View Full Version : Kill story, I'm the victim.

05-08-2004, 08:58 AM
Well I pull up beside a silver Audi last night, and look over (guy and his son, and they can't see through the tints so they stare for a minute trying to see who I am, whether I'm a target). So I roll a little when the light turns yellow (at this point I am NOT thinking of racing) and so does he, light turns green, I go, he goes, I go a little more, and we both floor it.

Just to get it over with, the speed limit was 50, and I gave up around 40mph +/- a few because I was so embarassed. He gave up at 55/60mph, trying to make a somewhat good impression on his son.

I drove by and gave him a up.

Anyways, the thing was definitely turboed, and a manual. By the time he hit 3rd gear, I had YET to reach second, he went through the RPMs really quick.

I wanted to pull him over and tell him how crappy his car sounded, my only complaint. When he let loose their for a few seconds, he had NO exhaust note...but it sounded like a huge rush of wind, not a deep grumble and not a bumble bee, but a huge rush of wind.

So with that exuast "note" and a whurring noise when he let of the throttle and back on again, that's how I'm guessing it was turbo-charged.

Man...I wanted to cry, not because I lost, but because I didn't have a tuned Marauder to show him who's who. Oh well...one day, after I've taken a REAL driver's ed course...I'll get my chance.

05-08-2004, 09:05 AM
Poor James, you need to learn when to fight the good fight. I will give you credit you did not back down not even though you knew you did not have a chance. You did know you did not have a chance, right? Good leson learned, do not go up against a Turbo not without at least leveling off the playing field somewhat. Where is this Audi at James, I'll come down there and show him for you!!

05-08-2004, 10:22 AM
Jim is like me.....if I'm interested in racing someone, provided there's not a lot of traffic, and there aren't any blind turns, narrow lanes, parked cars, etc., and there's basically wide open road, I don'tn car who or what pulls up on side of me, I'll challenge him. If his car blows mine away, then atleast I'll get a good show of what his car can do. Sure, that's easy for me to say now that my car is Supercharged, but I was the same way even when it wasn't.

I'm the same way (and always have been) w/racing guys in a 50 yard sprint on foot. I'll race anyone. A lot of guys I've outrun, and a number of them outran me too. I still enjoy the challenge of trying. So when I'm running, who ever has feet is game. And when I'm driving, if it's on wheels, I'll challenge them. Ofcourse this isn't an every day occurence, nor even a weekly occurence since the conditions have to be right, beginning w/there being very sparse traffic, along w/a wide open straight away. And that situation doesn't present itself on a daily basis. Atleast not around where I live.

05-08-2004, 10:36 AM
Billy, I was thinking about entering the track team in one of the last two years of high school too. Yup, it's nice to have the challange, and by all means Gordon, I never thought I had a chance once I heard the engine spool up. My neighbor has two Audi's who I think I'd at least have a fighting chance with, an 88' or so and an 03, both four bangers neither turbo.

If any of you all are ever down here, we should try and find an Audi or BMW to toast:) I just keep thinking of Mike Z. and his supercharged Trilogy and the look the 300C guy must have had when he ruined his life twice:shot:

05-08-2004, 10:43 AM
Billy, I was thinking about entering the track team in one of the last two years of high school too. Yup, it's nice to have the challange....

You should do that Jim.......that's one thing that I wish I did when I was in school that I never did. You'll learn some things about sprinting if you do that. If you decide to, then let me know. I'd enjoy hearing about it.

05-10-2004, 07:46 AM
James, running is great! I was never on a track team, but in my late 20's I got into running as exercise. Got to the point where I would come home from work and run between 6 and 10 miles 5 or 6 days a week. Not only great for you physically (assuming you are running properly), but the long runs can be very therapeutic mentally after a frustrating day at school or work.