View Full Version : Biker Boyz at Sonic Drive in Last Night

05-07-2004, 06:13 AM
I had to go to Fry's Last night around 9:00 on Northwest Highway in Dallas when I pulled up to the stop light I seen about 150 Biker Boyz gathering. People were parking in the Sam's club parking lot and walking over to check out those guys and gals bikes. From the looks of it they have their stuff together. I stoped and checked out some and many had NOS on them. All these bikes were racing bikes. Some of them guys even had the full leather suit on. How they had it set up it looked like i had walked into a movie scene.

Wonder how much money Sonic made from drinks last night cause everyone who showed up purchased something.

05-07-2004, 12:08 PM
There are several guys here in Fayetteville, NC that run their bikes at the track. Most of them coming in on trailers and the riders wearing full leather suits. There is one guy running a "booster" with a turbo and NOS.

It is CRAZY. running 8 seconds in the 1/4 mile...I can't remember at what MPH.

Those guys are freakin' nuts if you ask me. If you fall, you die.

05-07-2004, 05:26 PM
I love to ride my ZRX. As you see below it is modded slightly. It will probably run a 10.5 - 10.7 quarter. Last night some clown in a Mustang GT thought he was going to teach me a lesson. Poor judgement on his part. If you have never looked at bike numbers for speed you will be amazed by the results. The new liter bikes in stock trim run 10.06 to 10.15 quarters.