View Full Version : Coyote in a Crown Vic

07-16-2015, 03:46 PM

Well, nobody can say it can't be done! It's crude & unfinished, but hey, it's in there.

07-16-2015, 03:58 PM

Well, nobody can say it can't be done! It's crude & unfinished, but hey, it's in there.

What a waste... cars is worth about 2K and you put all that work into it... :shake:

07-16-2015, 04:11 PM
Category is listed under comedy! Now that's funny!

What a POS. Half a dash and a awkward looking shifter boot does complete the look! [emoji107]🏻[emoji372]

Builder Of Badassery

07-16-2015, 04:27 PM
What a waste... cars is worth about 2K and you put all that work into it... :shake:

Category is listed under comedy! Now that's funny!

What a POS. Half a dash and a awkward looking shifter boot does complete the look! [emoji107]🏻[emoji372]

Builder Of Badassery

Did you guys miss the unfinished part. Won't take long to put the dash back together and the shifter boot can be improved upon but was likely not a priority at this point.

It is certainly worth more than $2K as it sits since the motor and trans is worth way more than that. No it will never be worth more than the time and money invested in it but that is the case with most cars.

07-16-2015, 04:50 PM
When he shows a video clearly showing a completed car, all gauges working, all wires tucked, an interior that doesn't look cobbled together, running, and driving... Then I'll reassess my opinion. Till then I'll keep my original opinion based on what he decided to show publicly.

Builder Of Badassery

07-16-2015, 05:31 PM
from his comments:
"Honestly the hardest part was getting money for it... lol.. But seriously, the oil pan and exhaust manifolds had clearance issues. The coyote engine's oil pan is 1/2" longer when compared to a 4.6 so I literally cut two oil pans in half and had them welded together. then I used a stock f-150 cast iron manifold on the passenger side and a mustang gt manifold on the driver side to get them to clear the frame and steering shaft."

I applaude anyone for going fourth with such a project, and getting it to run.
By the money comment he made, the car may never be a show piece, but if he was just making sure it ran, now cleans it all up, hey - he did it!
I'd like to see it drive before we get too excited about the success....

07-17-2015, 07:13 AM
I see a lot of potential.

eric jones
07-17-2015, 01:11 PM
I see a lot of potential.

Ditto! Ditto!

07-22-2015, 05:03 AM
It's awesome! Perfection takes time but he's got the heavy lifting done. Commendable effort that any shade tree guy could take forward from here.

I think the Coyote is an awesome swap for most anything, fun to see one run!

Bruce Wayne
07-22-2015, 05:12 AM
great job, looks good to me, you got me thinking now