View Full Version : Slowpoke's Latest Adventure

01-26-2015, 08:13 PM
Ever wonder why Slowpoke hasn't been around much? Here’s the answer….

In the olden days, kids would set up lemonade stands (or paper routes) to make money. Three or four years ago, my kid urged me to do something a little different.

We manufacture crayons! But not just any old crayons, but something ridiculously cool.

If you have young kids (or grand kids, nieces, nephews, etc), take a look HERE (https://www.etsy.com/shop/BloomingCrayons) and see if these aren’t the coolest things you’ve ever seen!

Wait...there's more...Place an order over $15 in the next two weeks and take 10% off by using coupon code MMNETBUNNY1 at checkout.

01-27-2015, 04:49 AM
Cool! It's great to see someone start a business. I might pick up something before I leave town.

01-28-2015, 10:37 AM
Cool! It's great to see someone start a business. I might pick up something before I leave town.

Thanks! These are really GREAT crayons!

01-29-2015, 06:43 AM
I'm baffled, how do you use them? Drag the product on the paper?

01-29-2015, 07:05 AM
^^^^^ that Square ?

01-29-2015, 07:44 AM
I'm baffled, how do you use them? Drag the product on the paper?

We put a video on our Facebook page. Hopefully, THIS LINK (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=216470145115185&set=vb.217525951619532&type=2&theater) will work for you.

But, yes, you can use either end to draw with one color, or drag the crayon along the corner edge to get all the colors at once. This is the reason why in any given size (we have four sizes) there are MANY different color combinations.

The size & shape of the crayons—a rectangular block—is superior for young kids for several reasons: it's easy to grip (helps build motor skills), it won't roll off a table, and it's much less prone to breaking than a traditional pencil-shaped crayon.

My son and I have been making/selling these for years and have witnessed—first hand—thousands of kids going apesh$t crazy when they pick them up for the first time.

For the more traditional minded, we also make a set of crayons (click here (https://www.etsy.com/listing/217071689/handmade-2-tone-recycled-crayons-red?) to see it) wherein the individual crayons only have two colors. Last week we sold a whole bunch of these sets to a Montessori School on the UWS of NYC.

01-29-2015, 08:14 AM
these would sell fabulously in rehoboth and san fransisco. :beer:

01-29-2015, 10:54 AM
Video helps tremendously. Nice invention.

01-29-2015, 11:31 AM
Great products! My sister teaches kindergarten I will have to share this with her.

01-30-2015, 06:02 AM
You need to market this!!!

Hit the road and make local art supply stores will stock these.

Sell bulk to Toy's R' Us, Kid's R Us

School supply stores


School supply stores in Europe, Japan.

Throw in a free sample with a local purchase from a store. So if someone comes in a buys paper or markers, have the cashier throw in a brick of crayons. This was what the band LinkIn Park did, a cassette was thrown in at FYE record stores with every purchase and they exploded.

You should have different stack arrangements. Find out what is the most common color kids like and make it a color on the corner and the second favorite color the other corner.

Have holiday themed stacks that go with color. Special greens for St. Patricks day, orange for Halloween, etc.

These could be huge.

01-30-2015, 06:21 AM
Very cool!!!!!

Ordering some for the grandkids......

01-30-2015, 09:02 AM
Very cool!!!!!

Ordering some for the grandkids......

Got the orders - thanks!!

All of them will be shipped today.

01-30-2015, 12:40 PM
Does this mean "CraftyPoke" is back.

Really cool product:up:

01-30-2015, 03:54 PM
You need to market this!!!

Hit the road and make local art supply stores will stock these.

Sell bulk to Toy's R' Us, Kid's R Us

School supply stores


School supply stores in Europe, Japan.

Throw in a free sample with a local purchase from a store. So if someone comes in a buys paper or markers, have the cashier throw in a brick of crayons. This was what the band LinkIn Park did, a cassette was thrown in at FYE record stores with every purchase and they exploded.

You should have different stack arrangements. Find out what is the most common color kids like and make it a color on the corner and the second favorite color the other corner.

Have holiday themed stacks that go with color. Special greens for St. Patricks day, orange for Halloween, etc.

These could be huge.

I'm limited by production (I can only make about 500-700 crayons per week). I've turned down several companies who want to carry my products because of the hassles involved: waiting for payment, selling at a deeply discounted price, packaging, etc.

In terms of themed colors, the best market I've found for that is the GLBT 'Pride' rainbow crayons, which have been huge sellers.

I'm going to grow this thing slow and steady....

RF Overlord
01-30-2015, 05:18 PM
Does this mean "CraftyPoke" is back.
Craftypoke Industries is alive and well... :D

01-30-2015, 06:43 PM
I'm going to grow this thing slow and steady....

That's what he said :D

01-31-2015, 09:11 AM
Video helps tremendously. Nice invention.

Thanks. When we're at art fairs, all we need do is demonstrate it once... and they're hooked.