View Full Version : CamTick..blown off by customer service

05-11-2004, 10:52 PM
Well I am part of the 50% (blown off by the FORD REP) in regards to the ticking issue. They told my service manager that there is no fix for the problem yet and sent me on my way.:bounce:

That sucks...I need to get names from folks that got this issue repaired and who they talked to at the customer service center.

I know there has been alot of posts, and I mean alot, in regards to this issue. I am currently so swamped, I cannot find the time to try and re-read all the threads to figure out whom of you have had this issue resolved. I know several have.

At this time, I beg of you folks to drop me line or reply here as to who your dealership spoke with at the customer service center that got this fix on the roll. Perhaps a PM with a VIN number so that I may have my guy pull the OASIS to prove to him that people ARE getting this issue resolved.

I will search, and print everything I can find, but if anyone is willing to add, and help me directly, it will be greatly appreciated.:)
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05-11-2004, 11:08 PM
I will search, and print everything I can find, but if anyone is willing to add, and help me directly, it will be greatly appreciated.:)

Barry: I am working on a fix and hope to be able to report something in the next few weeks. I will keep you "posted."

05-11-2004, 11:26 PM
Barry - I had my driver side head replaced last month under warranty. The tech found lots of play in the #6 and #8 exhaust valves. After getting the new head and valvetrain installed, I attempted to get the Reinhart head cooling kit installed ASAP. Unfortunately, the tick came back while I was on my road trip to DR's. It's now worse than before; I can hear it from inside the car throughout the RPM range. I don't know what to do, but I'm going back to me service manager to explain my case again... good luck with yours.

05-11-2004, 11:41 PM
I've recently noticed that ticking sound also, but it isn't very loud. This is such a common occurence among us now, that I'm beginning to wonder if it's merely something that's inherent in the 32 valve 4.6L engine. For instance, is there anyone here who has owned a 99-02 Cobra? And if so, did they also have this ticking noise???

05-11-2004, 11:46 PM
Mine is still at the dealer and when i first got there 2 different techs were on hand to listen and they BOTH agreed that it was fuel injector tick, very common of 4.6 DOHC they said, I take their word for it. you can only hear it when the hood is up though.

05-11-2004, 11:50 PM
Certain motors exhibit the sound... but it hasn't been narrowed down to a specific production run. The Cobra motors are all hand assembled and, for some reason, don't experience the "tick" as commonly as we do. Our Intech versions are really just mass-produced garbage parts in a good block. If it comes down to doing another head on my car, I'm just going to have the heads sent to Fox Lake and re-worked. Might as well do something cool if they have to come apart again.

05-11-2004, 11:51 PM
I can hear mine only while it's idling. I wonder how an injector can make a metal to metal sounding ticking noise like that. And for that matter, I heard the ticking the day before I began the S/Cer installation, and I still hear it now. And the S/Cer kit came w/different injectors, so I have a tough time believing that it can be injectors. if it is, then many injectors on many cars would do this. No?

05-12-2004, 12:17 AM
AAAAHHH, just as I suspected. I think everyone should take a look at the thread titled "Puff of Smoke on start up" which is in the "Gargare" forum. Checkout post #6 by Marauder03. Sure enough, he states in his post that he previously owned a 99 Cobra which BTW had the same 32 valve DOHC configuration as our Marauders do, and his Cobra also had that ticking noise all the time, however it did NOT consume oil, and the engine was fine right up to 100K on the clock when he parted w/it.

So just as I supected, it's sounding to me that unless this ticking noise get's very loud, and is heard at a considerbly wide RPM scale which also extends way past idle, then I'd say it's likely nothing to worry about, and doesn't have to imply that it's something that needs tending to either. This must be pretty normal for these engines. Especially considering the fact that it's happening to so many of our cars, and how even Constable who has just had a major cylinder head obverhaul work performed by the dealer just 1200 miles ago, and already he too has this ticking. Really, I wouldn't worry about this unless it's very loud.

05-12-2004, 01:22 AM
I've recently noticed that ticking sound also, but it isn't very loud. This is such a common occurence among us now, that I'm beginning to wonder if it's merely something that's inherent in the 32 valve 4.6L engine. For instance, is there anyone here who has owned a 99-02 Cobra? And if so, did they also have this ticking noise???

Billy: I owned both a '96 and a '99 Cobra. Both exhibited ticking from the cams, just as my MM does. It is/was not excessively loud and I can't hear it from inside the car. Of course I can hear it when I idle next to a drive thru like Wendy's or Mickey D's. Neither car was "EVER" retruned to the dealer for this noise. The '96 had 40K when I got rid of it, broke my foot, wife wouldn't drive it and needed an slush box. The '99 was right at 100K when I let it go. The only time the '99 ever had any engine work done to it, was when Ford recalled all the '99's for low performance issues. I recall this was and intake replacement and new exhaust from the cats back. The MM, prior to the engine change, had 53K on the old engine!

I can't vouch for my MM now, as they just replaced the engine for issues caused when the thermostat struck closed back in February. But I can tell you that the old engine had #4 cylinder hot spots on the cylinder wall, and #8 had vavle issues. Will have to wait and see about the new engine. Should have it back in my hands either later today or Thursday morning.

I have also owned 2 CV's, a '92 and '02. Even the two valve engine exhibited some ticking from the cams and valves.

05-12-2004, 05:01 AM
So it must be like a trade mark occurence from the Ford 4.6L overhead cam motors, weather they be Dual cam or single cam.I hadn't really even noticed my engine making the noise until I began to listen for it as a result of everyone talking about it on this board.

05-12-2004, 05:39 AM
I've had a 97 T-Bird since new and now has 80,000+ on it. It's just now starting to use oil but is quiet as a good sewing machine. My MM sounds like one of those TDI VW's. The noise changed pitch a little when I switched from 5W20 to 5W30. My brother-in-law has a 97 Cobra and he runs 10W30 in that. I wasn't ready to try that heavy an oil but I probably will since my next oil change should hit around July. As for an engine like this having a "normal" noise doesn't sound right. Most of Ford's vehicles use the same style injector and no one else is complaining about injector noise. It sounds like a cover up by Ford so they can save money and not deal with this issue since they need to money to fix the messes in other higher production cars and trucks. :bs:

05-12-2004, 06:10 AM
But should we be convinced that it's an injector noise? I find that a bit hard to believe that an injector would cause a metal to metal sounding ticking noise. Furthermore, my Marauder is making this noise w/different injectors installed which came w/the S/Cer kit. And it's the same noise as it made w/the stock injectors.

05-12-2004, 06:18 AM
I recc an oil analysis, they are only $15-$20 and may indicate if there is a problem.

I have not noticed a tick from my w/ 23K.

05-12-2004, 06:19 AM
I have noticed no sounds from mine thus far...except I'm getting some detonation in warmer weather...I've moved the heat shield away from the radiator hose, and I put no less than 93 in it...I'm still looking for a fix...Grr!

But I love reading these threads, I can't WAIT to own a Marauder:(

You could tell me they all blow up at 63000 miles exactly...I'll still get one.

05-12-2004, 06:27 AM
Billy - it wouldn't matter if you got new injectors or not, they'd still make the injector "tick" as they fire through their order.

I just got back from my dealership where I was discussing the future of my car. I then stopped at JDM Engineering and spoke with Jim D'Amore (nationally known Lightning & Cobra tuner). Jim finally enlightened me about the differences between the "updated" head and the original: improved water jacket design. He also told me about his "fix" for Cobras that arer exhibiting the "tick". He said he installs his JDM / Kooks long tube headers on the cars and the tick disappears. He said that the headers are so efficient at pulling heat away from the head, that they completely rid the car of the tick. He was astonished when I told him that I have the Kooks setup on my MM and it still chatters.

I agree that these motors will continue to operate fine in current form. The tick is more of an annoyance than anything. We KNOW that it shouldn't be making that noise.

BTW: For those of you who have had a head replaced -

Check the length of the cylinder head just below the valve cover on either side. There should be a long blue painted stripe on it. The CORRECT updated version of the head has this stripe, the factory head and other versions do not have the stripe. (Thanks Jim!)

As for my tick... I'm going to hold out for a recall. It's not a life-threatening issue to the motor. With this many people complaining about it, thoug, they'll have to do something.

05-12-2004, 07:17 AM
Mine had the ticking from the day I drove it home on the left side. It wasn't loud, but noticable up close.

It is loud enough now to be heard from 50 ft. away. The tick continues through out the rpm band without further noise level increase as found from my latest dyno run when I stood near the engine compartment. The tick increases in speed however, with the increase of engine RPMS.

05-12-2004, 07:25 AM
Billy - it wouldn't matter if you got new injectors or not, they'd still make the injector "tick" as they fire through their order.

I just got back from my dealership where I was discussing the future of my car. I then stopped at JDM Engineering and spoke with Jim D'Amore (nationally known Lightning & Cobra tuner). Jim finally enlightened me about the differences between the "updated" head and the original: improved water jacket design. He also told me about his "fix" for Cobras that arer exhibiting the "tick". He said he installs his JDM / Kooks long tube headers on the cars and the tick disappears. He said that the headers are so efficient at pulling heat away from the head, that they completely rid the car of the tick. He was astonished when I told him that I have the Kooks setup on my MM and it still chatters.

I agree that these motors will continue to operate fine in current form. The tick is more of an annoyance than anything. We KNOW that it shouldn't be making that noise.

BTW: For those of you who have had a head replaced -

Check the length of the cylinder head just below the valve cover on either side. There should be a long blue painted stripe on it. The CORRECT updated version of the head has this stripe, the factory head and other versions do not have the stripe. (Thanks Jim!)

As for my tick... I'm going to hold out for a recall. It's not a life-threatening issue to the motor. With this many people complaining about it, thoug, they'll have to do something.

Don't bet the farm on that. We are talking about FOMOCO here. As a side note, when I had my head replaced, the factory sent a new head with everything on it (or so I thought) It seems they neglected to put in a certain brass plug in the front of the head that blocks one of the 2 holes that oils the cam chain. Subsequently, I had low oil presuure at idle. They took off the valve cover and VOILA the cap was missing, all the oil was just pouring down into the pan at idle. Only 5-6lbs at idle,, 60 at WOT.

Ford quality is job one? You would think they would take care of number one, cause they are always stepping in number 2.

05-12-2004, 09:09 AM

Normally with a trained ear one can tell the difference between injector ticks and valve noise. It can be tricky.

Here is what happened to me.

I had my 93 GM sport serviced by SmithCairnes LM when it was under warranty and a bit after that. During that time I started noticing a different valve noise. I had the lead mechanic who I liked very much. (I believe it was Tony) check the noise. He said it wouldn't be a problem just monitor it. He was right as far as the engine goes. It ran beautifully (could stand the proverbial nickel on it) It still sounded the same last week when I sold it.

Now here is the kicker. A couple of years ago I went to the same dealership to see about buying another sport and got to the point in the deal where we discussed the value of my trade.

They checked it out and told me it was worth almost nothing because of the valve problem which they identified by the noise. Needless to say Tony is long gone. I left the deal and haven't really been happy with that dealership since.

Just for the record my Marauder sounds fine, no valve train noise. If develops noise it will be well documented by Ford more than once and maybe fixed. I really don't like anybody tearing down a running engine if it doesn't have to be touched. At the very least they will have to threaten me with the police if they won't record it as a problem.


05-12-2004, 10:46 PM
Since Ford is telling some dealers to wait till there is a fix available, let's hope that Ford is honestly working on a permanent fix that will solve this issue. However, we need to get together in the case that they don't so that we don't end up like the V8SHO folks who pretty much got screwed. Marty, what kind of fix are you talking about?

05-12-2004, 11:01 PM
I think Marty's fix will be to purchase a 2005 Ford GT. He's been planning this for awhile no doubt, and remains sneaky enough to keep it hidden from me. He probably only lets Todd in on it......yes, this is a conspiracy :eek:

He probably will give me a heart attack one day by showing up w/it at the track, and when I see it, my jaw will drop to the ground........then, when my heart begins beating again, I'll immediately proceed to pull my car out of the staging lanes because of the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy. I will then park my car, and run over to the stands to watch and gaze at the car that I wish that I had......... okay, back to our regularly schedueled program......

