View Full Version : sending a apology to two members here

02-23-2015, 12:16 AM
sending this message to apologize to two members here on .net, due to selling my two sets of redline floor matts to members here..

didnt get to send them due to being hospitalized due to kidney faliure... was focused on getting back healthy..

i am glad both members got a full refund of there money from paypal...

even though one of them left be back a negitive feedback saying i stole htere money and i sold one set of floor matts to two odifferent mebers when that was not the care.. i do indeed have two sets of matts...

that was never my intentions to just get money from a member here and not send the item paid for.. i have sold and bought items from many members here with good results..

i am soo truly sorry to jeronimojc and Arodmarauder and i do still have the floor matts boxed and labeled...

02-23-2015, 12:20 AM
i truly am sorry guys and feel very bad about the situation..

i dont want a bad name on this site because i love this site and love my marauder like everyone here

this site has always been awesome and tons of good guys yo gibe good advise and willing to give a helping hands.. i so appriciate it

02-23-2015, 12:23 AM
it is messed up that you guys are so willing to bash someone not knowing the situation

02-23-2015, 12:41 AM
jeronimojc is gonna try to bash me and say i dont have the item and is just a dumb ass ....

arodmarauder sent me one message just wanting an update and a stand up guy.. on not bashing someone becasue he didnt know the situation and thank you for that

also i did have a set of red powercoated and imet a mmber halfway and sokld them to him in virgina andf he may or may not chime in

02-23-2015, 05:14 AM
Hoping your in better health :bows:

02-23-2015, 06:22 AM
jeronimojc is gonna try to bash me and say i dont have the item and is just a dumb ass ....

arodmarauder sent me one message just wanting an update and a stand up guy.. on not bashing someone becasue he didnt know the situation and thank you for that

also i did have a set of red powercoated and imet a mmber halfway and sokld them to him in virgina andf he may or may not chime in

That apology got kicked out the door in a hurry!!

02-23-2015, 08:58 AM
Full of fail.

02-23-2015, 09:25 AM
Full of fail.


So who's going to take the chance and buy the floor mats?

02-23-2015, 09:38 AM

So who's going to take the chance and buy the floor mats?

Ship them to me! and if they are what he says they are then ill pay!

02-23-2015, 10:11 AM
I apologize to everyone whom I don't owe an apology to. For those I do owe an apology to F#$% Off!!!

Mr. Magnanimous.

02-23-2015, 03:03 PM

So who's going to take the chance and buy the floor mats?

the same people who took a chance at the crap cot plug u offered :flamer:

one has been sold to a member here and the last set I am waiting to hear back from arodmarauder and see if he still want them...

im sure I will have absolutely no problem at all selling the other set :beer:

02-23-2015, 05:53 PM
the same people who took a chance at the crap cot plug u offered :flamer:

one has been sold to a member here and the last set I am waiting to hear back from arodmarauder and see if he still want them...

im sure I will have absolutely no problem at all selling the other set [emoji481]

Hope you get better. Take it easy

02-23-2015, 06:35 PM
Billy your apology is nice, Thanks I needed that today.

02-23-2015, 07:35 PM
the same people who took a chance at the crap cot plug u offered :flamer:

one has been sold to a member here and the last set I am waiting to hear back from arodmarauder and see if he still want them...

im sure I will have absolutely no problem at all selling the other set :beer:

Yeah.. must have been crappy.... sold every single one.

02-23-2015, 10:51 PM
MM.net is a great online community with well respected and trustworthy folks. The OP says he was Ill. I say people should be given a second chance (I know I need them) when they know they blew it, they are ready to own up to their error and are willing to work to regain trust.

The OP began this post as an apology, which is good (a PM, an email, or a phone call would have been nice), but is this apology sincere? You be the judge.

If anyone here wants to give the OP a chance, at least know that he insisted the money be sent as a gift. He was very good at responding to my PMs until he received the money. Then he disappeared. His Paypal address and email address stopped functioning. He was unreachable, perhaps for valid reasons. He never returned my hard earned money. I got my money back from my credit card company months later and only after much back and forth with Paypal and the credit card company.

Months later he reappears. No personal phone call or PM or email saying, sorry about what happened, I still have the floor mats, I'll ship them immediately if you still want them... Now I understand he is selling them to someone else.

If a member here wants to give the OP a chance, at least now you know the facts and you can take measures to protect yourself as you see fit. Hopefully this was all a bad situation that leads to something better. I know I've learned a lesson.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-23-2015, 11:18 PM
my email and my paypal is and always has been up and running so i dont know what your taking about buddyy.

also one set already sold and the last set pending thanks... once the 2 members recvied there floor matts im sure they will chime in..

thanks for stilll trying to bash me.. have a goodnight

02-23-2015, 11:20 PM
also i dont insist the money be sent as a gift.. thats just th ebest way to do it so not ge hit with the paypal fee, if your familiar with the system you would know thats the cheapest route to do ... but i gave the option to not send as a gift but your gonna have to pay the fee

02-24-2015, 04:00 AM
MM.net is a great online community with well respected and trustworthy folks. The OP says he was Ill. I say people should be given a second chance (I know I need them) when they know they blew it, they are ready to own up to their error and are willing to work to regain trust.

The OP began this post as an apology, which is good (a PM, an email, or a phone call would have been nice), but is this apology sincere? You be the judge.

If anyone here wants to give the OP a chance, at least know that he insisted the money be sent as a gift. He was very good at responding to my PMs until he received the money. Then he disappeared. His Paypal address and email address stopped functioning. He was unreachable, perhaps for valid reasons. He never returned my hard earned money. I got my money back from my credit card company months later and only after much back and forth with Paypal and the credit card company.

