View Full Version : Just a Quick thought

Paulie C.
10-13-2014, 12:21 PM
So of you know me, some of you know of me and some of you have no idea who I am. I am not going to go into to much detail but I am going to just make sure I set the record straight on something before the whole Marauder community gets one side of the story. Many of you knew my father, many of you knew/know my stepmother from my father racing down south and participating in different events. My Grandfather, my Father and myself were/are all avid car enthusiests and before my Father's passing it was made clear to the whole family, myself and my step mother what his intentions were and they are now honored. I have taken over ownership of his marauder and I am not just paying to maintain his car and putting all of the sweat equity in to keeping it clean. Unfortunately some people seem to forget things and the people who loved them and although I do understand said person's attachment to the car, she is not the only one who lost someone. Nor am I the monster that she is apparently making me out to be. Just know this, my father Paul Casey was an honorable man, and I have worked very hard at not only trying to live up to his expectations, but to exceed them. Please know that his car is safe and now garaged, will continue to be well cared for, and will continue to live a life of drag racing and chemical pampering. I work in the automotive repair industry and I assure you I have no ill intentions and that there are two sides to every story. Take what you want from this and just know that my fathers wishes have now all been met 1 3/4 years after his passing. I am not asking anyone to choose sides, I am simply just trying to say my piece and set the record straight. My father was a great man and I truely believe that he is now resting in piece knowing that I have taken over responsibility of his vehicle. That is all and I am sorry it has gone the way it has.

10-13-2014, 12:26 PM
I take it you don't get along with your stepmother.

Paulie C.
10-13-2014, 01:53 PM
We always got along fine but these past 4-5 months have been taxing on both of us and it just sucks that things are the way they are. I love her very much but I guess if this is how it has to be, so be it.