View Full Version : Drive by posters

03-31-2015, 12:32 AM
Drive by posters.

Am I the only one who is annoyed with this :argh:

03-31-2015, 02:17 AM
Explain please. So far this AM all is coming up daisy's.

03-31-2015, 05:26 AM
Explain please. So far this AM all is coming up daisy's.

Basically it's like this, someone asks you a question in a post and doesn't follow up with the response. Or, just blurts out some :bs:and doesn't back it up with either facts or real life experience. And the occasional off the wall statement with a post count of less than 10 and a join date of March 2015.

03-31-2015, 05:31 AM
CVN has been down lately... lol

03-31-2015, 05:41 AM
I was under the impression you met people that just sign up to the site post and then you never hear from them again!

RF Overlord
03-31-2015, 07:20 AM
I think it's discourteous to ask for advice and then never reply with the result, or even say thank you, but most people today have no concept of manners or social etiquette.

03-31-2015, 07:50 AM

And the list of those seems to be growing here:bigcry:

03-31-2015, 07:54 AM
most people today have no concept of manners or social etiquette.

^^^^^^ Yup

03-31-2015, 07:59 AM

And the list of those seems to be growing here:bigcry:

Its the entitlement mentality. They feel that they are entitled to free advice and answers on all of their questions. Hell, we are just impersonal Internet entities that exist only to support them. It has been happening for years; but as Dan says .... the trend is growing. :P

MO Merc
03-31-2015, 10:40 AM
It's my kids ,it's your kids. Did we fail the younger generation ? Tradition, heritage, common courtesy got lost along the way. Social media has not helped.
Thank goodness for those who know different and do whats right!

Ms. Denmark
03-31-2015, 12:20 PM
On the other hand, people have other things to do and might not make it back on the boards for days. By then the thread may have fallen off the front page. I don't think it's worth taking personally as it most likely is an oversight and not ment as an insult.

BTW did I tell you all thanks for your advice on my next DD? In case you didn't hear, I got a Lincoln MKX to replace my Aviator.:o

03-31-2015, 01:25 PM
I think it's discourteous to ask for advice and then never reply with the result, or even say thank you, but most people today have no concept of manners or social etiquette.


And the list of those seems to be growing here:bigcry:
In the little over one year as a member, I've noticed both statements above to be true.
The cars are changing hands to a new generation. The forum will swing that way too, or change hands.

03-31-2015, 01:40 PM
I think it's discourteous to ask for advice and then never reply with the result, or even say thank you, but most people today have no concept of manners or social etiquette.



And the list of those seems to be growing here:bigcry:


Its the entitlement mentality. They feel that they are entitled to free advice and answers on all of their questions. Hell, we are just impersonal Internet entities that exist only to support them. It has been happening for years; but as Dan says .... the trend is growing. :P


In the little over one year as a member, I've noticed both statements above to be true.
The cars are changing hands to a new generation. The forum will swing that way too, or change hands.

I've been saying just that for years here.

Builder Of Badassery

03-31-2015, 06:04 PM
I call them askholes.

Your answer/advice goes into a black hole. They a. argue it or b. do what they were going to do anyway. :shake:

03-31-2015, 07:15 PM
While I rarely post here I'm very appreciative of the collective knowledge that is contained on this page. This is the site that got me to love the Marauder and eventually buy one. I wish I had more time to devote to this site because I'm not a car guy per se but I do enjoy seeing what the members here do to there cars, even if I may not always understand the technical terms. I hope you guys that have been long time posters don't lose faith in the new guys, your knowledge is invaluable.

Thanks guys/gals
Stay Safe out there

03-31-2015, 10:10 PM

This is exactly why I posted this. Thank you site vets for chiming in. I was wondering if it would grab your attention.

A lot of great points put out.

Dialogue seems to be missing in the culture. It's instant gratification or smash and grab mentality with everything. Hurt and belittle with zero disregard and no consequences.

Like it was earlier said, most of you are like extended family to me. Over the years on this board, I've read stories good and bad about most of you and because of that, know you all pretty well. Read stories about builds, upgrades, new cars, should I, or shouldn't I, and so on. I would think the same with most of you to me.

