View Full Version : A Limited 2005 MM Production Run ??

04-21-2004, 07:15 AM
After sparkling like she was brand new at Saturday's Philly event, my Blue MM is in sad shape today. It's that time of the year in Virginia and my MM has been totally pollinated -- last night it drizzled a bit -- so now it has pollen pox. Can't wait til later to get rid of the stuff ... almost embarrassed to drive it home ... well, not really " ... even in her present condition, she is still quite the looker.

A "Pollinated Marauder". I'll keep you posted on developments ... maybe a couple 2005 MM puppies or kittens in the future. Well, we can hope. :lol:

04-21-2004, 07:35 AM
A "Pollinated Marauder". I'll keep you posted on developments ... maybe a couple 2005 MM puppies or kittens in the future. Well, we can hope. :lol:

Keep us Posted on this one...... :bounce: :lol: :rock:

04-21-2004, 09:07 AM
You think the pollen shows up on your car? Try owning a Black car.

04-21-2004, 10:04 AM
You think the pollen shows up on your car? Try owning a Black car.

While black looks so much better when clean, that's the beauty of owning a silver car! Even during winter, the salt just blended in with the paint color...........

My car sits under a tree and has been pollinated as well, but it's just not visible thankfully.

04-21-2004, 12:10 PM
It's almost like your can own a car these days with out a garage?

04-21-2004, 02:10 PM
It's almost like your can own a car these days with out a garage?
I've got a garage ... just too hard to move all the junk out every night to put the car in ... workshop, tools, Craftsman box and bench, and lotsa miscellaneous "U name it" stuff ........... I guess I need a bigger garage 'cause I ain't having much luck whittling down the Stuff. :lol:

04-21-2004, 09:26 PM
The problem with my garage, is that the driveway is way too tight to navigate the Marauder. It goes past the side of the house where it goes very off-camber, and then turns very sharply to the right while being off-camber into the garage. This actually poses a dangerous problem if it's snowing or icing outside which is the real reason the garage is no longer used for the car. If the car would start sliding sideways, there is no margin for error and would get you into a really nasty situation. The garage is also used for storage of stuff, so it's not like I could clear it out if I wanted to.

04-21-2004, 09:35 PM
[QUOTE=junehhan] The garage is also used for storage of stuff, so it's not like I could clear it out if I wanted to.[/QUOTE

Garage sale at june's house!!!!! :rock:

04-21-2004, 10:14 PM
[QUOTE=junehhan] The garage is also used for storage of stuff, so it's not like I could clear it out if I wanted to.[/QUOTE

Garage sale at june's house!!!!! :rock:

LOL, I don't think there is much that is worth buying in the garage.

04-22-2004, 02:54 AM
LOL, I don't think there is much that is worth buying in the garage.

Ok, how bout a bonfire at june's house, weenie roast? :lol:

04-22-2004, 08:44 AM
I dunno about the bonfire, because that would probably get me locked up since it's against city ordinance to start an open fire within city limits. My days of playing with fire have been over for a long time since the days when I was little and had my kicks back in those days. However, we could fire up the grill and have a cookout, although I havn't used my grill in almost 2 years. It's a propane grill and I just like the taste of charcoal much better. My old friend sold it to me before moving to California, but weenies and burgers just don't taste as good with propane...........

"I sell propane, and propane accessories"
-Hank Hill, 2002

04-22-2004, 07:16 PM
What is going on , are you people insane.

04-23-2004, 08:28 PM
What is going on , are you people insane.

Define,----- insane----- :lol: :lol: