View Full Version : First Big Trip In The MM :) Awesome!

04-28-2004, 07:46 PM
After a few months, I got to take the Black Beast on a longer trip. I left Madison, Wisconsin, and 4 hours and 9 minutes later, I had driven 329 miles to Duluth, Minnesota. The eight cylinders were humpin' along nice. The car was clean, the CD mag was stocked and the foot was hard on the gas. It seemed that I never got tired of driving. I kept it to the east side of 80 most of the way, but for about 1.5 hours I had a "rabbit" leading the way. A Toyota Camry flew past me and I followed about .5 mile behind at speeds of 90 to just over the south end of 100. I run a Valentine One, and it found 7 State Troopers and a County Cop on the way. It saved my a--! Where the Toyota passed me, is 4 lanes and vacant stretch of road in Northern Wisconsin. Deer are more numorous than cars. So, I followed the Camry and all of a sudden I see brake lights. The Valentine starts chirping, and I hammer the brakes. Out of the trees a County Ford Explorer comes and nabs the Camry. I guess someone had to take the fall. :) I guess I was lucky. I pushed her on the way home too, and it was fun. Unfortunatly, I had to stop for an accident. Some doofus in a Yukon was talking on a cell phone and switched lanes into a Neon. The doofus overcorrected the Yukon and shot accross the lanes and DAMN NEAR took out my MM. She was almost collected. I never tailgate, and by keeping room I had the space to swerve around the D.F. Everyone was OK, but I asked the Yukon driver if he was ok, then if he was retarded. He motioned me away and kept talking on the phone. All in all, a fast fun trip that made me want to continue driving. I love my MM. With 22.9 MPG to boot, this car rocks on the highway!


04-28-2004, 08:45 PM
Nice report. I love findin' those "rabbits" as well. I took a short jaunt up to Anderson & Greeneville, SC and back yesterday....first "trip" in a while. You've GOT to love this car out on the open road. :up:

04-28-2004, 09:12 PM
Nice report. I love findin' those "rabbits" as well. I took a short jaunt up to Anderson & Greeneville, SC and back yesterday....first "trip" in a while. You've GOT to love this car out on the open road. :up:

That's providing you can find enough open road to have fun with. Even when I have a chance to find open road, there are usually speed traps located on them which ruins the fun since I am overly cautious.

04-28-2004, 09:31 PM
Ya guys, you gotta follow or be in the middle of a fast moving pack. I've been doing this since I was 18. I find one, or a group of cars rolling fast and follow along. I have never been tagged. Lucky I guess. Most driver's are cool and let you keep your position in line. Before the Neon wrecked, it was the Neon, me and a dude in a Q 45. We all gave room and let each over over to pass and fall back into line. Then we both stopped to see if the girl in the Neon was ok.
I took off, and the guy in the Q stuck around. I left my number w/ them. I was too shook to drive over 75 after that mess.


04-28-2004, 09:35 PM
That's providing you can find enough open road to have fun with. Even when I have a chance to find open road, there are usually speed traps located on them which ruins the fun since I am overly cautious.

Yeah but you're in Ohio where the speed limit is a revenue issue.

04-28-2004, 09:47 PM
This is what the Marauder was/is made for:)

My longest trip to date was Texas and Marauderville I:)

It's a lot more "fun" if your in a "Marauder Pack":):):):)

Nothing like the sight of a line of fast black cars:)

04-29-2004, 08:39 AM
[QUOTE=NOMARQUIS]After a few months, I got to take the Black Beast on a longer trip. .......... I love my MM. With 22.9 MPG to boot, this car rocks on the highway!

It is a great road car. I got lucky, or planned well. My first ride in the Marauder WAS a road trip. I live in TX and went to EASTERN TN to pick up my car. I had an 800 mile road trip home in my car. It was great. My head hurt from having the stereo up so loud for so long! I've been on another trip in it to FL at Spring Break with the family, and it did well. I'm looking forward to this summer. I'm even thinking of putting a hitch on it to haul my motorcycle to CO this summer!

04-29-2004, 07:04 PM
My longest trip was 1,200 miles one way to Collinsville, IL. I started out with 150 miles on the odometer. It was a nice way to break in the Marauder.

04-30-2004, 10:16 AM
My story has already been chronicled. I feel like I did mine right, too. 1400 miles (with side trips) from Illinois to Connecticut.

What a great way to start with my new baby and, especially, with a car like a Marauder.



05-02-2004, 04:00 PM
Nice report. I love findin' those "rabbits" as well. I took a short jaunt up to Anderson & Greeneville, SC and back yesterday....first "trip" in a while. You've GOT to love this car out on the open road. :up:
....and you didn't think of calling woface(James) for a quick see and tell time---...I did when I came thru---shame on you Todd....give him a break next time--hell--give him the keys even better......Tom

05-02-2004, 04:04 PM
That's providing you can find enough open road to have fun with. Even when I have a chance to find open road, there are usually speed traps located on them which ruins the fun since I am overly cautious.
............Oh ..you don't know Todd very well.....he has memorized that road he has traveled so much, he knows where to put it on rocket power and where not!!!..trust me --he knows the open road between him and me each time--and I know the same place--it's such a cool place too..........Tom

...maybe thats why we wish it read more than 140.....eh ..Todd?

05-02-2004, 07:10 PM
............Oh ..you don't know Todd very well.....he has memorized that road he has traveled so much, he knows where to put it on rocket power and where not!!!..trust me --he knows the open road between him and me each time--and I know the same place--it's such a cool place too..........Tom

...maybe thats why we wish it read more than 140.....eh ..Todd?

Hmmm, it sounds like i'm gonna have to start hanging out with Todd to find out where I can have some discrete fun! Of course, my Marauder is still stock so I might not be able to keep up with him :(