It's the drivebys, that drive me crazy. I would hope they would stick around for the outcome of their inter-web statements.

RF Overlord
04-01-2015, 03:12 PM
On the other hand, people have other things to do and might not make it back on the boards for days. Paula, I don't think that's the type of poster MMBLUE was referring to...it's the people who sign up to ask a technical question, get some answers, then drop out of site with no further response or we only hear from them again months or years later when they want MORE advice, with no update on their previous issue...

04-01-2015, 03:16 PM
I think it's discourteous to ask for advice and then never reply with the result, or even say thank you, but most people today have no concept of manners or social etiquette.
Yep, had one of these yesterday flaming my posts regarding CVN down. Doesn't even look like he has a MM...

04-01-2015, 04:24 PM
What's worse than the posters is the PM'ers!!!!!

I average damn near 8 out of 10 that ask for advice (worst of them being manual swap wishers that will never do it anyways), I answer sparing no details and Poof GONE.

Not a thank you, **** you, nothing..

The last year or so I drop them links to the builds as they are very technical.

Any more I choose to leave my mailbox FULL.

Builder Of Badassery

04-01-2015, 04:31 PM
What's worse than the posters is the PM'ers!!!!!

I average damn near 8 out of 10 that ask for advice (worst of them being manual swap wishers that will never do it anyways), I answer sparing no details and Poof GONE.

Not a thank you, **** you, nothing..

The last year or so I drop them links to the builds as they are very technical.

Any more I choose to leave my mailbox FULL.

Builder Of Badassery

Sorry I pissed you off Bob!


04-01-2015, 04:38 PM
Sorry I pissed you off Bob!


You? Never!

Btw Kurgan stickers are OFF! Your cute little ones ON! I think I picked up 5 hp?

Builder Of Badassery

04-01-2015, 06:25 PM
You? Never!

Btw Kurgan stickers are OFF! Your cute little ones ON! I think I picked up 5 hp?

Builder Of Badassery

I want stickers too. :bigcry:

04-01-2015, 06:26 PM
You? Never!

Btw Kurgan stickers are OFF! Your cute little ones ON! I think I picked up 5 hp?

Builder Of Badassery

That made me laugh!!

04-01-2015, 06:27 PM
I want stickers too. :bigcry:

Come to our open house/dyno day and get some and a hamburger too!

04-01-2015, 06:47 PM
Yep, had one of these yesterday flaming my posts regarding CVN down. Doesn't even look like he has a MM...

You have no idea what cars I do or do not own.
I have opinions about CVN being down that you obviously don't agree with.
OMFG someone doesn't agree with you.


04-01-2015, 06:52 PM
I check the site daily and have learned a lot about my Marauder and I personally am very thankful for all the info, I even repaired a few things I never thought I could which saved a lot of cash.

(I am not very mechanical but I am starting to surprise myself)

And so far I have not ticked off Zac, so I think maybe he might like me a little bit??????? or he doesn't dislike me anyways, not really sure.

Monitoring the site also saved me the embarrassment of asking what type of oil do you use, :o

04-01-2015, 07:03 PM
What's worse than the posters is the PM'ers!!!!!

I average damn near 8 out of 10 that ask for advice (worst of them being manual swap wishers that will never do it anyways), I answer sparing no details and Poof GONE.

Not a thank you, **** you, nothing..

The last year or so I drop them links to the builds as they are very technical.

Any more I choose to leave my mailbox FULL.

Builder Of Badassery

I'm sending you a PM asking what oil I should use. Let me Thank You now so you don't have a hissy fit. :D

04-01-2015, 09:17 PM
I'm sending you a PM asking what oil I should use. Let me Thank You now so you don't have a hissy fit. :D

WRONG... You should be asking what are the best mods I can do or, how much HP I'll get from an intake. lol

04-01-2015, 09:22 PM
What's worse than the posters is the PM'ers!!!!!

