View Full Version : Movie review, The Martian

10-04-2015, 04:14 PM
Patricia and I went to see the Martian on the big screen and we were not disappointed.

Ticket Prices have gone up since spring from $5.50 to $7.00 for us seniors.
Popcorn is $7.90 for a bucket (including tax), that's also an increase.


10-04-2015, 05:55 PM
Patricia and I went to see the Martian on the big screen and we were not disappointed......


I concur. Saw it on the XDX big screen (http://manntheatres.com/info/?cid=62345). Great movie!

10-04-2015, 07:04 PM
We saw it last night and loved it.

2) adults
2) kids w/school ID
1) child

Reserved seating tickets $47 plus $7 "convenience fee" = $54

This is also a dinner theater.

5 dinners, 2 appetizers, 5 soft drinks, & 1 giant frozen Margarita = $89 and change plus tip...

Man do kids cost! [emoji26]

Builder Of Badassery

10-04-2015, 07:28 PM
I really want to see this movie, Matt Damon played a a s s hole in interstellar the last non terrestrial movie

I wouldn't spend 150.00 for my family to go see the movie, making memories is great, they last a lifetime. But to actually spend that kind of money is wasteful, crap that's a lot of money to see a movie

To each his own :)

10-04-2015, 08:09 PM
Building a Marauder is also wasteful. Can't spend it when your dead..

Builder Of Badassery

10-05-2015, 06:20 AM
I really want to see this movie, Matt Damon played a a s s hole in interstellar the last non terrestrial movie

I wouldn't spend 150.00 for my family to go see the movie, making memories is great, they last a lifetime. But to actually spend that kind of money is wasteful, crap that's a lot of money to see a movie

To each his own :)

Coming from someone who owns 4 gas guzzling, planet destroying "wasteful" cars.

"To each his own".

You have been reported and verification of your 4 "wasteful" cars has begun. If the cars are as you say they will be confiscated and recycled with no compensation to you. Wastefulness is not compensated.

ps You didn't properly read the post, he paid $54 for 5 people to see the movie.

10-05-2015, 06:39 AM

Accumulation of property, IE cars, real estate or jewelry is not intrinsically wasteful.

Government spending is very wasteful because it doesn't get what it pays for or is overcharged or easily cheated. Thus the taxpayer's money is wasted. CIP "bridge to no where".

Don't we tell our kids to eat everything on their plate lest it go to waste?

10-05-2015, 06:44 AM
"Accumulation" in it's self is intrinsically wasteful.

Nobody needs 4 cars, the purpose of Gov't is to redistribute accumulated property. Gov't redistribution is never wasteful because you no longer have it and somebody else does.

10-05-2015, 07:15 AM
so much for the movie reviews......

10-05-2015, 07:41 AM
It's basically MacGyver in Space

Can't stop the signal...

10-05-2015, 09:54 AM
I took my parents to see it. My dad was interested in seeing it. I thought it was a good movie. Seems we don't have many outer space movies these days.

10-05-2015, 03:45 PM
Don't we tell our kids to eat everything on their plate lest it go to waste?
I do and so did my parents. If they don't eat all of their food, they don't eat again until they finish. I've got to balance my wife's lack of discipline some how.

10-05-2015, 03:48 PM
I really want to see this movie, Matt Damon played a a s s hole in interstellar the last non terrestrial movie

I wouldn't spend 150.00 for my family to go see the movie, making memories is great, they last a lifetime. But to actually spend that kind of money is wasteful, crap that's a lot of money to see a movie

To each his own :)
It was dinner for 5 and tickets to a movie. The new theaters that serve food charge more for the novelty of eating actual food during a movie. I suppose someone could sneak in McDonald's into a theater and eat, but snitches are everywhere.

10-05-2015, 03:58 PM
Coming from someone who owns 4 gas guzzling, planet destroying "wasteful" cars.

"To each his own".

You have been reported and verification of your 4 "wasteful" cars has begun. If the cars are as you say they will be confiscated and recycled with no compensation to you. Wastefulness is not compensated.

ps You didn't properly read the post, he paid $54 for 5 people to see the movie.

Nice thread fossil-

Go back and read his total amount for the "dinner theater" 54.00 + 89.00 150.00 was a nice round number , I guess I could have said the exact number, but I'm not ocd, it wasn't that important to me.

Where do you get off telling me my cars are gas guzzlers? Do you know my cars? You got a hotline to call because someone owns a few cars?

You've seemed to have been a nice old man in your past posts I've read, are you off your medication sir?

10-05-2015, 04:00 PM
Nice thread fossil-

Go back and read his total amount for the "dinner theater" 54.00 + 89.00 150.00 was a nice round number , I guess I could have said the exact number, but I'm not ocd, it wasn't that important to me.

Where do you get off telling me my cars are gas guzzlers? Do you know my cars? You got a hotline to call because someone owns a few cars?

You've seemed to have been a nice old man in your past posts I've read, are you off your medication sir?

His name is buzz killington! :beer:

10-05-2015, 04:03 PM
"Accumulation" in it's self is intrinsically wasteful.

Nobody needs 4 cars, the purpose of Gov't is to redistribute accumulated property. Gov't redistribution is never wasteful because you no longer have it and somebody else does.

You must be a democratic b a l l hugger, redistribute everything so everyone has a fair chance. Give to the lazy and let the lazy reap the rewards from everyone who works

Better screw your head back on for the real world.

10-05-2015, 04:05 PM
His name is buzz killington! :beer:

It should be mr get the f yuck outta here, what a pompous a ss

Sorry if I offended anyone else, but Jesus this guy is a tool bag

10-05-2015, 04:57 PM
I itemized my night out for Pat is all. I could have went to another theater and paid $6 less for seats scattered about or hopes of... And I could have went to dinner at a restaurant with comparable food and perhaps saved $15 maybe.

Sorry but my time is very valuable and money isn't a huge concern to me. Take on a family of five, become a tool whore, and repurchase your car twice more in parts and you'll see $150 is just another night out..

What a joke.

Builder Of Badassery

10-05-2015, 08:27 PM
Joanne & I saw the movie in IMAX-3D. So it cost $ 19.00 each but a good movie is worth it. This movie was worth it.

Last Saturday, (Oct 3rd) my Physics association hosted a symposium for college and secondary school Physics teachers. The guest speakers were from NASA. They spoke about the Pluto fly-by and the comet landing. Go to the "New Horizons" website for color pictures and data about Pluto.

We asked the NASA scientists about "The Martian". They also loved it.
Today, on the CBS morning show, they interviewed Neil DeGrasse-Tyson. He is the curator of the Rose Planetarium in Manhattan. He is the host of many programs on the Learning and science channels. He is a world class speaker. He loved the movie as well.

10-05-2015, 08:42 PM
It should be mr get the f yuck outta here, what a pompous a ss

Sorry if I offended anyone else, but Jesus this guy is a tool bag

I over estimated your intellect to recognize the use of satire to temper your post about another member wasting his money and the irony of having 11 cars listed in your signature.

I will no longer use satire and/or irony in response to your posts.

I do thank you for revealing your true character.

10-05-2015, 09:45 PM
I over estimated your intellect to recognize the use of satire to temper your post about another member wasting his money and the irony of having 4 cars listed in your signature.

I will no longer use satire and/or irony in response to your posts.

I do thank you for revealing your true character.

Well to be completely factual, he has eleven cars listed in his sig. So I think he has enough cars, since there's no way to drive them all at the same time. S/.

10-06-2015, 05:24 AM
Thank you, I have corrected my post.

Mr. Turbov6Bryan no need to fret, I have placed you on my ignore list.;)