View Full Version : Why do you not have Flags and Stars ??

06-15-2015, 05:59 AM
The recent Flags and stars question post gave me this idea.

Gentlemen/woman, Please be respectable posting in this thread:

1. Please keep it civil

2. Please keep it professionally constructive.

3. Do not bash the owners or moderators.

The intent of this is to find out why, you don't contribute to this site. Maybe this can be an insight for the owners/moderators that they weren't aware of. Or, what they can do to assist and get the word out for more supporters of this site that we all enjoy.

Bottom line: The owners of this site do a tremendous job of supporting and sponsoring many events etc, for our MM community.

Again, PLEASE keep your posts respectively constructive.

Thank you :bows:

06-15-2015, 06:20 AM
The recent Flags and stars question post gave me this idea.

Gentlemen/woman, Please be respectable posting in this thread:

1. Please keep it civil

2. Please keep it professionally constructive.

3. Do not bash the owners or moderators.

The intent of this is to find out why, you don't contribute to this site. Maybe this can be an insight for the owners/moderators that they weren't aware of. Or, what they can do to assist and get the word out for more supporters of this site that we all enjoy.

Bottom line: The owners of this site do a tremendous job of supporting and sponsoring many events etc, for our MM community.

Again, PLEASE keep your posts respectively constructive.

Thank you :bows:

I don't see any flags for you........ Respectfully.

06-15-2015, 06:22 AM
I thought the same thing...respectfully. and then saw that I hadn't contributed recently so I'm re-upping today.

06-15-2015, 06:32 AM
I used to support the site, but after a few instances of the mods taking sides due to friendships or whatever, I decided to vote with my wallet.

06-15-2015, 06:53 AM
I don't see any flags for you........ Respectfully.

Thank you for asking. I used to support until a similar reason posted by spectragod. I couldn't have said it better myself.

It's unfortunate that I still harbor ill feelings towards them. I wish I could let it go. Just like, I wish they could let it go.

It's always a work in progress for me. I still hope that that can be forgiving. I periodically reach out with the olive branch to them.

06-15-2015, 07:07 AM
After the silliness that caused Jake to leave which started a chain reaction of GOOD members (and their wallets) to leave as well I simply could no longer show financial support.

Builder Of Badassery

06-15-2015, 07:36 AM
I can relate to your side I also am not pleased with what went on but I still participate in meets and still want to keep them going so I still am a paying member.

06-15-2015, 07:39 AM

Granddaddy Marq
06-15-2015, 07:43 AM
I just don't have any money.

06-15-2015, 08:03 AM
Only three years or so, some of it lurking. This is a great question--and "you asked" so here is my take:

1) A gentle reminder that dues have expired would be a nice helpful reminder. I don't see my own signiture much--and am always surprised my flags are gone.
2) As for the ups and downs--moderators have it the hardest of any audience member, as they have different "filters" they must use. Issues/Things they would personally let slide and would never really bother them, professionally they must act upon as legally "Silence Implies Complicity." As audience members it is easy to think-- "This doesnt bother me personally"-- without considering, "would this bother me in my place of business/living room/in front of my mother/father, a judge, ___________, "which is just one filter a moderator must use. Thus, I try to give any moderators wide lattitude.
2b) As a sometime "writer" I know the soul buring sting of "harsh editing" while most do not... and to be "silenced/edited/stifled" feels like a personal affront--when in reality it is a norming process tied to word count, space, norms, legality, others morals, overall focus or feel of the magazine etc... it feels horrible personally, like a personal affront -- but in reality it is no big deal. You can yell what you want in your living room--but not on the street corner.
3) I try to pay every time I notice my flags are gone--not becasue I agree 1000 % with everything--but because The overall health of the Marauder community is my overall goal, and this is best served by this MARAUDER site being ALIVE and prospering.
4) I've actually become rather intrigued and even "fond" or you all and cant wait to meet you at Marauderville 15. (Note: please edit this as it sounds lame... but I do not know how else to convey it).
5) There are very FEW places I have found that have as much humanity, and helpfulness as this site... and I wish there were more "places" like this doing more good for more important social/economical issues.

Remember--I was "asked"!

PS Did you read my other thread where I "got scratch/Chirp" in second gear. yesterday.???. HA! I am still pumped about it. No one else but you guy and gals would even care.

06-15-2015, 08:13 AM
1) A gentle reminder that dues have expired would be a nice helpful reminder. I don't see my own signiture much--and am always surprised my flags are gone.

Note: the system does send out email reminders that your subscription is due to expire. The system uses whatever email address you have in your Profile. If you've changed email addresses, don't forget to update your Profile. Members can also contact you via email through the website and you can get notifications via emails of threads you subscribe to and PMs. I get dozens of emails kicked back for PM notifications and birthday greetings on a weekly basis because email addresses are no longer valid.

06-15-2015, 08:38 AM
What if the owners withdrew their time and financial support every time their feelings were hurt?

06-15-2015, 08:41 AM
I like to think, and hope others do as well, that I have contributed to the site, just not financially.

I agree with others about some of the silliness and politics that have gone on and I'm not interested in financially supporting it.

And while I do like the site and most of my interactions with it, if it wasn't here I would still find a way to interact with other Marauder owners, just like I did before there was an internet.

06-15-2015, 08:43 AM
I just donated $100.00.

How much $ for 5 gold stars? :)

06-15-2015, 08:54 AM
talk about stirring a pot :shake:

Not even I would stir this one :D

06-15-2015, 09:51 AM
What if the owners withdrew their time and financial support every time their feelings were hurt?

My feelings were never hurt, I don't have any. But.... I do live in reality, right is right and wrong is wrong. $$$$$ don't make me sleep better at night, but it works for others. There have been many instances where "members" we're treated as minions and paying friends and/or vendors were given the green light to do as they pleased....... I took a pass on supporting an organization with my money that has not only treated myself unfairly on several instances but has done so to other members.

And then stood up for the instigators........ Too much FM.

06-15-2015, 11:46 AM
having such a wide variety of cars I have to spread my money around. I belong to the Oldsmobile Club of America, the Hurst Olds club of America and the GS club of america. I also donate to Oldspower.com.

I've been a marauder owner a little over a year but i'm not as active in it as many are. While i havent donated to the site, I have done business with several site vendors and few members. I mean if there was a donation drive period , say like PBS does, i would probably be more likely to donate. Its more of something that probably just doesnt cross my mind as i go about my daily business. i probably check in every few days to see what new posts there are. I'm much more active on Oldsmobile and G-body message boards.

06-15-2015, 12:10 PM
To answer my question this place would have shut down a long time ago.

Nothing and nobody is perfect. If you didn't get something out of it you would not be posting.

06-15-2015, 02:26 PM
To answer the initial question it just never crossed my mind. I have never donated to any other website I visit daily. I love the information gathered here and I have bought well over 20 items from vendors and members. Is their a way you can donate without stars or flags. Not in it for the ego like lowndex!?

06-15-2015, 03:52 PM
I have been a regular Supporting Member on the site since about 2004. I do it because I continue to find Value in the Information and the Camaraderie of the members. Supporting Members help to defray the cost of the site operation .... basically to keep the lights on in here and keep the site Open For Business so that we can share experiences and coordinate local, regional, and national gatherings.

MM.Net Support to the annual Marauderville, Carlisle and Louisville Events has helped to defray some of the registration costs, provided goodies bags, sponsored raffles, and provided entry to some of the event venues. As a regular participant in those events, I have seen my contribution returned over and over in the form of event benefits.

Any perceived favoritism on the site to Supporting Members is purely imaginary IMHO.

06-15-2015, 04:06 PM
Any perceived favoritism on the site to Supporting Members is purely imaginary IMHO.

I guess that would be true, except for uhhhhhh DR....... For starters....

06-15-2015, 04:19 PM
I guess that would be true, except for uhhhhhh DR....... For starters....

I was talking strictly about "regular" Supporting Members ... NOT Supporting Vendors or part Owners of the site because I have no personal insight into those areas.

06-15-2015, 04:48 PM
I love this site, the owners, and the membership. I have derived a great deal of mechanical insight and knowledge into the care and feeding of Silverback, so I express my appreciation by contributing financially. I will go to the next level when the dues come due.


06-16-2015, 02:15 AM
It's our duty to financially support the site. After all, how else would we know which oil to use?

06-16-2015, 07:49 AM
I will just simply stand behind the 5th. :)

06-16-2015, 07:51 AM
It's our duty to financially support the site. After all, how else would we know which oil to use?

Or oil filter....

Or if running kerosene will damage anything.....

Or (insert yours here).............

06-16-2015, 08:45 AM
Note: the system does send out email reminders that your subscription is due to expire. The system uses whatever email address you have in your Profile. If you've changed email addresses, don't forget to update your Profile. Members can also contact you via email through the website and you can get notifications via emails of threads you subscribe to and PMs. I get dozens of emails kicked back for PM notifications and birthday greetings on a weekly basis because email addresses are no longer valid.

BAM! There it is. Profile UPDATED. I am now younger, taller, and more handsome!

Ms. Denmark
06-16-2015, 08:58 AM
It's our duty to financially support the site. After all, how else would we know which oil to use?
^^^^^This! :D

06-16-2015, 09:10 AM
In my 68 years on earth, I have learned this: You only get to keep what you are willing to support or fight for. This website is no different.

06-16-2015, 06:33 PM
I took my ball and went home when there was some serious drama regarding a former vendor, but I removed my thumb from my mouth and realized that the site and its value far exceeded, and did not deserve, my insular petulance.

Although I have not owned a Marauder for a few years now, the people whom I know personally and those who I have never met on this site, have given me great joy and friendship. That is why I contribute so the lights can stay on.

06-18-2015, 05:41 AM
Thank you all for the responses. I thread like this doesn't usually survive over on this side of the forum.

A lot of great points presented.

I think I needed help convincing myself to be a supporting member again and let go of what I've been harboring.

Thank you to those who helped. :bows:

06-18-2015, 08:18 PM
I am a member of many forums.
I did not know this one took financial contributions. It does make sense to buy some butter where you eat your toast.
I usually pay for classified ad privilidges = large photos, top listing etc.
No need to do so here.