05-13-2004, 02:38 AM
I think Marty's fix will be to purchase a 2005 Ford GT. He's been planning this for awhile no doubt, and remains sneaky enough to keep it hidden from me. He probably only lets Todd in on it......yes, this is a conspiracy :eek:

You're getting warmer..... :up:

05-13-2004, 09:34 AM
You're getting warmer..... :up:

Naw, I know what you've REALLY bought. You mentioned to me awhile ago over the phone that you "wanted" to buy one. ;)

Fourth Horseman
05-13-2004, 09:57 AM
I notice that sometimes my tick is louder right after starting it (before the engine warms up) paticularly on cold days (<50 deg F). Sometimes it's so loud that it can easilly be heard from within the car with the windows up. Sounds like a damn diesel engine. :( The good news is that most of the time it's not nearly that loud and can only be heard from outside the car.

It's frustrating, but I'm not overly concerned about it. As long as the engine doesn't blow apart two days after my extended warranty expires.

05-13-2004, 04:10 PM
I want to thank all of you that sent me PM's with your info, contacts, and vins to cross reference.

It has become sadly apparent to me that ALL of you have had the noise come back even after the head was replaced.:depress:

I guess there is nothing to do but wait for a resolution from FORD.

05-13-2004, 06:22 PM
Uhhh . . . my 300B used to tick like mad when I first bought it (at all RPMs, and at all engine temperatures). Was ticking for almost a year, then it sort of quieted down a little in the last few months (but was still there). I just changed my oil, and I switched from Mobil 1 5W-30 to Mobil 1 0W-20, and now, I can't hear the ticking anymore . . . I wonder why?

05-13-2004, 10:04 PM
Actually, that's a pretty interesting observation. My ticking/tapping started up at about 1500 miles or so, and I remember that it did quiet down a bit when I changed over from Motorcraft 5w20 to Amsoil 0w30 which was done somewhere around 5200 miles or so. Anyone else out there notice a difference in their tick/tap noise after changing brands, or viscosity of oil?

Fourth Horseman
05-13-2004, 11:34 PM
Interesting... perhaps I'll try lighter weight oil on my next change which is due in under 500 miles. Would love to hear if anybody else can confirm or refute this.

05-13-2004, 11:44 PM
It's probably just coincidence, Fourth. The ticking has been getting quieter for the last 3-4 months. I JUST changed the oil to the 0W-20 last week.

05-13-2004, 11:55 PM
Needless to say Tony is long gone. I left the deal and haven't really been happy with that dealership since.


p.s. Tony is STILL at Smith Cairns....
I have been dealing with him for the last 10 years.
I see him almost every time I pull up to the dealership.
There are other individuals there that you can deal with when you aren't satisfied.
PM me and I will give you their names.

05-14-2004, 12:12 AM
If its the norm for all these cars then why is it her 300A built 6/02 with 26,000 miles on it so quiet I can barely hear it running at idle while my 300B built 12/02 with 12,000 miles on it ticks like crazy and has since 2,000 miles. Now hers is driven (hard) every day at least 20 miles, while mine is a garage queen. Both cars have had dealer oil changes at the reccomended intervals.....I do notice that if I really run the pee out of it after several hard runs it will quiet down for about an hour....So go figure....

05-14-2004, 12:15 AM
If its the norm for all these cars then why is it her 300A built 6/02 with 26,000 miles on it so quiet I can barely hear it running at idle while my 300B built 12/02 with 12,000 miles on it ticks like crazy and has since 2,000 miles. Now hers is driven (hard) every day at least 20 miles, while mine is a garage queen. Both cars have had dealer oil changes at the reccomended intervals.....I do notice that if I really run the pee out of it after several hard runs it will quiet down for about an hour....So go figure....

Maybe you need to let your wife drive your car for awhile...

05-14-2004, 01:53 AM
Well, I've got to admit.....just got the beast back with the newly remanufactured engine installed. It "IS" definitely quieter than the one it replaced. In fact, I can barely hear any cam noise at all even with the hood up. It seems that Ford has done something to fix the tapping noise in their rebuilds.