by you are working on your car. It's a nice car but what's so special about it?"

I can immediately determine he is not a car guy so I point out the Vortech and that I drag race it. He advises his good friend is a hotrodder and would love to see my car. I tell him stop by anytime you see me working on it!

Then I stop to buy gas in Satsuma Alabama and a man ask me if I will sell the MM. I tell him no and he gives me his card for when I change my mind!
He has 5 muscle cars and drags a Mustang in the 1/8 mile around the Gulf South.
He ask me to give him something when I leave the gas station so I give it 1/2 throttle and it lites up the tires.

I am at a cruise in and I over hear a guy with an immaculate Roush Mustang tell another car owner go check out that 11.5 second MM. He has a story board of all the mods and a history of the different 1/4 times with each mod pkg.

The MM continues to attract a lot of attention

09-06-2014, 03:26 AM
I had a old lady tell me, yesterday, "what kind of car is that? Its so very well maintained and LONG". In my head I was saying, "that's what she said" but a she actually said it lol. Anyways, the mm is a rare site to look at. And with those mods you have I can guaranty your gonna continue to receive more compliments.

09-06-2014, 06:46 AM
Great story, I was almost expecting the same ending we usually hear: you know, the idiots at car shows who don't know jack about Marauders

That's awesome he singled you out and drive attention your way. Keep up the good work!

09-07-2014, 10:48 AM
Great story, I was almost expecting the same ending we usually hear: you know, the idiots at car shows who don't know jack about Marauders

I agree, excellent story. I was at a show last year and I overheard this one jambroni talking to his friends "They came in 4 colors Black, Blue, Red and Silver, but almost nobody knows about the one car that came painted gold from the factory." I tried asking him where he got the information and he said my buddy owns this one. My response was "Are you sure about that? I'm pretty positive this is my car." It was one of those open mouth and insert foot moments.

09-15-2014, 08:23 PM
I had a friend recently ask me why my car was in the annual car show in Lakeland. I gave him the whole speech about the history, the 32v engine, the rarity, the Silver Birchness, the heated seat, you know...the important stuff.

09-15-2014, 08:26 PM
I liked this guy at a gas station "is that custom, or is that a Marauder?"

I had to say = "Yes."

09-16-2014, 06:10 AM
When people ask if i want to sell one of my cars i say no buy offer to help the find one.

09-16-2014, 06:32 AM
I get asked at the Ford dealership where they service my car: "Did you have trouble swapping this engine for the factory unit?" You should see their faces when I tell them that it is the factory engine!

My other story are the police officers asking at car shows; "How did you get that engine in there?"

09-16-2014, 07:17 AM
When people ask if i want to sell one of my cars i say no buy offer to help the find one.

I always tell them it's for sale................ will sell for enough to buy two more!

09-16-2014, 08:52 AM
Ha HA , yes , the Truth is Always Amazing and stranger than Fiction !!!!!

MM in MN
09-16-2014, 10:38 AM
I think I'd find a different Ford dealer.

09-16-2014, 07:47 PM
I have tried three different dealerships.

The "dealership mechanics" these days don't know what a carburetor is; have trouble plugging in their diagnostic computers into cars that don't have computers; and they give you a strange look when you tell them that they just unplugged the idle air motor.
can you guess the questions when the see this under the hood of the Mustang?

09-16-2014, 08:30 PM
can you guess the questions when the see this under the hood of the Mustang?
Inglese or Hilborn?;)

really, why are you bringing such vehicles to dealers anyway :confused:

09-17-2014, 08:46 AM
It is the Inglese system.

I take the show cars for oil changes only. They give me a free 5th change. If I allow them to display one of my cars in their showroom from time to time, I get a serious discount on my non-collector repairs and car purchases.

example: the sticker price when I ordered the Marauder in '04 was $ 37,319.
I paid $ 27,850.

09-17-2014, 04:12 PM
Today I was driving down St. Charles Ave, the one with the Street Cars, when a guy in front of me in a 4 door Mercedes pulls over to the next lane.

He rolls down his window, sticks his head out and gives a thumbs up. I thought he wanted to get back in the lane in front of me so I motion same. I then think ohh he thinks I am a Cop, so I really motion to move back into the lane.

Finally I realize, now that traffic is backed up, and return the thumbs up!:D

09-18-2014, 10:57 AM
I paid almost exactly the same amount, but mine was $27,650 and it was an '03. :)

It is the Inglese system.

I take the show cars for oil changes only. They give me a free 5th change. If I allow them to display one of my cars in their showroom from time to time, I get a serious discount on my non-collector repairs and car purchases.

example: the sticker price when I ordered the Marauder in '04 was $ 37,319.
I paid $ 27,850.

09-18-2014, 03:37 PM
It is the Inglese system.

I take the show cars for oil changes only. They give me a free 5th change. If I allow them to display one of my cars in their showroom from time to time, I get a serious discount on my non-collector repairs and car purchases.

example: the sticker price when I ordered the Marauder in '04 was $ 37,319.
I paid $ 27,850.
That is a sweet discount for a display deal!:beer:

09-22-2014, 09:02 AM
Today at the bank a guy asks how you like that Marauder? I answer I do, I drag race it. I added an S/C.
He says I heard it, how does it run?
I answer I out run stock Z06s.
He ask what's that like?
I answer first they call their urologist and they tell him they can't find it. Their urologist tells them he can't help him to call a proctologists. Yuk, yuk, yuk.

09-22-2014, 09:58 AM
Today at the bank a guy asks how you like that Marauder? I answer I do, I drag race it. I added an S/C.
He says I heard it, how does it run?
I answer I out run stock Z06s.
He ask what's that like?
I answer first they call their urologist and they tell him they can't find it. Their urologist tells them he can't help him to call a proctologists. Yuk, yuk, yuk.

Sounds like this shrink was out to get your digits. :eek: