View Full Version : Marauder under the knife part II

04-19-2004, 10:02 AM
Well, my baby has another visit with the dealership. They are going to be repainting the 2 panels which the paint is bad. I told them to also compound the entire car in hopes of them getting all the crap out of the paint (also possibly burning the ever so thin paint, which they would be forced to give me a full repaint!! ;) ) Hopefully all goes well. Since its in the shop, im having them look at the rear end sqeak. Everytime i go over a speedbump or into certain high driveways, it makes a pooping sound. I know its some sort of bushing.
As for a rental, i got a 2004 Merc. Sable! They consider that a full size car :uzi: Oh well, at least its a rental to have fun with!! :pimp:
I'll keep you all posted on the paint aspect!!!

04-23-2004, 10:08 PM
Well, i got my car back on wed. I didnt notice till today how BAD the car looks!!! I have buffer burns on the rear window rubber trim, the plastic part near the rear B piller is melted from their buffer! And the WHOLE car has a 3d effect from all the buffer burns. I will have to go back on monday and see what they will do now. Im not letting them touch the paint anymore, they cant even seem to paint it right!!!!
This is really turning into a big PITA!!!

04-24-2004, 01:41 AM
Sorry to here about this. That kind of repair work is :bs: I hope you get this resloved. Let us know what happens.

04-24-2004, 02:05 AM
Well, i got my car back on wed. I didnt notice till today how BAD the car looks!!! I have buffer burns on the rear window rubber trim, the plastic part near the rear B piller is melted from their buffer! And the WHOLE car has a 3d effect from all the buffer burns. I will have to go back on monday and see what they will do now. Im not letting them touch the paint anymore, they cant even seem to paint it right!!!!
This is really turning into a big PITA!!!

Bring it down here. My repaint is awesome. Seriously, if the dealer cannot paint and buff a car, ask him how to sub the job that can.
