View Full Version : should I apologise?

11-26-2015, 05:48 AM
So, At 52 I should know better than to mess with drunks. But last night at a local pub I was off to the men's room and noticed a long line for the ladies. Since both were the same basic rest room I figure I will be chivalrous and watch the door for a few ladies to go before me. Well, after only one gal two guys plow through me using the door to shove me aside and make their way in.

Noticing the door opens out, I took a couple bar stools and blocked the door shut. I removed the stools after only a couple of their attempts to exit, so it was a brief interruption to their drinking. Upon attempting to exit they did not see the humor and one charged me. We rolled on the floor, no punches thrown. We were all asked to leave and I ruined my wife's night with friends (although it was time to wrap up anyway)

She was upset that I pushed things too far.... but I thought these guys needed something to get their attention.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

11-26-2015, 06:02 AM
Ummmm yeah! And take her out again! Lol

Blk Mamba
11-26-2015, 06:07 AM
To your wife maybe, the drunks never, the proprietor yes.

11-26-2015, 07:38 AM
I hope you were one of the drunks!

11-26-2015, 07:51 AM
I hope you were one of the drunks!

Well no, I can't blame this on anything but my pride.

11-26-2015, 08:00 AM
Around here that would have earned you an ass-beating, or worse. And it would have been completely justified.
Drunks or not, deciding that you are suddenly going to change the well-known rules of public bathroom use because you want to be "chivalrous" is an unwise decision.
At 52 you are well over the age of knowing that women use the women's room and that men use the men's room.
Being a white knight could get you knocked the **** out lmao.

Hell, what if there was a fire and those dudes were too drunk to escape and died in the fire? Stranger **** has happened.
People saw you blocking the fire exit and you would be rotting in jail and again, rightly so. Trapping someone inside a restroom could cause panic and most actions taken by the trapped person will be looked at by a court of law as justified.
What seems like a joke can turn nasty very quickly especially with alcohol involved. You don't seem very smart.

11-26-2015, 08:11 AM
Around here that would have earned you an ass-beating, or worse. And it would have been completely justified.
Drunks or not, deciding that you are suddenly going to change the well-known rules of public bathroom use because you want to be "chivalrous" is an unwise decision.
At 52 you are well over the age of knowing that women use the women's room and that men use the men's room.
Being a white knight could get you knocked the **** out lmao.

Hell, what if there was a fire and those dudes were too drunk to escape and died in the fire? Stranger **** has happened.
People saw you blocking the fire exit and you would be rotting in jail and again, rightly so. Trapping someone inside a restroom could cause panic and most actions taken by the trapped person will be looked at by a court of law as justified.
What seems like a joke can turn nasty very quickly especially with alcohol involved. You don't seem very smart.:stupid:Totally agree.:stupid:

11-26-2015, 08:18 AM
I was wondering why your wife called me.....

11-26-2015, 08:20 AM
Good work, I agree with you completely.

11-26-2015, 08:36 AM
So, At 52 I should know better than to mess with drunks. But last night at a local pub I was off to the men's room and noticed a long line for the ladies. Since both were the same basic rest room I figure I will be chivalrous and watch the door for a few ladies to go before me. Well, after only one gal two guys plow through me using the door to shove me aside and make their way in.

Noticing the door opens out, I took a couple bar stools and blocked the door shut. I removed the stools after only a couple of their attempts to exit, so it was a brief interruption to their drinking. Upon attempting to exit they did not see the humor and one charged me. We rolled on the floor, no punches thrown. We were all asked to leave and I ruined my wife's night with friends (although it was time to wrap up anyway)

She was upset that I pushed things too far.... but I thought these guys needed something to get their attention.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

You should apologize, to us, for not leaving them in there while you left...

In reality, I wouldn't have blocked the men's room for the women to use it, if they want to use it with men fine, but no special treatment, what happened to us being equal?

Around here that would have earned you an ass-beating, or worse. And it would have been completely justified.
Drunks or not, deciding that you are suddenly going to change the well-known rules of public bathroom use because you want to be "chivalrous" is an unwise decision.
At 52 you are well over the age of knowing that women use the women's room and that men use the men's room.
Being a white knight could get you knocked the **** out lmao.

Hell, what if there was a fire and those dudes were too drunk to escape and died in the fire? Stranger **** has happened.
People saw you blocking the fire exit and you would be rotting in jail and again, rightly so. Trapping someone inside a restroom could cause panic and most actions taken by the trapped person will be looked at by a court of law as justified.
What seems like a joke can turn nasty very quickly especially with alcohol involved. You don't seem very smart.

I think we could stretch anything to "what if", it didn't happen, so no real harm came to anyone.

11-26-2015, 08:54 AM
Google false imprisonment.

11-26-2015, 09:04 AM
Google false imprisonment.

