View Full Version : New Garage and Lift

10-01-2014, 03:47 PM
Hi All:
I am about to build a garage and will immediately have a lift installed.
A dream finally come true!
Financing in place and a spot on my property finally agreed upon with the Missus...
I haven't decided on the size of the garage yet, max for the site I'll be building on is 24 by 30. I'd like to have the lift on one side with the other side just an open bay. But i'm concerned about how tall the garage would have to be in order to do this from an aesthetic point of view as it will be close to my house. But if I put it in the middle I will lose flexibility of the garage.
I am looking hard at the Direct Lift HR 8000 two post lift and have located a company that will install for 500 bucks.
So basically I'm asking for comments and suggestions on this project, any feedback is appreciated!

10-01-2014, 04:18 PM
That price is scary low.. Personally I love my USA Autolifters low ceiling height model kinda like the one you posted, but since they are no longer around I would only invest in a Rotary.

As for the ceiling. 9' walls minimum would be best, reverse gable roof minimum 4/12 pitch, preferably 5/12 or more. If the garage door rails look to be a problem then have them and the opener follow the roof trusses up. This should give you an approximate ceiling height of 12' going 24' deep or around 13' going 30' deep in the center. Average car is 4'-5' from frame to roof leaving you 7' tall clearance using the smallest formula. Other factors that will affect height is wall ties (that can be eliminated near the lift) and rafter ties which can be installed quite high.

Hope this helps.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

10-01-2014, 05:01 PM
Awesome Jim. Are you thinking of a metal pre-built garage and have a contractor put it up? I hear, that's the way to go easy on the pocket book.

10-01-2014, 06:27 PM
Bob, They are built by the same company as Rotary, Dover Manufacturing. They have over 100,000 in operation in the US.
Thanks for the roof info that's what I need. I'd love to see a pic of your setup.
Dave, I have a contractor to build it, I thought about metal but wifey-poo vetoed that idea...can't fight city hall...

10-01-2014, 06:37 PM
My garage is about 30 by 24. I used a Direct 4 Post PP8 and it works great for almost everything. And you dont even have to mount it to the floor. You can move it wherever you want. I have a friend out of state that has a Direct 2 post and loves it too. To my knowledge Direct and Rotary are the same thing. Here is a pic for reference. Plenty of room for me. This is long before it was finished but it gives you an idea of the size.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/401393_3378880431312_121034057 0_n.jpg?oh=2aeff9e6920e9d1ea0d 4ccfbe0d20983&oe=54B9B967&__gda__=1422154926_3403af4801a 18576ba09dd5913219fdd

Mr. Man
10-01-2014, 06:48 PM
Not knowing your budget you can ask your building designer to do his or her best to soften the impact of the building by adding-more, different, etc characteristics to the building and its roofline. I've seen buildings that were quite tall but because of the shape of the building it looked and fit its space comfortably. I'd go with the largest footprint because you can never have enough space. Talk to your designer and builder about what you want. When it comes to designing a home or building shoot for the moon and scale it back til it's in your budget. JM2cents.

10-01-2014, 07:02 PM
My garage is about 30 by 24. I used a Direct 4 Post PP8 and it works great for almost everything. And you dont even have to mount it to the floor. You can move it wherever you want. I have a friend out of state that has a Direct 2 post and loves it too. To my knowledge Direct and Rotary are the same thing. Here is a pic for reference. Plenty of room for me. This is long before it was finished but it gives you an idea of the size.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/401393_3378880431312_121034057 0_n.jpg?oh=2aeff9e6920e9d1ea0d 4ccfbe0d20983&oe=54B9B967&__gda__=1422154926_3403af4801a 18576ba09dd5913219fdd

You have TWO of my favorite cars :D

10-01-2014, 07:08 PM
Like button ^^^^^^^

Original poster this is plenty of room for me but this is what I had to work with. Good luck with your build.

