View Full Version : Literature Guys...HELP ME!

05-10-2004, 07:03 PM
Ok ok, I complained like a baby about Pride and Prejudice. But hey, we just finished "My Name is Asher Lev" and a bunch of other stuff that was REALLY good and I scored really well on my tests/pop-quizes.

Ok ok, so you love me now. I was supposed to read/write questions/teach on the short story by Aldous Huxley (who I already like) called "The Gioconda Smile" So this is tomorrow, that's cool, I've got plenty of time, I get my paper all ready to type up title/date/name all that.

I go to my bookbag for my book and it's not there. Hmm...ok, it fell out in the car. I go to the car, not there. I MUST have left it in my room then...nope not in my room...

Then I remembered, I told my friend's 13 (11-12? I don't know) year old sister who's pretty damn smart she could grab "My Name is Asher Lev" from my backpack if she liked because she wanted something to read. Then I remembered her asking to borrow that too...but I was talking to Sara's mother about politics and a card game and I passingly said "yes" forgetting I needed the book!

Ok ok, so WHAT is the story about, I can't find CRAP on the internet and I've been looking a while, I'll keep looking but I wanted to get this up quick.

I need to know enough to have 5-7 (meaning 7-8) discussion questions (those I will make up, you worry not oh great literature virtuoso).

Thank you SOOO much :bows: :bows: :bows:

05-10-2004, 07:08 PM
Sorry Bro,.. I took Freshman English 4 freakin' times, so... I'm ill equipped to help you.

BTW- I failed it 4 times 'cause I was expelled 4 times. :rasta:

PS- you can call me a 'dumbass' now Woa! :lol:

05-10-2004, 07:11 PM
Damn...I'm passing EVERYTHING else but this is 75% of my final grade for this semester...

Well, being expelled 4 times, you weren't exactly ill-equipt for the Army!

Just playin' Tom...:lol:

05-10-2004, 07:18 PM
Well, being expelled 4 times, you weren't exactly ill-equipt for the Army!

:lol: They let a 19 year old drop out fix 18 million Dollar helicopters!

I wish I could help ya bro,.. I've never heard of that book ,.. I have heard of Huxley though...

I prefer The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumbass

I hope you can get the help you need! It wouldn't be the 1st time MM.net has come through for someone!

Donny Carlson
05-10-2004, 07:18 PM

05-10-2004, 07:21 PM

see?! :up:

05-10-2004, 07:29 PM
AH! Thanks so much! I talked to my teacher, and he said he'd rather not have a halfassed job and would rather spend more time at the art museum so that's where we're going. BUT I won't be able to get the book back for a while so that's GREAT Donny!
It'll give me LOTS of time to come up with something REALLY cool and creative for Friday's class!!!

I owe you one Mr. Carlson!
Petro...I want to fix military flying machines! That'd be COOL! Boring? Tedious? Lots of mechanical stuff involved? Oh I hear how much those jobs suck...but so what...every job sucks...

I need to calm down...I'm going to have some sushi....

Donny Carlson
05-10-2004, 07:38 PM
Petro...I want to fix military flying machines! That'd be COOL! Boring? Tedious? Lots of mechanical stuff involved? Oh I hear how much those jobs suck...but so what...every job sucks...
Actually, being an A&P (airframe and powerplant) mechanic is a good career. Also, there's some good avionics tech schools (there's a good one in Houston) that will make your services in high demand. I was freinds with a guy in Houston who was an a&P mech for Southwest Airlines, and his biggest gripe was having to work so much overtime. Hey, I know about working lots of overtime, but his OT rate is about triple mine.

Donny Carlson
05-10-2004, 07:40 PM
I wish I could help ya bro,.. I've never heard of that book ,.. I have heard of Huxley though...
Brave New World. A great book.

05-10-2004, 07:46 PM
Brave New World. A great book.
Yes yes yes...

You'll see modern examples all over. If you end up liking that, try Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut.

Man I love my lit teacher. he makes me look well read!

I'm going to look up some about Avionics now...:D

05-10-2004, 07:58 PM
Helpful Attributes
Helpful school courses include math and shop mechanics. Helpful attributes include:

Ability to work with tools
Interest in electronics and electrical equipment
Interest in solving problems

Yeah...that's me! Man, this is COOL! I've always been interested in the military as well...Just waiting to turn 18 and go to college so I don't have to hear my mom gripe about how I'll die in the military...

05-10-2004, 08:00 PM
What the hey!

Is this the Homework Hotline?

05-10-2004, 09:13 PM
Petro...I want to fix military flying machines! That'd be COOL! Boring? Tedious? Lots of mechanical stuff involved?

It can be boring, tedious, a total PITA sometimes. Quite a bit of mechanical stuff. :rolleyes: To tell ya the truth:

sometimes I hate it (like washing my hands for 10 minutes at the end of the day only to find two new cuts and a mystery bruise)

sometimes I love it (like when I spent the last 2 weeks rebuilding a CH-47 Chinook rotor head, then watch it roll out; knowing it's squared away)

The money is good! While I was in the Army I volunteered for every deployment and field exercise. You make good $ in a combat zone! Just watch your six! so you can come home and spend it!

After spending almost 10 years in, I hired on as a civilian contractor, doing the same job I did in the Army! For a hell of a lot more cash! :up:

you mentioned avionics: great field! Good avionics techs are hard to come by! You can make upwards of around 40-50K a year with just a few years military experience.

PM me if ya have any more questions! We have several aircraft mechanics here. Besides Donny and myself, We have BillyGman, Bob Mathis, ...and IK04, Piglet, Pavedriver, and Cruzer are pilots. Prob'ly others I forgot... my bad.

every job sucks...QUOTE]

05-11-2004, 01:07 AM
What the hey!

Is this the Homework Hotline?

I seen just about everything on MM forums but this is a new one! James you found the help you were looking for. Great. Just to many flash backs to High School
:puke: . Sorry! My 20 yr reunion is the end of this month. :bigcry:

05-11-2004, 03:45 AM
Ok ok, I complained like a baby about Pride and Prejudice. But hey, we just finished "My Name is Asher Lev" and a bunch of other stuff that was REALLY good and I scored really well on my tests/pop-quizes....

What??? Who???

Oh, well can't help you here. Glad to see you already received the help that you needed. Now if you have some history questions I might be able to help you.

What the hey!

Is this the Homework Hotline?

Not a bad idea, James maybe Logan can set up a new Forum for you? J/K Logan. LOL!!

05-11-2004, 06:06 AM
Yeah Tom, this idea is becoming more and more fascinating! But I was thinking maybe a few years in the military and then elsewheres...just to make sure my mom doesn't have a heart attack! But, I guess every job sucks so I'm not too worried about it...just need something I'll enjoy to an extent...and I'll be happy!
I knew BillyG was an aircraft mechanic...but I didn't recognize the rest were...

Gordon...I won't hesitate to let you know:up:

Patrick! NO SWEAT! You've got a COOOL car to show for all them years of hard work, and that's what's important.:lol:

Donny Carlson
05-11-2004, 09:56 PM
PM me if ya have any more questions! We have several aircraft mechanics here. Besides Donny and myself, We have BillyGman, Bob Mathis, ...and IK04, Piglet, Pavedriver, and Cruzer are pilots. Prob'ly others I forgot... my bad.
My aviation days are long over. Originally, I was to be an aerospace engineer, but that got sidetracked, then I switched over to avionics, but that got sidetracked...you get the idea.

Now I work for the Postal Service and the letter carrier's union. Go figure.

Haven't flown a plane in years either. Started flying out of a small airport in Missouri right on the Missippi river back when you could afford to rent a Cessna 150 for the afternoon AND pay for the aviation fuel. Last time I pilote was in Houston, when I almost lost it on approach to Hobby due to wake turbulence from a Southwest jet. Scared the living ricer out of me. These days, I rather enjoy looking out the window while sipping a beer from a little clear plastic cup.

Still, avionics is where its at, imo. Aircraft are increasingly more computerised, and being able to install, diagnose, service these componants will put you in big demand.