Or kidnapping.........:D

Too many damn laws......;)

11-26-2015, 09:15 AM
Or kidnapping.........:D

It is all fun and games until someone gets locked in the bathroom and has to eat urinal cakes.

Then it is hysterical! :D

11-26-2015, 09:18 AM
So, At 52 I should know better than to mess with drunks. But last night at a local pub I was off to the men's room and noticed a long line for the ladies. Since both were the same basic rest room I figure I will be chivalrous and watch the door for a few ladies to go before me. Well, after only one gal two guys plow through me using the door to shove me aside and make their way in.

Noticing the door opens out, I took a couple bar stools and blocked the door shut. I removed the stools after only a couple of their attempts to exit, so it was a brief interruption to their drinking. Upon attempting to exit they did not see the humor and one charged me. We rolled on the floor, no punches thrown. We were all asked to leave and I ruined my wife's night with friends (although it was time to wrap up anyway)

She was upset that I pushed things too far.... but I thought these guys needed something to get their attention.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
There isn't anything to apologize for. In the scheme of things, it sounds like a mild tussle with a meathead. No one was arrested, or hurt. Worse things happen at bars daily. 2 guys were rude, and there isn't an excuse being drunk. Buy your wife some flowers, take her to dinner, and get her all sorts of liquored up. She will forget about it.

Time for honesty, the ladies you were being chivalrous to were very pretty, weren't they? I'm guessing low cut shirts, lots of cleavage, tight jeans, etc. Apologize to your wife for staring, nothing more.

11-26-2015, 09:21 AM
Around here that would have earned you an ass-beating, or worse. And it would have been completely justified.
Drunks or not, deciding that you are suddenly going to change the well-known rules of public bathroom use because you want to be "chivalrous" is an unwise decision.
At 52 you are well over the age of knowing that women use the women's room and that men use the men's room.
Being a white knight could get you knocked the **** out lmao.

Hell, what if there was a fire and those dudes were too drunk to escape and died in the fire? Stranger **** has happened.
People saw you blocking the fire exit and you would be rotting in jail and again, rightly so. Trapping someone inside a restroom could cause panic and most actions taken by the trapped person will be looked at by a court of law as justified.
What seems like a joke can turn nasty very quickly especially with alcohol involved. You don't seem very smart.

http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt153/2000-cvpi/med_gallery_56225_1038_62827.j pg (http://s607.photobucket.com/user/2000-cvpi/media/med_gallery_56225_1038_62827.j pg.html)

11-26-2015, 09:56 AM
Around here that would have earned you an ass-beating, or worse. And it would have been completely justified.
Drunks or not, deciding that you are suddenly going to change the well-known rules of public bathroom use because you want to be "chivalrous" is an unwise decision.
At 52 you are well over the age of knowing that women use the women's room and that men use the men's room.
Being a white knight could get you knocked the **** out lmao.

Hell, what if there was a fire and those dudes were too drunk to escape and died in the fire? Stranger **** has happened.
People saw you blocking the fire exit and you would be rotting in jail and again, rightly so. Trapping someone inside a restroom could cause panic and most actions taken by the trapped person will be looked at by a court of law as justified.
What seems like a joke can turn nasty very quickly especially with alcohol involved. You don't seem very smart.

I won't claim it was the wisest decision or that I would do it again. It was a very short incident and they were never in any danger.

11-26-2015, 11:39 AM
How can you be charged, and no punches were thrown?

11-26-2015, 11:40 AM
How can you be charged, and no punches were thrown?

False imprisonment is a restraint of a person in a bounded area without justification or consent. False imprisonment is a common-law felony and a tort. It applies to private as well as governmental detention.

11-26-2015, 11:51 AM
I mean physically charged at.. Bum rushed.. And no punches were thrown.. I get the other legally charged part..

11-26-2015, 12:36 PM
Buy her flowers :) happy thanksgiving

11-26-2015, 01:12 PM
I mean physically charged at.. Bum rushed.. And no punches were thrown.. I get the other legally charged part..

That is still assault. If you spit on someone, it is assault. Threatening someone is menacing, brandishing a gun is aggravated menacing.....

too many laws..........

Can't stop the alien takeover.........

11-26-2015, 01:27 PM
Nah, if you're attacked, it's not assault.. The aggressor would be guilty of assault.. It'd be self defense, IF the door / chair incident didn't play into it. Becoming physically aggressive at someone is the next level, sounds like the OP didn't start that part of it.

11-26-2015, 01:35 PM
Nah, if you're attacked, it's not assault.. The aggressor would be guilty of assault.. It'd be self defense, IF the door / chair incident didn't play into it. Becoming physically aggressive at someone is the next level, sounds like the OP didn't start that part of it.

You're not representing me in court.