Months later he reappears. No personal phone call or PM or email saying, sorry about what happened, I still have the floor mats, I'll ship them immediately if you still want them... Now I understand he is selling them to someone else.

If a member here wants to give the OP a chance, at least now you know the facts and you can take measures to protect yourself as you see fit. Hopefully this was all a bad situation that leads to something better. I know I've learned a lesson.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why would an email address and PayPal stop working? They must have been deleted. That's the only way they would stop working.

And too ill to not be able to hit a few keys on a keyboard??? Somethings fishy....

02-24-2015, 07:28 AM
i assure nothing "fishy" is going on and cannot wait till the 2 members recieve there floor matts and back me up..

have a good day and enjoy

02-24-2015, 08:06 AM
Why would an email address and PayPal stop working? They must have been deleted. That's the only way they would stop working.

And too ill to not be able to hit a few keys on a keyboard??? Somethings fishy....

To be clear, his email address was the same as his Paypal address. No emails would go thru (returned with error message). I tried several times and from various devices. He never answered my PMs, once he received the money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-24-2015, 08:13 AM
I'm so sorry this happened. I was sick.

And by the way, you guys are aholes.

Seriously? Wow.

02-24-2015, 08:20 AM
Why are you consistently defending your side? Just pay them again or get some ****ing boxing gloves man.

02-24-2015, 08:32 AM
You have to understand that in this day and age there are scams out there, I'm not saying this was one or not. The buyer and seller have to both protect themselves, I've bought and sold stuff on this site for 9 years now and communication is the biggest key for dealings on this forum. When I sell something I offer a gift price and a calculated price with fees, then leave it up to the buyer as to how they would like to proceed.

Flaunting off that you are selling the mats to two other people or one new person and a original person really isn't wise. More so kind of digging yourself a deeper hole.

Remember when you take payment for an item it is your responsibility to deliver the item as described, in a timely manner and communicate with the seller if something were to come up and delay shipping. Put yourself in the buyers shoes, the result could of been exactly the same. I know if I paid for something, then the seller went MIA and I hadn't received my item after 30 days I would consider that to be fraud and take appropriate actions.

02-24-2015, 08:53 AM
Not to provoke OP, but to show I am not making up a story with the email situation . Don't know how this would happen. The email address is the exact same address as the Paypal address I sent money to.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=41 028&stc=1&d=1424793102

02-24-2015, 09:31 AM
Not to provoke OP, but to show I am not making up a story with the email situation . Don't know how this would happen. The email address is the exact same address as the Paypal address I sent money to.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=41 028&stc=1&d=1424793102

If the PayPal account was still active why not refund your payment through PayPal instead of making you go through all the B.S. with your credit card company?

02-24-2015, 09:35 AM
If the PayPal account was still active why not refund your payment through PayPal instead of making you go through all the B.S. with your credit card company?
If payment was sent as a Gift then there is no recourse to recover funds through paypal. If it sent as for Goods and Service because PP charges a fee they cover the transaction and allow disputes.

02-24-2015, 09:49 AM
If payment was sent as a Gift then there is no recourse to recover funds through paypal. If it sent as for Goods and Service because PP charges a fee they cover the transaction and allow disputes.

If it's was on the up-n-up the OP could have just sent a PayPal payment back to the original purchasers.

Would be interesting to see if the original money's were taken out of the OP's PayPal account or the CC just wrote it off.

02-24-2015, 09:52 AM
As of 02/24/2015 @ 11:52am - PayPal says "Sorry, this recipient can’t accept payments right now."

RF Overlord
02-24-2015, 10:20 AM
I suggest that no further posting be done to this thread until there's a resolution, and then only to say it's been resolved to the satisfaction of the parties directly involved.

02-27-2015, 08:11 PM
sending this message to apologize to two members here on .net, due to selling my two sets of redline floor matts to members here..

didnt get to send them due to being hospitalized due to kidney faliure... was focused on getting back healthy..

i am glad both members got a full refund of there money from paypal...

even though one of them left be back a negitive feedback saying i stole htere money and i sold one set of floor matts to two odifferent mebers when that was not the care.. i do indeed have two sets of matts...

that was never my intentions to just get money from a member here and not send the item paid for.. i have sold and bought items from many members here with good results..

i am soo truly sorry to jeronimojc and Arodmarauder and i do still have the floor matts boxed and labeled...

That apology is about the same length and duration as the apologies I used to get from my wife--- 3 months of being WRONG, and taking/spending too much money, and only two seconds of I am sorry-it wasn't my fault. The F#%k you!
Hahahahaha. Oh and I COULD still do what I said I'd do three months ago to make it right--if you ask nicely and be nice because I am really doing you a favor cause you are really wrong.

02-28-2015, 04:22 AM
That apology is about the same length and duration as the apologies I used to get from my wife--- 3 months of being WRONG, and taking/spending too much money, and only two seconds of I am sorry-it wasn't my fault. The F#%k you!
Hahahahaha. Oh and I COULD still do what I said I'd do three months ago to make it right--if you ask nicely and be nice because I am really doing you a favor cause you are really wrong.

Did you mean ex wife? :confused:

04-24-2015, 12:57 PM
Sold as USED on Ebay.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/car-floor-mats-2003-04-mercury-marauder-redline-tuning-mats-red-lettering-/331531219347?ssPageName=STRK%3 AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=o8tOTvzT88aB%252FIbg20oR6iG YyJw%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc