View Full Version : Weird electronic stuff

03-07-2015, 05:12 PM
Over the past two winters, on very cold mornings, the airbag light would stay on on my 2010 Explorer.

But, if I drove the car, and shut it off, when I restarted, the light would go out.

Last week, I had a new battery installed.

No more airbag light problem. All lights go on at start, but all lights then go off, as they should.


03-08-2015, 08:27 AM
Not really weird.....

On newer cars if the battery is on it's way out you'll experience different problems.

03-08-2015, 10:04 AM
Not really weird.....

On newer cars if the battery is on it's way out you'll experience different problems.

Agreed, but two winters?

I guess the battery was weak, but strong enough to start the car through last winter and last summer until this frigid winter hit.

I can only imagine what my friendly Ford dealer would have recommended had I brought the car in last winter.