I average damn near 8 out of 10 that ask for advice (worst of them being manual swap wishers that will never do it anyways), I answer sparing no details and Poof GONE.

Not a thank you, **** you, nothing..

The last year or so I drop them links to the builds as they are very technical.

Any more I choose to leave my mailbox FULL.

Builder Of Badassery

Totally have to agree with you Bob. All one has to do is read through the build and figure the rest out. First off, if your ballzee enough to start a project like that, you'd better at least have some skillz.

04-01-2015, 09:24 PM
And so far I have not ticked off Zac, so I think maybe he might like me a little bit??????? or he doesn't dislike me anyways, not really sure.

Oh snap !! You spelled his name wrong. Now you've done it. Your on the ignore list now. :burnout:

04-02-2015, 12:06 AM
I try to actually read everything I can instead of blowing up someones inbox, since I deal with the same crap back on TCCoA and I don't even have a fully functional Thunderbird!
I have questions, but its mostly about buying one of these cars.
Other then that, kinda got the whole other thing figured out. Cannot believe I asked about the oil. I sometimes forget Google is my second brain.

RF Overlord
04-02-2015, 06:10 AM
And so far I have not ticked off Zac, so I think maybe he might like me a little bit??????? or he doesn't dislike me anyways, not really sure.Not to worry...I've known Zack for 10 years and I'm STILL not sure if he likes me... :)

04-02-2015, 09:08 AM
You have no idea what cars I do or do not own.
I have opinions about CVN being down that you obviously don't agree with.
OMFG someone doesn't agree with you.

You're a troll, doesn't matter which site. You only post negative things about CVN, which isn't surprising since you were banned.

04-02-2015, 09:11 AM
RF Overlord ... I've known Zack for 10 years and I'm STILL not sure if he likes me...
It's simple ... He doesn't like anybody.

And that's the way it should be. http://www.gdmjoe.com/evil.gif

04-02-2015, 09:18 AM
You are free to your opinions and I welcome yours or anyones. It the attitude and snippy comments I (or probably everyone)can do without. I've never been banned from a site but I can see what kind of behavior and comments would do it.
being the up and down nature of CVN these days that is a tremendously special feat you pulled off by getting banned over there.

04-02-2015, 09:44 AM
I was a newbie, read threads and still had questions. Some silly, or redundant, but they were answered, and replied with appreciation. On this and every forum, I look at a posters join date, grammar and general form of writing. It's obvious who the come and go ones will be.
A few have recently joined, bought MM's and are learning / contributing to the site.
Others just ask very silly questions, demand a two minute reply, and get nasty when the answers reflect that. Oh well.
I also notice these guys troll the classifieds, call 'dibs' on items, only to never follow through.
I hated ls1tech forum for these people as they were on and off all the time with those cars.
Now similar minded people are thinking about Marauders. Must be the prices are lower :confused:
Too bad, they are cool enough cars to attract a wide span of socially skilled people.
It was nice when only dedicated gear heads and retiree's owned the cars.

04-02-2015, 10:24 AM
To the CVN fanboys,
Why are you here if CVN is so awesome? :confused:
Oh wait....it's not.
They don't even let anyone join there anymore. :rolleyes:

I'm not going down this road with you CVN cheerleaders.
If you love it so much just stay over there, and realize that others don't feel the same way and I will say so if I want to.
I was treated like a POS by CVN members (unlike here where I am treated great)
and it looks like even right now, I am STILL being treated like a POS by CVN members.
It's like CVN: Beyond The Grave.
Way to go, give yourselves a pat on the back. You guys should be proud of yourselves, representing CVN the way you do with your personal attacks and butthurt responses to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

04-02-2015, 10:30 AM
you guys are a bunch of lil girls........who argues over forums???? :violin::violin::violin:

04-02-2015, 10:56 AM
Will deleting the rear cats throw a code? That's what I am sick of haha. If your new before you talk look it up on google. Boom!

04-02-2015, 11:49 AM
Will deleting the rear cats throw a code? That's what I am sick of haha. If your new before you talk look it up on google. Boom!

