View Full Version : Keys Lost

Bob Mathis
12-07-2014, 06:25 AM
I need some help. We have lost are extra set of keys and the Valet key. How hard is it to get a new set made?

12-07-2014, 06:31 AM
If you have one key you have to have a second key made and programed at a dealer. I think some locksmiths are now able to program keys.

12-07-2014, 10:28 AM
I took my daughters 04 Taurus to a locksmith, he charged $25 for the key and $25 because we didn't have the second key.

12-07-2014, 10:34 AM
Most locksmiths can do it. Dealers can too but more expensive.

Granddaddy Marq
12-07-2014, 10:58 AM
Wal-Mart be leave it or not can clown some keys now. Give it a shot.

12-07-2014, 11:22 AM
All I have IS the Valet key.. Does that fall in the same category for a lock smith making me another, that will actually work the glove box and trunk?

12-07-2014, 11:28 AM
All I have IS the Valet key.. Does that fall in the same category for a lock smith making me another, that will actually work the glove box and trunk?

I think they can. Best to call and ask. To do it yourself you'd need to working keys.

12-07-2014, 12:30 PM
Any locksmith can cut a key if you provide an original for them to copy - including the valet key.

Without a key already cut most locksmiths can create a key based on your lock cylinder, but it will cost more money.

Ford's database of key "codes" generally only goes back 10 years, and your dealership's parts department may or may not be able to provide the code to cut a new key from scratch, and most will require a significant amount of proof of ownership.

Moving on to the programming aspect:

PATS - Passive anti-theft system programs the car to a key so that even if you have a key that is properly cut that will open doors and turn the ignition on, the car will not start unless the car is programmed to the key. Realize that this system is not programming the key to the car - when programming happens nothing is changing about the key - the module in the car is learning the radio signal/code from the key and programming it as a key that can start the car.

The car may have a maximum of 8 keys - including any valet keys. If attempting to program additional keys past 8, programming may fail, or earlier keys may be erased.

PATS keys can be programmed by any dealership service department.

PATS keys can be programmed by some locksmiths.

By default the car is set to allow customer key programming. Owners who have two currently working keys may program additional keys. Additional keys must already be cut. First insert the first working key and turn the ignition on. Wait 6 seconds or until the PATS security light goes out. Remove the key and insert the second working key and turn the ignition on. Wait 6 seconds or until the PATS security light goes out. Removed the key and insert the non-programmed key. Turn the ignition on and wait 6 seconds or until the PATS security light goes out. Remove the newly programmed key. Check function of all three keys to confirm they all are able to start the vehicle. This function can be turned on/off by the dealership service department.

Dealerships and some locksmiths can erase all programmed keys - to prevent lost/stolen keys from being used. After all keys are erased a minimum of two keys must be programmed.

12-07-2014, 01:08 PM
Disable the PATS in the tune and make as many as you'd like.

Builder Of Badassery

12-07-2014, 02:27 PM
Whats really neat is if you have two Ford's, cut one side of the key to one car and the other side of the key to the other car. Program both cars to the key, and since lock cylinders only read one side of the key you can use one key for both cars, assuming you put the correct side of the key in for the proper car.

Bob Mathis
12-27-2014, 01:44 PM
We found the key. My wife god love her put it in a file that I am not sure why. :):banana:

Mr. Man
12-27-2014, 02:07 PM
We found the key. My wife god love her put it in a file that I am not sure why. :):banana:Probably so she wouldn't lose it ;)

12-27-2014, 08:47 PM
Whats really neat is if you have two Ford's, cut one side of the key to one car and the other side of the key to the other car. Program both cars to the key, and since lock cylinders only read one side of the key you can use one key for both cars, assuming you put the correct side of the key in for the proper car.

A split personality key... for a Dr Jekle and Mr Hyde type car... I love it.

12-31-2014, 11:19 PM
Now that you have two keys, protect yourself for the future. Go to Ebay and get a proper blank or two and then have your local hardware store or walmart cut them to match your key. It doesn't matter if it is the standard or Valet key, the only difference in them is the thickness of the blade. The Valet key is thicker so it won't fit in some of the locks.

Then program the new keys by inserting the first original key turning it to on, then of, do the same with the other original key and then the new keys. This process erases all other key codes too.

