View Full Version : Gas expensive ? Consider this !

05-10-2004, 05:17 AM
Sure, gas costs 40 percent less than two decades ago after adjusting for inflation. And in the United States we still only pay about one-third of what they do in Europe.

But that's little consolation. Retail prices have been hitting record highs for two months. We took cheap gas for granted for so long, abandoning our fuel-efficient cars of the '80s for SUVs and minivans, and now it's catching up.

Rather than grousing, there may be some comfort in realizing gas is far cheaper than virtually every other liquid product purchased.

While a gallon of regular fetched a record $1.82 nationwide May 3, a price survey of several dozen commonly consumed fluids found only one -- a plastic jug of supermarket-brand "drinking" water at $1.19 a gallon -- selling for less. The rest scanned in at $2.79 to $46,000 a gallon, based on a survey of prices from Northern California supermarkets and national Web sites.

Many of these products are only moderately more expensive than gasoline, but they're staples of life:

Milk -- $2.79 a gallon on average
Coke -- $3.33 a gallon (based on a 2-liter bottle)
Tide liquid detergent -- $12.61 a gallon (based on a 100-oz. jug)
Hershey's chocolate syrup -- $14.98 a gallon (based on a 24-oz. bottle)
Glidden Endurance paint -- $22
Other products sell for much more than gasoline, but we pay it little mind:

Kraft ranch dressing -- $31 a gallon (based on a 16-oz. bottle)
Pepto Bismol -- $56 a gallon (based on 16-ounce bottle)
A1 steak sauce -- $64 a gallon (based on a 10-oz. bottle)
Raid Home & Garden -- $73 (based on an 11-oz.can)
Vaseline petroleum jelly -- $88 a gallon (based on a 13-oz. jar)
And others we're willing to splurge on or buy out of desperate need:

Deep Woods Off insect repellent -- $124 a gallon (based on a 6-ounce can)
Coppertone Sport Lotion sun block -- $192 a gallon (based on 8-ounce bottle)
Robitussin Maximum Strength -- $214 a gallon (based on 4-ounce bottle)
Dom Perignon 1996 champagne -- $379 a gallon (based on 750ML bottle)
Robert Mondavi 1999 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon -- $581 (based on 750ML bottle)
Of course, gasoline is a commodity that varies little, whether you buy Exxon, Chevron or from an independent station. It's produced by the boatload and carries no packaging costs.

Yet most of the U.S. supply is extracted from the ground as crude, transported to a tanker ship, crosses an ocean, gets run through a refinery, trucked and unloaded into gas-station storage tanks -- only then to be pumped into your vehicle. Considering crude oil is now running about 90 cents a gallon, and state and federal taxes about 38 to 50 cents, that's not much of a markup for processing and handling.

By comparison, consider what each of these 10 products costs on a per-gallon basis, most of them personal-care and health-care items that capitalize on a brand-name:

Starbucks coffee -- $33 (based on a 12-oz. cup) -- Without hesitation, many of us pay a huge markup for water run through coffee grinds. A three-pound can of Colombian, on sale at the supermarket for $4.99, will yield about nine gallons, at 55 cents a gallon. A 6,000 percent markup is a hefty price to pay for convenience.
Pam Extra Virgin Olive Oil cooking spray -- $123 (based on a 5-oz. can) This product also plays to convenience and commands quite a premium. Considering a 101-oz. container of Star Extra Virgin Olive Oil on sale at $12.99 costs the equivalent of $16.51 a gallon, that low-tech spray nozzle and pressurized can is costly alternative to just pouring out a teaspoonful.
Old Spice cologne -- $278 (based on 4.25-oz. bottle) This 67-year-old scent has its loyalists -- especially among older men -- but at this markup, it begs the question: Why not pay twice as much for something a bit more distinctive, and don't apply it by the palmful just because it's cheap?
Tylenol Infant Drops -- $1,738 (based on 0.5-oz. container) First-time parents freak out when their newborn or infant spikes a common 104-degree fever, and would pay anything to relieve their delirious baby's condition (Note: Tepid baths help considerably). While store-brand acetaminophen liquid is widely available for older children, it's hard to find for infants. This is a generic pain killer in a suspension fluid for crying out loud.
Afrin nasal spray -- $1,892 (based on a 0.5-oz. container) The inability to breath through one's nose is frightening at worst and frustrating at best. But chronic users might resign themselves to being mouth-breathers, and then splurge in retirement with all the money they'd have saved.
Bausch & Lomb Renu rewetting drops -- $2,097 (based on a 0.5-oz. container) The cost of hard-contact lenses goes well beyond replacing ones lost. For those for whom it's a remedy, laser surgery should look cheap by comparison.
Rogaine Extra Strength -- $2,176 ( based on a 2-oz. package) Desperate times call for desperate measures and for balding men, especially single ones, the cost of preserving thinning locks is no object. Forget that many users sprout only peach fuzz or suffer a scorched scalp after extended use. Untold thousands try this product before discovering its failings or coming to accept that their attractiveness is more than follicle deep.
Primatene Mist -- $3,377 (based on a 0.5-oz. dispenser) Not breathing through your nose is one thing, not breathing at all is another matter. That life-threatening situation is just what this product aims to remedy, with an enormous mark-up in the process.
Colgate Simply White Tooth-Whitening Gel -- $5,643 (based on 0.34 ounce bottle.) That's quite a pretty penny to pay for a little bit 'o bleach, specially formulated though it may be. But such is the price of vanity.
Chanel No. 5 perfume -- $46,000 (based on 0.25 ounce bottle) Since 1921, this scent has been the reigning queen of women's high-end perfumes. Suffice to say, at this price, it's a good thing a little goes a fairly long way.
So next time you're muttering profanities under your breath when the gas pump surpasses $40 while filling up your SUV, make a mental note to at least be a conscientious shopper on all other liquids you buy.

It really is worth reading those "per-ounce" price labels on supermarket shelves and not be wedded to items that are themselves essentially commodity products Remember, wealth is often built not by how much you bank, but by how much you don't spend.

05-10-2004, 05:21 AM
Yeah, but you know what? I don't have to put 20 gallon's of Channel #5 in my tank every few days. So to be blunt, the point is irrelevant.

05-10-2004, 05:26 AM
Not making any real point here, I was just showing a comparison of some everyday items many of us buy, and don't realize the value of it as a gallon. I find it to be interesting that we buy some things without hesitation, or any price "worries", yet gas is always brought up and frowned upon!
Keep up the excellent work Logan!

05-10-2004, 05:30 AM
Yeah, but you know what? I don't have to put 20 gallon's of Channel #5 in my tank every few days. So to be blunt, the point is irrelevant.

Exactly what I was thinking too......I go through 3 to 5 gallons per day of gasoline. So milk is more per gallon than gas, but who goes through 3 to 5 gallons of milk per day? Not me. And Pepto Bismal by the gallon? C'mon. Either you own a refinery or a gas station, or perhaps you're letting the media influence you on this........not me.

05-10-2004, 05:33 AM
You guy's ! I agree 100 %. It just puts in relation how CHEAP gas really is!

05-10-2004, 05:43 AM
Cheap is a relative term. ;)

05-10-2004, 06:13 AM
Cheap is a relative term. ;)

And I have cheap relatives. :lol:

Macon Marauder
05-10-2004, 06:25 AM
...I was just showing a comparison of some everyday items many of us buy, and don't realize the value of it as a gallon. I find it to be interesting that we buy some things without hesitation, or any price "worries"...

Hey! That's how I feel about gasoline!

05-10-2004, 06:43 AM
Pepto Bismol -- $56 a gallon (based on 16-ounce bottle)
A1 steak sauce -- $64 a gallon (based on a 10-oz. bottle)
Raid Home & Garden -- $73 (based on an 11-oz.can)
Vaseline petroleum jelly -- $88 a gallon (based on a 13-oz. jar) "...snip..."

If you are buying Pepto Bismol and Vaseline by the gallon, then the price of gasoline is the least of your probems.

BTW. Premium 93 just hit $1.999 in this area. Man, I am sure glad it is not $2.00 yet .... :lol:

05-10-2004, 06:56 AM
If you are buying Pepto Bismol and Vaseline by the gallon, then the price of gasoline is the least of your probems.

BTW. Premium 93 just hit $1.999 in this area. Man, I am sure glad it is not $2.00 yet .... :lol:$2.12 is the average here for 93. With Memorial Day coming up, it won't stop there. In some cases, the prices are changing daily! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_3_1.gif

05-10-2004, 08:22 AM
Premium Citgo 93 octane went from $2.03 last week to $2.15 this week.
What causes a 12 cent hike in price ???

05-10-2004, 08:54 AM
Premium Citgo 93 octane went from $2.03 last week to $2.15 this week.
What causes a 12 cent hike in price ???

Besides GREED? You got me!

05-10-2004, 09:23 AM
Besides GREED? You got me!
You beat me to that one!!! Absolutely --- GREED is the driving force. Why else would the big oil companies be posting profits of 30% right after their annual annoucement about supply and demand, unusual weather, the direction of the wind, unstable polictics in Antarctica, and changing from winter gas to summer gas mixes, and a host ream of other :bs: causing the increase in prices.