Google solves 95% of all questions, I love when someone responds with google results and links from a google search they did.

04-02-2015, 04:47 PM
To the CVN fanboys,
Why are you here if CVN is so awesome? :confused:
Oh wait....it's not.
They don't even let anyone join there anymore. :rolleyes:

I'm not going down this road with you CVN cheerleaders.
If you love it so much just stay over there, and realize that others don't feel the same way and I will say so if I want to.
I was treated like a POS by CVN members (unlike here where I am treated great)
and it looks like even right now, I am STILL being treated like a POS by CVN members.
It's like CVN: Beyond The Grave.
Way to go, give yourselves a pat on the back. You guys should be proud of yourselves, representing CVN the way you do with your personal attacks and butthurt responses to anyone who doesn't agree with you.
I'm on both sites because I've had a total of 8 Panthers from a 1985 Grand Marquis, 2 different Marauders and several good buys mixed in. I've also been a member of CVN since 2002, and here since 2008 and lurked here since the begining. I'm not a fan boy of any site, but I've managed to not get banned from any of the forums that I've been a member of. It doesn't make sense in life to get so wrapped up over a internet forum that I would hold such a grudge like you obviously do.

04-02-2015, 11:17 PM
CVN ???? Not to point out the obvious but, ask yourself a logical question. What are the education backgrounds of the average CV owner? What are the education backgrounds of the average MM owner?

You can come to your own conclusions. Unfortunately, MM's are getting in a high CV $ bracket. More of a different owner crowd in last few years.

04-03-2015, 12:35 AM
BTW a big part of why I was banned from CVN was because I kept warning unsuspecting CV owners about Dennis Reinhart, who had just been shown the door from this site, and was ready to sink his teeth into some naive "customers" over there to once again line his pockets by being a liar and a thief.
DR is/was a vendor there so even though I was spreading truth I was banned a few times.
So don't assume you know every side to a story, like I told you I was treated badly by them and I have good reason to not be their biggest fan.
Let's just leave it at that.

04-03-2015, 01:53 AM
Don't we have enough CVN threads crapping up around here?

Builder Of Badassery

04-03-2015, 02:15 AM
CVN ???? Not to point out the obvious but, ask yourself a logical question. What are the education backgrounds of the average CV owner? What are the education backgrounds of the average MM owner?

You can come to your own conclusions. Unfortunately, MM's are getting in a high CV $ bracket. More of a different owner crowd in last few years.
That's quite an assumption on the backgrounds of an entire forum membership. Of course there are uneducated members, but that can be said about any forum. There are good and bad members of every forum. CVN and even this forum has a wide range of educated and uneducated members. That stretches as far as college, trade schools, all the way to high school drop outs. What matters is what the forum members contribute, not the education level of the members.

CVN is a different forum that has its fair share of members that contributed tremendously to the Panther community as a whole. Same as some of the members here. Same as other Panther related forums. They have also had a good share of weirdos, police impersonators, and odd balls. Some of that is based on the Crown Victoria being primarily a police car for over 15 years. This forum isn't immune to some of that, I remember several Marauder owners adding Police Interceptor badges, lights, etc to Marauders. It happens, as it happens now on Tahoe, Charger and Taurus forums now.

I use different forums for different things, interests, and hobbies. Thats what they are there for. Now for the hard fact that Marauders are bottoming out in value, there will be a different demographic that buys some of them. It happens with every make and model of car. I don't think this forum will degrade like some of the members here think. In a few years, the well cared for Marauders will start gaining a little value and there will new members that will continue what has been built by the members here.

This must be the longest post that I've ever written on a forum, hopefully it isn't complete gibberish, I've been up all night working.

04-03-2015, 02:20 AM
Don't we have enough CVN threads crapping up around here?

Builder Of Badassery

I think there is only 2, this one and the one about CVN having server issues.

