View Full Version : M.p.g????

05-12-2004, 06:45 PM
Can anyone explain to me how to determine Miles Per Gallon on my car .People ask me "what do you average?"and i say i dunno , duh!!! Thank ya'll....

05-12-2004, 07:00 PM
Can anyone explain to me how to determine Miles Per Gallon on my car .People ask me "what do you average?"and i say i dunno , duh!!! Thank ya'll....

Reset your trip odometer at the next fill-up. Leave it alone until you need gas again... wait until you're down to a quarter tank or so. Take the number of miles on the trip odometer and divide it by the number of gallons that it took to fill up. Use a calculator if you start to get dizzy ;) .

Example: 180 miles / 10 gallons = 18 miles per gallon.

There's your mpg. Reset the trip odometer to record the miles for the next fillup.

You may want to do this a 3-4 times to get an idea for what the "average" is. I make it a habit to write down the number of miles on the gas pump receipts and then sit down for the heavy math when I get bored.

BTW, I'm getting about 16 mpg in the city, 22 on the highway. Damn gas pedal. With your new boost and the price of gas now days, you may not want to dwell on the mpg... just enjoy! :up:

- JD

05-12-2004, 07:14 PM
Exactly what he said.^^^^^^^^ :)

05-12-2004, 07:15 PM
Or do what I do. I just shout at them, "Mileage? What kind of weenie are you? Who cares about mileage?'

It covers up my limitations from being an American Lit major.

the fat bastid
05-12-2004, 07:30 PM
i do mine down till the 'low fuel' light comes on.
that means you have about 4 gallons left.
in the city i get 240/15 (16mpg)

05-13-2004, 01:34 AM
I am afraid to see mine!!! So I just enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-13-2004, 04:17 AM
I am afraid to see mine!!! So I just enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm definately like what ^^^^^^^^^he says^^^^^^^^--for sure. :lol:

05-13-2004, 07:23 AM
Can anyone explain to me how to determine Miles Per Gallon on my car .People ask me "what do you average?"and i say i dunno , duh!!! Thank ya'll....


I just did an up and back trip to Aberdeen last Thursday. Started with a full tank. 209 miles/9.41 gallons to bring it to the top again. Works out to be about 22.2 mpg Bone Stock. Of course, that was mostly highway speeds in the 70-75 bracket and only a couple stop-and-go backups. Around town locally, I don't get anywhere near that -- probably 16-17 mpg because of getting on and off the gas so much.

Of course, I don't worry too much about mpg. When it is down, I fill it. I didn't expect the MM to be an economy car.

Next time someone asks just tell 'em that "you average about 40 mpg on the highway" or that "you don't know because you haven't had to fill it up since you bought it".

05-13-2004, 11:48 PM
I'm definately like what ^^^^^^^^^he says^^^^^^^^--for sure. :lol:

:up: :up: :up:

05-13-2004, 11:58 PM
I am getting 20 mpg in mixed driving.

I can't tell you about highway driving because I haven't taken a very long trip yet.

05-14-2004, 06:42 AM
My old Mercury normally gets about 8 in town, but if I use the A/C and the better half of the carbatooter I can get it down into the 6's.

I squeaked 17.8 mpg out of it one cool summer eve... filled it, drove 130 intersate miles with "economy vent" and cruise control, got off, filled it again. That won't happen twice. Oh, and it's got a 2.50 rear end.

Compared to that, my MM gets awesome fuel economy!!! It's all relative.

By the way... early 1980's gas prices adjusted for inflation would be $3.50/gallon... the stuff is still cheap! Burn it as fast as you can!

05-17-2004, 05:09 PM
I am afraid to see mine!!! So I just enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana:

05-17-2004, 05:21 PM
Incase it's of any concern to
those who've yet to modify their Marauder, I got 17 MPG (city) from the factory, 15 MPG w/the 4.10 gears, 13MPG w/the 4.56 gears, and now w/the 4.56's and the Supercharger, I'm getting 12MPG(mostly city).

05-20-2004, 03:07 PM
1. Fill up your tank and reset trip odometer
2. Drive until you completely run out of gas.
3. Flat tow car to gas station.
4. Fill up your tank again.
5. Divide number on odometer by number of gallons.


When someone asks me about mileage I just look at them and say, "Are you kidding?" :) When they ask me what do I do when prices go up I say that I try to make more money.

I guess that the mileage question is the right question but when asked of us it is for the wrong car.

05-20-2004, 03:12 PM
Another good answer....

"Well, if I drive it right I can usually keep it down below 15 city. If I ain't careful it might creep up to 16 city and 23 highway. When I notice that happening I figure I gotta be going too slow so I try to lower it again by the next fill up."

05-20-2004, 05:43 PM
If your getting good MPG then you ain't havin NO fun:):):):):)

05-20-2004, 06:28 PM
Well, I pretty much "punch it" ALL THE TIME..so I'd say like 2 M.P.G. :lol:

05-20-2004, 09:06 PM
Incase it's of any concern to
those who've yet to modify their Marauder, I got 17 MPG (city) from the factory, 15 MPG w/the 4.10 gears, 13MPG w/the 4.56 gears, and now w/the 4.56's and the Supercharger, I'm getting 12MPG(mostly city).

Holy cow, I need to go back to drivers-ed I'm getting around 12 mpg around town, must be my super strong calves. well it still beats the 8mpg in the '70

05-21-2004, 01:13 AM
Well Steve, I definately don'y baby my car. That's for sure. Infact, I have 12K on it, and my back tires are now bald. Maybe your poor gas mileage is due to the stock exhaust(assuming that a stock exhaust is what you have). Cuz I have headers, X-Pipe, hi-flow cats, and straight-thru Magnaflow mufflers on mine.

05-21-2004, 01:56 AM
If your getting good MPG then you ain't havin NO fun:):):):):)

What he said!!!!
:burnout: :burnout:

05-21-2004, 10:15 AM
[QUOTE=MarauderMark]Can anyone explain to me how to determine Miles Per Gallon on my car

IMO, what sucks about this is that Mercury left out the little info computer. The GM's with the digital dash have this, all the brain power is already there, and they have a trip computer that looks EXACTLY like our almost useless compass that's used in the Super Duty trucks. Wish there were an easy way to hook up one of those. Don't really need it, or trust it's accuracy for that matter, but I like gadgets!

05-21-2004, 10:52 AM
I have to admit that I really (REALLY!) miss the digital dash that was in my 93 CV. I do wish they had provided that as an MM option. MPG, dual trip odometers, and all dat stuff was quite useful.

05-21-2004, 07:14 PM
I am partial to the dial gauges myself. C'est la vie. (Hey, I am Montreal! I can try out a little French. :) )



05-23-2004, 06:49 PM
I like the analog gauges too. I want my car's dash to look like, uhmm, a car's! Not like a spaceship's nor like a computer screen.

05-23-2004, 07:52 PM
:d :D :D :D

05-23-2004, 08:00 PM
I like the analog gauges too. I want my car's dash to look like, uhmm, a car's! Not like a spaceship's nor like a computer screen.

C'mon man, get with the 80s! ;)

I used to hate digital gauges but after owning my GTA I gotta admit they grew on me. These seem to be fairly quick-responding and accurate, and being LCD they are much more visible than LED (ie. they reflect whatever sunlight is shining on them, so the more frontal light the better).

But I agree... the digital ones in the regular Grand Marquis are fairly tame looking.

Of course, wait until they fail on me, then ask me again if I still like 'em... :lol:


05-23-2004, 09:47 PM
Nope, nice pic, but I still like the analog ones. Just another reason for me to get the GT. :D