10-01-2014, 07:14 PM
My garage is about 30 by 24. I used a Direct 4 Post PP8 and it works great for almost everything. And you dont even have to mount it to the floor. You can move it wherever you want. I have a friend out of state that has a Direct 2 post and loves it too. To my knowledge Direct and Rotary are the same thing. Here is a pic for reference. Plenty of room for me. This is long before it was finished but it gives you an idea of the size.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/401393_3378880431312_121034057 0_n.jpg?oh=2aeff9e6920e9d1ea0d 4ccfbe0d20983&oe=54B9B967&__gda__=1422154926_3403af4801a 18576ba09dd5913219fdd

Hope your cabinets don't fall on the cars. Just sayin

10-01-2014, 07:18 PM
Dad and I built them.......... overkill............ just like everything else.......... LOL.

Your a butt head! ;)

10-01-2014, 07:19 PM
Dad and I built them.......... overkill............ just like everything else.......... LOL.

Your a butt head! ;)

I got nuthin :bows:

10-01-2014, 07:22 PM
You could store your DBP on them with no worries.............. just sayin'

10-01-2014, 07:27 PM
You could store your DBP on them with no worries.............. just sayin'

Maybe when it came down it would have twin turbos :D

Good luck to the op :2thumbs:

10-01-2014, 08:21 PM
I think I'll get a no *****s given sticker and leave my car dented up.
I'll show youz....

10-02-2014, 03:10 AM
Interesting, I am in the same posture with a garage, 2 years convincing wifey to let me cut down some trees.

Just made appointment with surveyor, I am going with 30 X 50 Steelmaster.
170 mph wind rated building with roll up impact doors.
3 10wx12h doors in front, an 8X8 in the back and a lift with future potential for a spray booth.

I have been looking at 2 post lifts just for the added accessibility to the underside of the car.
My question is do I need anything special in the slab for mounting the lift?

10-02-2014, 04:30 AM
Interesting, I am in the same posture with a garage, 2 years convincing wifey to let me cut down some trees.

Just made appointment with surveyor, I am going with 30 X 50 Steelmaster.
170 mph wind rated building with roll up impact doors.
3 10wx12h doors in front, an 8X8 in the back and a lift with future potential for a spray booth.

I have been looking at 2 post lifts just for the added accessibility to the underside of the car.
My question is do I need anything special in the slab for mounting the lift?

Check with the lift manufacturer for the thickness on concrete required.

10-02-2014, 03:30 PM
My garage is about 30 by 24. I used a Direct 4 Post PP8 and it works great for almost everything. And you dont even have to mount it to the floor. You can move it wherever you want. I have a friend out of state that has a Direct 2 post and loves it too. To my knowledge Direct and Rotary are the same thing. Here is a pic for reference. Plenty of room for me. This is long before it was finished but it gives you an idea of the size.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/401393_3378880431312_121034057 0_n.jpg?oh=2aeff9e6920e9d1ea0d 4ccfbe0d20983&oe=54B9B967&__gda__=1422154926_3403af4801a 18576ba09dd5913219fdd

Your setup is exactly what I want. Is your garage 24 wide or 30 wide?
What is the height of the inside of your garage?
What made you go with a 4 post vs. a 2 post? i am favoring the 2 post because it seems more suited for brake jobs and suspension. I've got a 944T that I will be stuffing an LS3 motor into, but want to go through the suspension etc. before I start that phase.

10-02-2014, 03:33 PM
Check with the lift manufacturer for the thickness on concrete required.

I have a mechanic friend that has 3 lifts. He recommended at least 6 and preferable 8 with hd rebar webbing. He said this is necessary only in the lift area. He went with 4 and you can see the concrete cracking everywhere.

10-02-2014, 05:20 PM
This is the best thread I have read on here in a while. I will be building a 3-car garage in the spring with some room up top too, like an apartment. I think a 4-post and obviously a 2-post are in order. I want running water and a slop sink as well.
I would love to
I'm pretty excited about it but like any project gotta be smart about it and plan it out good.

10-02-2014, 06:31 PM
My garage is about 30 by 24. I used a Direct 4 Post PP8 and it works great for almost everything. And you dont even have to mount it to the floor. You can move it wherever you want. I have a friend out of state that has a Direct 2 post and loves it too. To my knowledge Direct and Rotary are the same thing. Here is a pic for reference. Plenty of room for me. This is long before it was finished but it gives you an idea of the size.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/401393_3378880431312_121034057 0_n.jpg?oh=2aeff9e6920e9d1ea0d 4ccfbe0d20983&oe=54B9B967&__gda__=1422154926_3403af4801a 18576ba09dd5913219fdd

Kick ass set-up love that gn !!!