It really too bad that the local dealer owner and local distributor have to take the flak -- but they are in the publics view. Maybe if they get fed up enough -- they will push it up the line.

05-10-2004, 09:44 AM
Sure, gas costs 40 percent less than two decades ago after adjusting for inflation. And in the United States we still only pay about one-third of what they do in Europe.

Yet most of the U.S. supply is extracted from the ground as crude, transported to a tanker ship, crosses an ocean, gets run through a refinery, trucked and unloaded into gas-station storage tanks -- only then to be pumped into your vehicle. Considering crude oil is now running about 90 cents a gallon, and state and federal taxes about 38 to 50 cents, that's not much of a markup for processing and handling.

Not trying to kill the messenger here but this type of info is often put out as part of the Oil Industries marketing campaigns. The sentence I highlighted is patently ridiculous. ExxonMobil is set to pass GE as the largest Corporation in the world in terms of profits. This is solely due to the industry taking dramatic advantage of the recent spike in oil prices. Just check the stock prices if you don't believe me.

When oil was $35bbl the national gasoline avg was $1.40 per gallon.
Oil is now spiking at $40bbl a 14% increase, why isn't gasoline $1.60?

Yeah yeah yeah.....blah blah.... about the refinery pinches and special blends blah blah blah.......... Point is they are making a freaking killing!!

05-10-2004, 10:20 AM
You beat me to that one!!! Absolutely --- GREED is the driving force. Why else would the big oil companies be posting profits of 30% right after their annual annoucement about supply and demand, unusual weather, the direction of the wind, unstable polictics in Antarctica, and changing from winter gas to summer gas mixes, and a host ream of other :bs: causing the increase in prices....

Not trying to kill the messenger here but this type of info is often put out as part of the Oil Industries marketing campaigns. The sentence I highlighted is patently ridiculous. ExxonMobil is set to pass GE as the largest Corporation in the world in terms of profits. This is solely due to the industry taking dramatic advantage of the recent spike in oil prices. Just check the stock prices if you don't believe me.

When oil was $35bbl the national gasoline avg was $1.40 per gallon.
Oil is now spiking at $40bbl a 14% increase, why isn't gasoline $1.60?

Yeah yeah yeah.....blah blah.... about the refinery pinches and special blends blah blah blah.......... Point is they are making a freaking killing!!

Glad I already owned stock in the oil companies. It's a good return on my money and the dividends aren't bad either! Greedy, yea I'm greedy. :D

05-10-2004, 10:28 AM
Now I have only one question, If we took all the liquid's in out Marauders and priced them per gallon ,HOW MUCH WOULD THE LIQUIDS BE WORTH?

05-10-2004, 10:38 AM
Sure, gas costs 40 percent less than two decades ago after adjusting for inflation. And in the United States we still only pay about one-third of what they do in Europe.

But that's little consolation. Retail prices have been hitting record highs for two months. We took cheap gas for granted for so long, abandoning our fuel-efficient cars of the '80s for SUVs and minivans, and now it's catching up.

Rather than grousing, there may be some comfort in realizing gas is far cheaper than virtually every other liquid product purchased.

While a gallon of regular fetched a record $1.82 nationwide May 3, a price survey of several dozen commonly consumed fluids found only one -- a plastic jug of supermarket-brand "drinking" water at $1.19 a gallon -- selling for less. The rest scanned in at $2.79 to $46,000 a gallon, based on a survey of prices from Northern California supermarkets and national Web sites.

Many of these products are only moderately more expensive than gasoline, but they're staples of life:

Milk -- $2.79 a gallon on average
Coke -- $3.33 a gallon (based on a 2-liter bottle)
Tide liquid detergent -- $12.61 a gallon (based on a 100-oz. jug)
Hershey's chocolate syrup -- $14.98 a gallon (based on a 24-oz. bottle)
Glidden Endurance paint -- $22
Other products sell for much more than gasoline, but we pay it little mind:

Kraft ranch dressing -- $31 a gallon (based on a 16-oz. bottle)
Pepto Bismol -- $56 a gallon (based on 16-ounce bottle)
A1 steak sauce -- $64 a gallon (based on a 10-oz. bottle)
Raid Home & Garden -- $73 (based on an 11-oz.can)
Vaseline petroleum jelly -- $88 a gallon (based on a 13-oz. jar)
And others we're willing to splurge on or buy out of desperate need:

Deep Woods Off insect repellent -- $124 a gallon (based on a 6-ounce can)
Coppertone Sport Lotion sun block -- $192 a gallon (based on 8-ounce bottle)
Robitussin Maximum Strength -- $214 a gallon (based on 4-ounce bottle)
Dom Perignon 1996 champagne -- $379 a gallon (based on 750ML bottle)
Robert Mondavi 1999 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon -- $581 (based on 750ML bottle)
Of course, gasoline is a commodity that varies little, whether you buy Exxon, Chevron or from an independent station. It's produced by the boatload and carries no packaging costs.