04-03-2015, 02:42 AM
Another CVN THREAD HIJACK ALERT....ALERT....:Offtopic:

Who cares :confused:

I won't entertain anymore CVN :bs:

To me, it's a waste of 1 and zero's :banghead:

04-03-2015, 07:07 AM
Another CVN THREAD HIJACK ALERT....ALERT....:Offtopic:

Who cares :confused:

I won't entertain anymore CVN :bs:

To me, it's a waste of 1 and zero's :banghead:
Why are you posting about it???

And you start a new thread about it.... FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-03-2015, 07:20 AM
Why are you posting about it???

And you start a new thread about it.... FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-03-2015, 08:56 AM
Why are you posting about it???

And you start a new thread about it.... FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you are all right and I'm wrong.

It's okay, everybody doesn't always get sarcasm :D

04-03-2015, 03:55 PM
That's quite an assumption on the backgrounds of an entire forum membership. Of course there are uneducated members, but that can be said about any forum. There are good and bad members of every forum. CVN and even this forum has a wide range of educated and uneducated members. That stretches as far as college, trade schools, all the way to high school drop outs. What matters is what the forum members contribute, not the education level of the members.


just look at whitey. He's the exception and the rule

04-03-2015, 04:12 PM
So owning a marauder automatically makes me smarter than people with CV's and GM's??

I'll be sure to put that on my resume, You sir are an ass clown

04-03-2015, 04:22 PM
I was a newbie, read threads and still had questions. Some silly, or redundant, but they were answered, and replied with appreciation. On this and every forum, I look at a posters join date, grammar and general form of writing. It's obvious who the come and go ones will be.
A few have recently joined, bought MM's and are learning / contributing to the site.
Others just ask very silly questions, demand a two minute reply, and get nasty when the answers reflect that. Oh well.
I also notice these guys troll the classifieds, call 'dibs' on items, only to never follow through.
I hated ls1tech forum for these people as they were on and off all the time with those cars.
Now similar minded people are thinking about Marauders. Must be the prices are lower :confused:
Too bad, they are cool enough cars to attract a wide span of socially skilled people.
It was nice when only dedicated gear heads and retiree's owned the cars.

In the comment and I quote "It was nice when only dedicated gear heads and retiree's owned the cars." Who died and made you the MARAUDER NAZI????????

04-03-2015, 09:13 PM
Wow guys what a turn.

Let me say that after two plus years, I am in awe of the help and assistance I have recieved here. I've had people volunteer to go look at cars close to them (and then do so!). This helped me get my car in Nashville! I've had members meet me along rt66, I've had members help me along the way with tire data, find rare parts, tip me on rare part deals, been given deals on tires, deals on exhaust tips, and was discounted a stock air intake when I needed it to CA pass smog... and recieved many sets of data. For all of which I am extremely thankful.

I love coming to this site when I have time, and have responded to every request of me inkind.
I sincerely thank each and every one of you (except the trolls), and am looking forward to the West Coast Marauderville so I can buy you all an adult libation.

I do hope the funny one liners, as found in zachs latest Marauder emblem thread are allowed, as these make my day.

I like the VENT thread, and agree, we cannot allow the few to manage the many.

04-03-2015, 11:43 PM
I agree
I've helped some people here and some have helped me, great group of people for sure!

04-04-2015, 02:24 AM
So owning a marauder automatically makes me smarter than people with CV's and GM's??

I'll be sure to put that on my resume, You sir are an ass clown

I guess you are not getting my point. If you think that I've lumped all owners into that category, then you are mistaken.

As soon as you resorted to name calling, thank you :bows:, your helping to make my point.

I guess we should take a poll/ Maybe it'll go like this:

QUESTION: Have you seen more CV's or MM's looking like the following in your life: Jacked up with 26's or similar, beat all to hell, missing hub caps, so dirty it hasn't been washed in ten years, so hot outside with the windows rolled down a/c not working, still painted like the cop car with squiggly paint through it to disguise it, looking like it just came from the auction, still looking like a taxi but missing the light up top, still has the push bar on it with the rear bumper ripped and torn sagging, just exiting the local race track after a Memorial day demolition derby, or more dents in it than a New York city Taxi?

1. CV

2. MM's

The results would be ?