11-26-2015, 02:50 PM
Which party would you be, the physical aggressor, or the door blocker?

11-26-2015, 03:09 PM
Which party would you be, the physical aggressor, or the door blocker?

Neither.....he'd be the prosecutor.

11-26-2015, 03:11 PM
Which party would you be, the physical aggressor, or the door blocker?

Nah, if you're attacked, it's not assault.. The aggressor would be guilty of assault.. It'd be self defense, IF the door / chair incident didn't play into it. Becoming physically aggressive at someone is the next level, sounds like the OP didn't start that part of it.

But if your attacked due to provocation on your own part, it is no longer self defense. There are plenty of other "factors" that will play into any charges that may occur, and laws vary from state to state.

11-26-2015, 03:16 PM
True.. Guess I see the OPs **** block as more shenanigans than provocation. I know how it would have went down in these parts though.

11-26-2015, 03:23 PM
Neither.....he'd be the prosecutor.

I see what you did there, :lol:

11-26-2015, 04:47 PM
Mods could you fix the spelling, it's driving me nutz! Pun intended :D

11-26-2015, 05:01 PM
In my defense I would have to say the shoving began when they plowed me over to get into the bathroom. So maybe I was protecting myself until the professionals arrived. Truthfully, I was Thinking shenanigans but clearly it was being provocative and was not surprised he came at me. But it was just a little wrestling and quickly broken up.

Yes I am a knucklehead for doing anything other than walking away. Just didn't sit well to do that.

I certainly would not want any legal proceedings. My questions were more a way to air out semi anonymously how much of a jerk I was being. A lot of mixed opinions here.

So am I banned from the next Marauderville?

11-26-2015, 05:12 PM
Not banned , but you sure as hell can't use the restroom! Lol

11-26-2015, 05:26 PM
Not banned , but you sure as hell can't use the restroom! Lol


Builder Of Badassery

11-26-2015, 06:10 PM
In my defense I would have to say the shoving began when they plowed me over to get into the bathroom. So maybe I was protecting myself until the professionals arrived. Truthfully, I was Thinking shenanigans but clearly it was being provocative and was not surprised he came at me. But it was just a little wrestling and quickly broken up.

Yes I am a knucklehead for doing anything other than walking away. Just didn't sit well to do that.

I certainly would not want any legal proceedings. My questions were more a way to air out semi anonymously how much of a jerk I was being. A lot of mixed opinions here.

So am I banned from the next Marauderville?

I don't think you were a jerk, but you now know what happens when you mix alcohol and people with ego issues.....

Stay away from public rest rooms for 30 days and you should be fine...:D :rolleyes:

11-26-2015, 06:31 PM
Your initial behavior was worthy of a beating and you didn't get one.
Sounds like you got lucky.
It's cool that you came here to brag about it though.

11-26-2015, 06:42 PM
Your initial behavior was worthy of a beating and you didn't get one.
Sounds like you got lucky.
It's cool that you came here to brag about it though.

Wow. I sure didn't feel like I was bragging. Pretty embarrassed actually. I agree I am fortunate in the outcome.

11-26-2015, 07:57 PM
OK, you have been absolved, make sure your lady's bathroom is well stocked with TP for the next 6 months.

Just don't do it again and you can forget about.

Never forget people under 30 don't fight with their hands.

11-27-2015, 11:56 AM
I have many times before watched over a men's bathroom to let women use it - all makes and models! Man, what happened to chivalry. If I guy walked up I'd explain - your next there is a women in there, they have always been fine with it.

I have also seen men use the women's bathroom more than once as well.

11-27-2015, 10:27 PM
To answer your question Women's Lib.

I think this is the part that caused the trouble - "I took a couple bar stools and blocked the door shut. I removed the stools after only a couple of their attempts to exit".

11-28-2015, 07:18 AM
In today's crazy nutcase world, legal issues might have been your least concern.

What if they were armed, or if they had a weapon in their vehicle and waited for you?

Sorry, unless immediate physical injury is a possibility, I'm not responding to idiots whether they are drunks in a bar or if they cut me off on the highway.

Life's too short to risk making it shorter.

11-28-2015, 08:13 AM
In today's crazy nutcase world, legal issues might have been your least concern.

What if they were armed, or if they had a weapon in their vehicle and waited for you?

Sorry, unless immediate physical injury is a possibility, I'm not responding to idiots whether they are drunks in a bar or if they cut me off on the highway.

Life's too short to risk making it shorter.

What if the OP were armed? What if the guys in the rest room were escaped prisoners? What if these guys were the ones that assinated Kennedy? What if these guys could actually see the humor in this? What if barking dogs could jump over the moon? What if aliens read our brain waves?

Life is too short, then again, maybe it's too long? What if you glass was half full instead of half empty? So many questions and what if's.