View Full Version : Asking for all of your help!

09-06-2014, 06:22 PM
Hello fellow MM.net members. I have been active on this board since 2005 and have never solicited funds from you guys. Quite the opposite actually, but that is not what is important. I would like to ask for your help now.

I have committed to run a 5k this year at the Baltimore Running Festival on October 18th in support of the Helping Up Mission.


This is the first year on Team Hum for me but I have been involved with the mission for a number of years. I am a recovering alcoholic so this incredible institution is very dear to me and I have seen the miraculous transformations of the men who have completed the program.

The Mission is a Christ-based twelve month recovery center on Baltimore Street serving alcoholics and addicts in Baltimore City and the surrounding counties. The Mission houses up to 500 men at one time and offers them a chance to reclaim their lives. Services available to the men include food, clothes, lodging, spiritual growth and 12 step recovery classes, dental attention, psychiatric counseling, legal assistance, and job placement. Many men have walked in the doors of the Mission as “beaten” men but with a strong will to get better and have completed the program and gone on to lead productive lives. It is one of those places where you see God’s hand at work in people’s lives.

To that end I hope you will join me in supporting the Mission by making a tax-deductible donation to the Helping Up Mission in support of my 5k run. Donations can be made by clicking on the link below to our fundraising page on Razoo.com:


If you prefer to donate my mail, you can mail your donation to:

Helping Up Mission
1029 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Attention: Bob Johnson Team HUM

Thank you and God bless.


09-06-2014, 07:23 PM
How much per k r u asking for... And are YOU running? If so I am in.

09-06-2014, 07:29 PM
Thanks for your interest! It is a flat donation of any amount you care to give, not per kilometer. I will be running and am in pretty good shape, so I will finish. Let me know if you have any other questions.
How much per k r u asking for... And are YOU running? If so I am in.

Ms. Denmark
09-07-2014, 07:47 AM
PM sent, Bob.

Mr. Man
09-07-2014, 03:54 PM
5K? :dunno: :hmmm: :thinker:5280 x 3.14-27+7+7?????? :grad: then a miracle occurs, /4.5 x the hypotenuse of -8.7SQ=200 feet!!! We are in :2thumbs: ;)

09-07-2014, 04:05 PM
Ah, the new common core math...:D

But seriously Mr. Man, THANK YOU!!!
5K? :dunno: :hmmm: :thinker:5280 x 3.14-27+7+7?????? :grad: then a miracle occurs, /4.5 x the hypotenuse of -8.7SQ=200 feet!!! We are in :2thumbs: ;)