Now as long as you have two keys you can program the car to accept others in the future.

Another more expensive option is to have one of your keys cloned. That process takes the special clone key and its related tool reads the ID on an existing key and programs it in the replacement key. Note a regular key and the clone made from it does not qualify as two keys to program additional keys.

05-26-2015, 08:02 AM
I asked a locksmith to cut and program 2 blank keys for my 05 Explorer.
He would not do it.
He told me that my keys would not work with his programmer...
He must think that everyone who walks into his store
is blessed with more space between their ears than he has... :help:

The Explorer only came with one ignition key.
The Locksmith wants $80 for his key and $50 to program the two of them.
If I am going to spend that much money,
I'll learn to be a locksmith myself, buy the equipment I need
and DONATE my services to anyone who needs car keys FOR FREE !!!

05-26-2015, 08:27 AM
I asked a locksmith to cut and program 2 blank keys for my 05 Explorer.
He would not do it.
He told me that my keys would not work with his programmer...
He must think that everyone who walks into his store
is blessed with more space between their ears than he has... :help:

The Explorer only came with one ignition key.
The Locksmith wants $80 for his key and $50 to program the two of them.
If I am going to spend that much money,
I'll learn to be a locksmith myself, buy the equipment I need
and DONATE my services to anyone who needs car keys FOR FREE !!!

Let us know when you do that.

05-26-2015, 08:53 AM
I asked a locksmith to cut and program 2 blank keys for my 05 Explorer.
He would not do it.
He told me that my keys would not work with his programmer...
He must think that everyone who walks into his store
is blessed with more space between their ears than he has... :help:

The Explorer only came with one ignition key.
The Locksmith wants $80 for his key and $50 to program the two of them.
If I am going to spend that much money,
I'll learn to be a locksmith myself, buy the equipment I need
and DONATE my services to anyone who needs car keys FOR FREE !!!

Chances are that he does not have a scanner to program your car, he has a key cloner that programs programmable keys, not program cars to accept a key. So if that is the case then he is being 100% truthful. If that is true then he is on the high side since my local hardware stores will clone a key for $50-$60 for most vehicles.

Autoenginuity scanner with the enhanced Ford update will program the PATS system. I used one my buddy had to add additional keys to our 2000 Taurus when we purchased it with one key. I'm sure there are other aftermarket scanners that will program the car too. Just have to get the key cut at the hardware store and then find an independent shop with the right scanner.

05-26-2015, 11:54 AM
A scanner won't program a key, but if you have your own IDS...... You can.

05-26-2015, 03:34 PM
Hey bob did you get those control arms I shipped to you?

Bob Mathis
05-26-2015, 04:42 PM
Yes I did. Got them today.

05-26-2015, 05:28 PM
Fantastic. I was a little nervous because they could not confirm the address. I will pm the man lol.

Bob Mathis
05-26-2015, 05:31 PM
I let him know.

05-26-2015, 05:38 PM
I guess you have some work to do lol.

05-26-2015, 05:44 PM
Impressive rapid off-topic thread revival.

05-26-2015, 05:52 PM
He started the thread so...... I think he is ok with it.

05-26-2015, 06:09 PM
Jbeezy empty your pm's lol.

05-26-2015, 06:11 PM
I asked a locksmith to cut and program 2 blank keys for my 05 Explorer.
He would not do it.
He told me that my keys would not work with his programmer...
He must think that everyone who walks into his store
is blessed with more space between their ears than he has... :help:

The Explorer only came with one ignition key.
The Locksmith wants $80 for his key and $50 to program the two of them.
If I am going to spend that much money,
I'll learn to be a locksmith myself, buy the equipment I need
and DONATE my services to anyone who needs car keys FOR FREE !!!

Where in NY are you..I may be able to help :)

Bradley G
05-26-2015, 06:54 PM
If you bought the car new, most dealers keep key codes on file

05-26-2015, 10:16 PM
A scanner won't program a key, but if you have your own IDS...... You can.

Yes a good scanner will program the car to accept new keys. I've used the Autoenginuity unit to do a couple of cars, it has most of the functionality of the IDS with the enhanced Ford option.

If you bought the car new, most dealers keep key codes on file

Any dealer can look up the key code from the VIN and cut a key to fit that but that isn't the problem it is the programming of the car to accept the key that is the problem.