View Full Version : Guitar Players, Please check this out!

10-03-2015, 06:59 AM
A friend of mine has decided to follow his passion and start up a company called Fuzz Puppy. It's a botique line of guitar effects pedals with some pretty unique tones and really cool names. He and his wife both love dogs and currently have 5 rescues so of course the name would be dog related! $5 is donated to an animal rescue for every pedal sold. Please check them out at fuzzpuppy.com!

10-06-2015, 01:11 AM
On it. I hope they have bass petals too. Nice to see someone devote their life to what they wanna do.

10-08-2015, 01:14 PM
I wish them the best of luck and it's cool that they're donating a portion of the profits. There are a lot of manufacturers out there, for sure.

It'll be a while before I'm due for another stompbox, as I just got my 2nd this week and don't need to run more - that's the beauty of buying the right amp for the job the first time. :D