10-02-2014, 09:14 PM
Ceiling is 12' 6" I thought I posted that maybe not. 4 post was chosen for ease of storage (park another car under it) and ability to still perform most services needed on vehicles. I can perform 4 wheel service on the 4 post no problems at all. Has a hydraulic sliding jack to lift the car off the ramps. Works just great for me.

10-03-2014, 08:31 AM
Below are some pics of the garage I added on. It's a 4 post Back Yard Buddy Lift. There is a rolling jack platform that my low profile floor jack can sit on and I can remove a tire or tires if need be. Doing oil changes and brakes is a breeze. My ceiling is 12' high. Clears both cars no problem My Expedition can go all the way up, but I can lift her high enough that it is not an issue. The lift just sits on the floor, and mine is the extended height one, meaning it is 6' high fully up. I am 5'10" so this is not an issue with hitting my head. Good luck with your project. The G8 GT is gone and I have a 2013 SHO now.

http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh600/sweetair/DSCN2519.jpg (http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/sweetair/media/DSCN2519.jpg.html)

10-03-2014, 09:40 AM
My X wife had an 87 Regal V6 that I was going to build into a muscle car at some point. Such beautiful lines. It was stolen in 1992 and was found on the south side of Chicago. Well, the frame was found........

10-14-2014, 11:20 AM
You can see my garage on my cardomain page.

I have two direct 9,000 4 posts [they roll around - with a car on it] I have four cars in there so 4 posts are necessary..

I also have the low rise scissor lift [52" rise] and its also portable.

my garage is 32 x 32 with 12 ft ceilings - 6/12 roof with storage trusses so I can store up above...

also have ac/heat pump - because I'm not sweating any more...

and when I need to wax the rocker panels - I just raise a lift appropriately...


enjoy your garage bud

10-14-2014, 02:45 PM
You can see my garage on my cardomain page.

I have two direct 9,000 4 posts [they roll around - with a car on it] I have four cars in there so 4 posts are necessary..

I also have the low rise scissor lift [52" rise] and its also portable.

my garage is 32 x 32 with 12 ft ceilings - 6/12 roof with storage trusses so I can store up above...

also have ac/heat pump - because I'm not sweating any more...

and when I need to wax the rocker panels - I just raise a lift appropriately...


enjoy your garage bud

I'm with you on the A/C! This summer I was changing the wiper blades on the MM in the carport and sweating my a** off!
No More.
I really like your rollups, who is the manufacturer?
BTW, I really think you need more gas cans...

10-15-2014, 08:02 PM
I had a metal 30 x 60 with 16 foot walls built. It was supposed to have 10x12 garage doors but they installed 12x10's instead. All that did was to make it where I cannot pull an rv into the garage. I also have a used Rotary 9000lb 2 post lift, it cost me half the price of a new one. The floor is 6 inches thick. I had roll up doors installed. Good luck on your new garage.

10-16-2014, 08:44 AM
Here are some great ideas for you:


Lock up your wallet!

10-16-2014, 04:44 PM
I'm with you on the A/C! This summer I was changing the wiper blades on the MM in the carport and sweating my a** off!
No More.
I really like your rollups, who is the manufacturer?
BTW, I really think you need more gas cans...

The lifts are all by Direct [Rotary]...

I only use ethanol free gas so the cans are loaded into the pickup and down to the boat mariana where they sell it due to fiberglass tanks on boats..

Actually, I have more cans now and moved into outside storage to move the aroma from the indoors - [fuel cans indoors wasn't my smartest idea]

10-26-2014, 05:00 AM
The lifts are all by Direct [Rotary]...

I only use ethanol free gas so the cans are loaded into the pickup and down to the boat mariana where they sell it due to fiberglass tanks on boats..

Actually, I have more cans now and moved into outside storage to move the aroma from the indoors - [fuel cans indoors wasn't my smartest idea]

I meant your garage door rollups.