1. CV = 298,043

2. MM = 2

Margin of error 1.6%

Tell me were I'm missing the mark on this :confused:

04-04-2015, 05:57 AM
Use the ignore list, it is here for a reason. Some make the list with their very first post.

And no you cannot put yourself on the ignore list.

04-04-2015, 05:58 AM

just look at whitey. He's the exception and the rule
Yeah, look at whitey.....LOOK AT ME!http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/04/04/98239fdce3d3bf32af447fab75a970 68.jpg

04-04-2015, 08:57 AM
Haha epic!

Can't stop the signal

04-04-2015, 11:04 AM
I guess you are not getting my point. If you think that I've lumped all owners into that category, then you are mistaken.

As soon as you resorted to name calling, thank you :bows:, your helping to make my point.

I guess we should take a poll/ Maybe it'll go like this:

QUESTION: Have you seen more CV's or MM's looking like the following in your life: Jacked up with 26's or similar, beat all to hell, missing hub caps, so dirty it hasn't been washed in ten years, so hot outside with the windows rolled down a/c not working, still painted like the cop car with squiggly paint through it to disguise it, looking like it just came from the auction, still looking like a taxi but missing the light up top, still has the push bar on it with the rear bumper ripped and torn sagging, just exiting the local race track after a Memorial day demolition derby, or more dents in it than a New York city Taxi?

1. CV

2. MM's

The results would be ?

1. CV = 298,043

2. MM = 2

Margin of error 1.6%

Tell me were I'm missing the mark on this :confused:

There's no need for a poll, I agree there are a lot of beat up, worn out, ghetto Panthers, sadly the number of Marauders that fit into that category is higher than you think. All you have to do is look on a major city Craigslist and there will be several Marauders like you described. There will be 10 times the number of Crown Vics. But there are some really good car guys that own and take care of their Panthers as well.

04-04-2015, 03:02 PM
Out of the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of CVN members, I get along with about 7.
Out of all of those people there are only seven who are real car guys who actually build their own stuff who don't treat me like a POS.
Let's just say the ratio is far more favorable at this forum! :beer:

This thread was never about the cars, as the thread title clearly states.
It's about the posters.

04-05-2015, 10:03 AM
Yeah, look at whitey.....LOOK AT ME!http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/04/04/98239fdce3d3bf32af447fab75a970 68.jpg

I can't get this image out of my head!

It hurts! Make it stop!

04-05-2015, 10:31 AM
I can't get this image out of my head!

It hurts! Make it stop!

Is that what you pulled out of the toilet in your signature?

04-05-2015, 10:36 AM
Is that what you pulled out of the toilet in your signature?

Dayuum! Oh no you didn't! Lmao!

04-05-2015, 01:51 PM
Is that what you pulled out of the toilet in your signature?
Yep, that's right. Im the shat!

04-05-2015, 03:09 PM
Is that what you pulled out of the toilet in your signature?


04-05-2015, 05:32 PM
Drive by posters.

Am I the only one who is annoyed with this :argh:

Kinda like people who want to score some parts you are about to acquire, blow up your PM's so they are "first" in line, only to decide shipping it too much.

One guy wanted me to ship a radiator fan assembly to the west coast for $5 shipping, UPS want $87 for the trip. I got lots of "spare" stuff now.....:rolleyes:

04-05-2015, 11:02 PM
This thread was never about the cars, as the thread title clearly states.
It's about the posters.

Exactly.... Thank you Todd :bows:

04-06-2015, 03:52 AM
Who is Todd? :confused:


Great post Buford!

04-07-2015, 01:36 AM
Who is Todd? :confused:


Great post Buford!

Sure Bobby :beer:

Buford T Justice. Love that man ;)

04-07-2015, 03:38 AM
I think it's discourteous to ask for advice and then never reply with the result, or even say thank you, but most people today have no concept of manners or social etiquette.

Agreed and a damn shame :(

04-07-2015, 05:46 AM
Sure Bobby :beer:

Buford T Justice. Love that man ;)

Check my avatar. :banana: