View Full Version : EBay help

03-19-2015, 05:15 PM
I was in a bidding war for an item a few months back and I got outbid a month later I noticed the same item was on the site for sale from the same owner that listed it. I sent a message to the owner this we went back-and-forth for a few messages and I never heard back from him the item failed to sell and now I can't seem to get a hold of them every time I try to send the message says invalid

my question is is there anyway I can try to track down a number on the member from eBay?

03-19-2015, 05:28 PM
Contact customer service, maybe they can assist.

03-19-2015, 05:53 PM
Contact customer service, maybe they can assist.

This or if you sent payment through PayPal, they have buyer protection and will help get your money back. Happened to me recently on an eBay item also

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-19-2015, 06:04 PM
If you didn't actually pay for an item than I'm not sure what EBay customer service can do. Buyer/seller confidentiality is one of their biggest priorities. If you did not engage in a transaction other than bidding, not sure if you have any recourse

03-19-2015, 06:08 PM
he says he got outbid..so assuming no transaction, so he wants to contact seller since it appears to have not been sold or he has more of said item. Personally, I would steer clear if seller disappeared during emails. Find it elsewhere

03-19-2015, 07:15 PM
Feels like a bait and switch scam. Maybe make a complaint against this seller with e-bay.

03-19-2015, 07:36 PM
he says he got outbid..so assuming no transaction, so he wants to contact seller since it appears to have not been sold or he has more of said item. Personally, I would steer clear if seller disappeared during emails. Find it elsewhere
+ on this, and ebay won't connect you unless you had won.

03-20-2015, 01:21 AM
he says he got outbid..so assuming no transaction, so he wants to contact seller since it appears to have not been sold or he has more of said item. Personally, I would steer clear if seller disappeared during emails. Find it elsewhere

^^^This, right here^^^

03-20-2015, 03:24 AM
Wait a second.....

People still get into "bidding wars" on Ebay?

If you don't snipe on Ebay, you are doing it wrong.

Oh, and it sounds like you were about to get scammed anyway. Post up the item number so I can look at it and comment further.

03-20-2015, 04:21 AM
If the item didn't sell and you now can't get in contact with the seller after you and he shared emails.... I'd not pursue it anymore, if the seller can't or won't respond to emails I wouldn't buy anything from him.

03-20-2015, 04:22 AM
Wait a second.....

People still get into "bidding wars" on Ebay?

If you don't snipe on Ebay, you are doing it wrong.

Oh, and it sounds like you were about to get scammed anyway. Post up the item number so I can look at it and comment further.
Sniping is the only way to bid. At the very last 2 seconds

03-20-2015, 04:28 AM
Sniping is the only way to bid. At the very last 2 seconds

Ed Zack Lee.

03-20-2015, 04:44 AM
I hate ebay auctions. My life is ridiculously busy I have no time for snipe bidding. The number of times I had to wait until 3 in the morning to snipe, only to fall asleep for 5 minutes and lose the auction.......:mad2:

I have plenty of money just not enough time I guess lol.
I try for buy it now, sometimes I pay a little more but at least I know I won the item, it's usually worth it to me.

03-20-2015, 07:13 AM
It's like dropping your keys into a molten lava flow.
Let it go man! It's gone!

03-20-2015, 08:27 AM
I hate ebay auctions. My life is ridiculously busy I have no time for snipe bidding. The number of times I had to wait until 3 in the morning to snipe, only to fall asleep for 5 minutes and lose the auction.......:mad2:

I have plenty of money just not enough time I guess lol.
I try for buy it now, sometimes I pay a little more but at least I know I won the item, it's usually worth it to me.
No, there's an app that does it for you. Put in your max bid, set the seconds and wait. Check it when you have time to see if you won. Simple

03-20-2015, 08:40 AM
No, there's an app that does it for you. Put in your max bid, set the seconds and wait. Check it when you have time to see if you won. Simple

What he said!!!!

03-20-2015, 10:22 AM
No, there's an app that does it for you. Put in your max bid, set the seconds and wait. Check it when you have time to see if you won. Simple

I was being beat by 100ths of a second by a better app. Sniper wars - look for it in bid history.
Now, I just enter my max bid before the auction ends. If someone bids more, they own it. No regrets.
If I wish I had been there to bid again, I should have put more in my max bid.

03-20-2015, 07:41 PM
I have found that setting an early max bid does nothing except drive the price way up.
I swear, it's like bidding against yourself. I had no idea on the sniper app, I might look into it I might not. Thanks for the info.

03-20-2015, 07:56 PM
I have found that setting an early max bid does nothing except drive the price way up.
I swear, it's like bidding against yourself. I had no idea on the sniper app, I might look into it I might not. Thanks for the info.


And I use www.ezsniper.com

03-20-2015, 08:35 PM
Wait a second.....

People still get into "bidding wars" on Ebay?

If you don't snipe on Ebay, you are doing it wrong.

Oh, and it sounds like you were about to get scammed anyway. Post up the item number so I can look at it and comment further.

+ a billion

Marty do you really want to see what punisher costumes are going for on ebay? :laugh:

03-21-2015, 04:01 AM
Marty do you really want to see what punisher costumes are going for on ebay? :laugh:
