View Full Version : In Canada - Don't stop for ducks on the highway!

12-19-2014, 06:42 AM

12-19-2014, 09:47 AM
good time for people to realise that there is consequences for their actions

12-19-2014, 09:52 AM
As a motorcyclist who's ridden through Canada, I can't help but place the blame on the riders for either speeding and not giving themselves enough stopping room, or not paying attention altogether.

12-19-2014, 09:54 AM
Total BS.

If I was her I would kill every single juror and judge.

12-19-2014, 09:59 AM
You kidding me? Parked in a lane? Next time pull over all of the way, if not possible, duck it.

Granddaddy Marq
12-19-2014, 10:07 AM
As a motorcyclist who's ridden through Canada, I can't help but place the blame on the riders for either speeding and not giving themselves enough stopping room, or not paying attention altogether.

This is what I was thinking.

Granddaddy Marq
12-19-2014, 10:10 AM
Total BS.

If I was her I would kill every single juror and judge.

Ya, By parking in the exit of the court house. And letting them rear-end her as they leave.

12-19-2014, 10:30 AM
Zack. re-read the article or read the article. This woman parked her car in traffic.

12-19-2014, 11:32 AM
Zack. re-read the article or read the article. This woman parked her car in traffic.

When cars break down on the highway but the owners choose not to coast to the shoulder and cause an accident, do they get put in jail?


12-19-2014, 12:13 PM
When cars break down on the highway but the owners choose not to coast to the shoulder and cause an accident, do they get put in jail?


It is every driver's responsibility not to slam into a stationary object which shouldn't be, but IS in the middle of the road. I too would have gone berserk in court.

12-19-2014, 12:25 PM
She is guilty of parking upon the roadway, but I find it hard to believe they threw the book at her. Seems to me the idiot on the motorcycle should have paid more attention. It's Canaduh, so I'm not surprised.

RF Overlord
12-19-2014, 12:35 PM
SHOULD she have stopped in the middle of traffic? No. Should the motorcyclist have been paying attention? Absolutely.

I think she shares some of the blame, not not enough to be banned for 10 years.

12-19-2014, 03:09 PM
When cars break down on the highway but the owners choose not to coast to the shoulder and cause an accident, do they get put in jail?


It all depends on what happens. In this case two deaths.

SHOULD she have stopped in the middle of traffic? No. Should the motorcyclist have been paying attention? Absolutely.

I think she shares some of the blame, not not enough to be banned for 10 years.

Yes I agree. Everyone is to blame.

I think the question that's on everyones mind is were the ducks ok?

12-19-2014, 05:27 PM
Last night I volunteered to pick up my daughter and my niece from their company Christmas party.

About 10 PM in a suburban NJ town (Fairlawn, NJ), my wife yells out "watch out for the dogs!"

They weren't dogs. Three deer run by the front of my Explorer. If I hadn't stopped, my car would be in the body shop now.

While deer are pretty common in rural areas, this was definitely not an area that could be considered rural.

Once, many years ago, I hit my 66 Cyclone convertible's brakes on a highway to avoid a dog. I still hit the dog, and my car went sideways into the curb (new rear axle required).

Learned my lesson real quick.

joe mosely
12-20-2014, 09:55 PM
The well-being of ducks/ducklings does not outweigh the well-being of human life. Its unfortunate that the motorcyclist hit the parked car instead of the person who parked said car. I think the book got thrown in the right direction.

12-20-2014, 10:58 PM
She is guilty of parking upon the roadway, but I find it hard to believe they threw the book at her. Seems to me the idiot on the motorcycle should have paid more attention. It's Canaduh, so I'm not surprised.

The motorcycle was following a car that swerved at the last moment to avoid the parked car and he was instantly faced with a parked car at a high rate of speed and he died along with his daughter on the back of the motorcycle.

Was he going to fast? Yes he was a bit over the speed limit along with the car he was following, does that make him an idiot, I don't think so.

Should the lady have been thrown in jail for parking there, debatable.

Are you an idiot for being so to quick to judge someone when you have so little info, also debatable.

However if we were to look back over your history of comments since you have joined this site it would not be so debatable, you really are a complete idiot from start to finish.

12-21-2014, 12:09 AM
If she did "park" in the left then there could have not been much traffic? I can only "guess" she stopped in the left lane because that where the little ducks were?

Not enough info to make a call one way or another IMHO.

12-21-2014, 01:03 AM
While obtaining a motorcycle license you are taught to hit small animals, pot holes, ECT head on and hopefully ride it out instead of swerving as that typically doesn't end well. Perhaps same should be taught to car owners. She was a first class idiot to park in any lane on a highway.

Builder Of Badassery

12-21-2014, 08:09 AM
If your car breaks down try to pull over if not nothing you can really do but push it out of the way. But if your car is fine dont be an idiot and park a car in a lane of traffic. I think she is the guilty party for sure! 10 year ban lol seems excessive but she is an idiot!

12-21-2014, 08:39 AM
She got-off easy IMO. Moron!

12-21-2014, 12:28 PM
"The victim’s family members, however, have expressed frustration with Czornobaj over the fact that she hasn’t reached out to them."

well what do they expect her to say? oops? if i ended up causing that id have no idea how to confront the family.

based on the info in that article its not fair for anyone to make a judgement. there are so many questions id like to be answered.

it says it happened on a highway but where?

was the stretch of road straight?

what time of day was it?

being night or day makes a huge difference.

when she saw the ducks were they to the side or on the road?

they are basically stationary small objects and if they were on the road it means she showed that it was possible to slow down to avoid immobile objects provided you were following safe speeds and spacing from vehicles ahead of you.

did she turn on her hazard lights?

this is an important one as if she has done so that means one could argue that if this were a construction or previous hazard zone and there was a lit up truck sitting in one lane of the highway (which is very common here in the fraser valley) the same situation would have happened. would the workers go to jail? most likely not. itd be driver negligence.

seems she picked the worst lane to stop in though.

a 10 year driving ban would drive me insane as well as jail time. i swear ive seen less sentencing for manslaughter.

ive never driven a road cycle before so i have no idea what stopping distances are for them. i figure if he saw the stopped car for even a second hed be able to slow down enough not to kill them. sounds like he just plowed straight in full force.

there was probably absolutely no intent for hurting anyone. good intent with bad consequences.