Yet most of the U.S. supply is extracted from the ground as crude, transported to a tanker ship, crosses an ocean, gets run through a refinery, trucked and unloaded into gas-station storage tanks -- only then to be pumped into your vehicle. Considering crude oil is now running about 90 cents a gallon, and state and federal taxes about 38 to 50 cents, that's not much of a markup for processing and handling.

By comparison, consider what each of these 10 products costs on a per-gallon basis, most of them personal-care and health-care items that capitalize on a brand-name:

Starbucks coffee -- $33 (based on a 12-oz. cup) -- Without hesitation, many of us pay a huge markup for water run through coffee grinds. A three-pound can of Colombian, on sale at the supermarket for $4.99, will yield about nine gallons, at 55 cents a gallon. A 6,000 percent markup is a hefty price to pay for convenience.
Pam Extra Virgin Olive Oil cooking spray -- $123 (based on a 5-oz. can) This product also plays to convenience and commands quite a premium. Considering a 101-oz. container of Star Extra Virgin Olive Oil on sale at $12.99 costs the equivalent of $16.51 a gallon, that low-tech spray nozzle and pressurized can is costly alternative to just pouring out a teaspoonful.
Old Spice cologne -- $278 (based on 4.25-oz. bottle) This 67-year-old scent has its loyalists -- especially among older men -- but at this markup, it begs the question: Why not pay twice as much for something a bit more distinctive, and don't apply it by the palmful just because it's cheap?
Tylenol Infant Drops -- $1,738 (based on 0.5-oz. container) First-time parents freak out when their newborn or infant spikes a common 104-degree fever, and would pay anything to relieve their delirious baby's condition (Note: Tepid baths help considerably). While store-brand acetaminophen liquid is widely available for older children, it's hard to find for infants. This is a generic pain killer in a suspension fluid for crying out loud.
Afrin nasal spray -- $1,892 (based on a 0.5-oz. container) The inability to breath through one's nose is frightening at worst and frustrating at best. But chronic users might resign themselves to being mouth-breathers, and then splurge in retirement with all the money they'd have saved.
Bausch & Lomb Renu rewetting drops -- $2,097 (based on a 0.5-oz. container) The cost of hard-contact lenses goes well beyond replacing ones lost. For those for whom it's a remedy, laser surgery should look cheap by comparison.
Rogaine Extra Strength -- $2,176 ( based on a 2-oz. package) Desperate times call for desperate measures and for balding men, especially single ones, the cost of preserving thinning locks is no object. Forget that many users sprout only peach fuzz or suffer a scorched scalp after extended use. Untold thousands try this product before discovering its failings or coming to accept that their attractiveness is more than follicle deep.
Primatene Mist -- $3,377 (based on a 0.5-oz. dispenser) Not breathing through your nose is one thing, not breathing at all is another matter. That life-threatening situation is just what this product aims to remedy, with an enormous mark-up in the process.
Colgate Simply White Tooth-Whitening Gel -- $5,643 (based on 0.34 ounce bottle.) That's quite a pretty penny to pay for a little bit 'o bleach, specially formulated though it may be. But such is the price of vanity.
Chanel No. 5 perfume -- $46,000 (based on 0.25 ounce bottle) Since 1921, this scent has been the reigning queen of women's high-end perfumes. Suffice to say, at this price, it's a good thing a little goes a fairly long way.
So next time you're muttering profanities under your breath when the gas pump surpasses $40 while filling up your SUV, make a mental note to at least be a conscientious shopper on all other liquids you buy.

It really is worth reading those "per-ounce" price labels on supermarket shelves and not be wedded to items that are themselves essentially commodity products Remember, wealth is often built not by how much you bank, but by how much you don't spend. I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU, IF WE TOOK ALL OF THE PRICE'S PER GALLON FIGURES YOU GAVE US AND AVERAGED THEM OUT PER DOLLAR ,FOUND OUT THE AVERAGE WEIGHT OF OF THE GALLON OF THESE, DIVIDED IT BY THE WEIGHT OF OUR MARAUDERS WHAT WOULD BE THE AVERAGE PRICE PER POUND (OR GALLON )OF A MARAUDER ?

05-10-2004, 12:37 PM

Marauder's are MSRP'd at about $8.38 per pound. Much better than the price of Blask Angus Steak or Lobster Tails --- but somewhat harder to chew. Definitely more fun to drive, sit in, or look at. My MM is a bargain at those prices.

05-10-2004, 08:06 PM
If you are buying Pepto Bismol and Vaseline by the gallon, then the price of gasoline is the least of your probems.


ROFL! How True!

05-10-2004, 08:12 PM
Marauder's are MSRP'd at about $8.38 per pound. Much better than the price of Blask Angus Steak or Lobster Tails --- but somewhat harder to chew. Definitely more fun to drive, sit in, or look at. My MM is a bargain at those prices.

I have to question your assertion here.

Have you ever "sat in" (or on) and angus steak? Have you ever driven one?

Until you can speak from experience you should avoid making comparison like the one above. :lol:




05-10-2004, 08:33 PM
It really too bad that the local dealer owner and local distributor have to take the flak -- but they are in the publics view. Maybe if they get fed up enough -- they will push it up the line.
IMO Wouldn't make any difference if they did...As long as we buy it, they'll keep selling it at the inflated prices.:depress:

05-10-2004, 10:29 PM
All is I know is that I just came home from the gas station, and it's now $2.19 per gallon!!!!!! It just doesn't stop!!!!! $37.00 to fill up my tank!!!!!!

05-11-2004, 06:07 AM
As much as 30% of the price of gas is taxes!

$40 per barrel won't last long. Alternative fuels and new oil areas become more than competitive.

OPEC has pegged their spending at $25 per barrel. They also know that over $25 per barrel and alternatives to OPEC wether non-petroleum or non-OPEC oil is viable.

At one point they targetted $20 per barrel to drive our domestic exploration companies out of business. Then we responded with 3D sesmic, spar design and directional drilling which resulted in the cost to $16 per barrel in some domestic areas, below what OPEC needs in revenue.

05-11-2004, 07:07 AM
I have to question your assertion here.

Have you ever "sat in" (or on) and angus steak? Have you ever driven one?

Until you can speak from experience you should avoid making comparison like the one above. :lol:



Sorry, you're correct. I didn't realize that you were Hall Monitor this week.

05-11-2004, 07:30 AM
As much as 30% of the price of gas is taxes!

$40 per barrel won't last long. Alternative fuels and new oil areas become more than competitive.

OPEC has pegged their spending at $25 per barrel. They also know that over $25 per barrel and alternatives to OPEC wether non-petroleum or non-OPEC oil is viable.

At one point they targetted $20 per barrel to drive our domestic exploration companies out of business. Then we responded with 3D sesmic, spar design and directional drilling which resulted in the cost to $16 per barrel in some domestic areas, below what OPEC needs in revenue.
I agree the price is set by greed. I own a 18 wheeler and try filling up a 300 gallon tank! Although Diesel is at 1.50 - 1.75, we get killed in bulk. The big companies just pass it off to you by charging the customer who's goods are being hauled, that in turn drives the price up by them trying to recoup the fuel charge. We all pay in the end. Truckers are getting fed up and parking trucks to block roads and such. Although I don't agree with thier actions, the points they are trying to make is valid. Let all the trucks stop moving and watch the economy crash. Or what would happen if we all stopped buying gas for a few days????

05-11-2004, 07:55 AM
We here in South FLA are paying around 2.21 a gallon! Depending on which corner you stop at, you can have up to a 10 cent change, either up or down.

05-11-2004, 09:03 AM
they targetted $20 per barrel to drive our domestic exploration companies out of business. Then we responded with 3D sesmic, spar design and directional drilling which resulted in the cost to $16 per barrel in some domestic areas, below what OPEC needs in revenue.

Well if domestic oil can stop all of this madness again, then what are they waiting for? There must be more to it......from what you're saying, then that should pan out all over again, and our gasoline prices should come back down again under $150 per gallon........I hope that's the case, but somehow I'm very skeptical about that happening. I DO hope that my skepticism is off.

05-11-2004, 09:20 AM
Sorry, you're correct. I didn't realize that you were Hall Monitor this week.

DOH!!! You had to know that I was joking. If you did not then I will take full responsibility and beg your forgiveness, my fellow Marauderer. :)



05-11-2004, 10:20 AM
As much as 30% of the price of gas is taxes!

You are right on that.
To see what other countries tack on to the gas price in taxes, go here...
