View Full Version : I think I slayed the dragon!

12-12-2014, 08:46 AM
As some of you might recall, I have an 86 Mustang GT that I just stuck a new motor in and have been having some amazing driveability issues. :banghead: Pretty much EVERYTHING is new, with a few minor exceptions. So, a couple weeks ago I was studying up about the EGR system. Sounded like I had a lot of the symptoms of a faulty EGR. So, I disconnected the vacuum line to it. Wow! it drove a lot better! :D Then, I got bold and decided to take it to work for a long test drive (15 mi each way). Half way thru, the idle started hanging BAD between shifts. I mean, shift at 2500, then the rpm would climb to 27-2800 rpm for about 3-5 seconds! :eek: WHAT NOW?

So, more research.... Last night, I decided to do a "Base Idle Reset". After disconnecting the Idle Air Control valve, the car stalled. It started back up, but had a terrible rolling idle from like 500-900 rpm. So, I couldn't get very far on the reset procedure. I then decided to take the IAC off and inspect it. It was replaced about ~500 miles ago. Inside, it looked as if I JUST took it out of the box. Hmmmmmm.....:hmmm: For the heck of it, I decided to dig out the old Ford one I saved and clean it thoroughly and try it. Guess what? The car idled better! So, good in fact, despite the chilly 58 degree temp last night (top is stuck down, but that's the next project, lol), I went for a quick drive. Dayuuuummmm!! She drove great!!! No hanging idle, no stalling pulled nicely to 4500 rpm :burnout::burnout: !!! I was hooting and hollering with joy for 12 miles!!! :cool3:Finally, I got a taste of the fruits of my labor for the last three years!!! :beer: